Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Alleged copper wire thief claims to be sovereign citizen |

A man who is accused of stealing thousands of dollars worth of copper wire claims to be a sovereign citizen and says the law doesn't apply to him.

Deputies said Marc Stanley, 43, tried to break into the building where the new East Coast Believers Church will sit at the corner of Aloma Avenue and Dean Road. But when he didn't get into the building, investigators said he targeted the light poles in the parking lot instead.

The Seminole County Sheriff's Office said the theft could have been much worse if Stanley had made his way into the 50,000-square-foot building late Friday night.

Stanley is facing 43 charges after the Sheriff's Office said he stripped the copper wire from every light pole in the church's future parking lot.

According to Stanley's arrest report, he told the deputy who arrested him that he is a sovereign citizen and that "legalese did not apply to him."

Alleged copper wire thief claims to be sovereign citizen |

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