Thursday, July 17, 2014

Republicans are Trying to Mix the Ideologies of Jesus Christ with an Atheist and That Doesn't Make Any Sense

An older OP from Allen Clifton over at Forward Progressives. Food for thought with the 2014 election cycle upon us,,,
It’s amazing to me how few conservatives know who Ayn Rand is. Especially considering that she’s quite possibly the most influential person behind most of the Republican party’s economic ideologies.

She was a person who spoke out against social programs, believed that people should only worry about themselves, opposed big government and worshiped at the “glory” that is unregulated capitalism. In other words, she’s the epitome of what most Republicans support economically.

There’s just one problem – Ayn Rand was an atheist. Not that there’s any problem at all with being an atheist (more power to you) but there is a big problem with a political party that builds its social platform on “Christian” values while basing its economic ideology on that of someone who didn’t believe in God.

You can’t logically say that you want to be the party of “Christian values” while basing a large part of your platform on the beliefs of a woman who thought people who believed in religion were ignorant and foolish.

It doesn’t make any sense.
Republicans are Trying to Mix the Ideologies of Jesus Christ with an Atheist and That Doesn't Make Any Sense

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