Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Louie Gohmert Proves That God Exists - YouTube

If I remember my philosophy correctly, I believe this is a "variant" the Kalam cosmological argument. So, for those of you that may follow the atheism/theism debates:
1] Everything that has a beginning of its existence has a cause of its existence;
2] The universe has a beginning of its existence;
3] The universe has a cause of its existence.
What I find a we bit ironic, the Kalam argument has origins in medieval Muslim thought most directly to Islamic theologians of the Sunni tradition. But yet Gohmert sees the "Muslim Brotherhood" in everything the President does, going so far as to say:
“Radical Islam is at war with us,” Gohmert said in an interview on Thursday with World Net Daily radio. “Thank God for the moderates that don’t approve of what’s being done. But this administration has so many Muslim Brotherhood members that have influence that they just are making wrong decisions for America.”
Would I be wrong in calling him a hypocrite?

So the dude in Nacogdoches most likely got his fine argument for God's existence, "you couldn't get everything unless there was something that was the creator of everything," from my favorite" Christian apologist and philosopher, William Lane Craig. And like any true religionist, Gohmert took Craig's apology for the faith at face value, "the equation that nobody plus nothing equals everything." Which BTW explains why I have been seeing this phrase in recent memes.

You see there are issues or criticisms, some from those of the philosophical bent (J. L. Mackie and Quentin Smith come to mind); most falling into the realm of physics, (Lawrence Krauss and Victor Stenger are two I'm familiar with).

Now I'm not going to try and refute Gohmert's use of the Kalam as I would probably make an ass of myself. But if your interested, listed below are some of the resources I have used in trying to understand Kalam in the past.
An argument/criticism from the Catholic perspective, "we argue that the proposed link between the “Kalām Cosmological Argument” (hereafter abbreviated KCA) and its putative support of any theistic account of the origin of the physical universe is a non-sequitur."

On the Kalam Cosmological Argument for God's Existence

Cosmological Argument

And Pakman's equation make much more sense than anything Gohmert had to say, "Gerrymandering + a broken campaign finance system = people like Louie Gohmert holding elected office int his country."

Louie Gohmert Proves That God Exists - YouTube

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