As I begin this series of posts, my focus is going to be some of the asinine claims Jillian makes in her second book The Jilly Juice Protocol. As I find them, I may throw a few contradictions between her book and what she states on FB and FB Live videos. I'm currently only half through her book, and have about 10 claims, so not sure if I will do them all; but I will note them.
My approach to this is strictly as a layman, an important point to remember. I work in food-service, never graduated from college, but I have a good understanding of basic science. Something Jillian lacks or totally ignores. If I don't understand, I ask. I am lucky to have many friends in the field of medicine, as well as chemistry.
Pages 7 & 16
As much as I wanted to avoid science-y stuff, we are going to address Candida. Epperly states (basis for such is in Exposing the Lies), “Candida has been weaponized with virus microbes fostering an immunocompromised body allowing parasites and other bacteria to foster.” (7) Further along she adds, “Candida is yeast overfed and when it starts to overcome the body, it’s also known as cancer. Candida is a fungus with virus microbes introduced via vaccines and the environment working together symbiotically to destroy parts of the body it was programmed to obliterate.” (16) She believes that lactobacillus is Candida’s mortal enemy. Hence, her cabbage slop drink.
Her CLAIM:: “There is a direct association with my protocol to perfect health” (7) IOWs her slop, of a questionable nature, is the panacea we have all been missing. My response to such a claim(s), actually three claims, where's the data showing her highly salted goop is said cure-all. Personal experiences is not data, it's anecdotal at best.
I'm not going to specifically address Epperly's individual claims concerning Candida. What I am going to try and address is the underlying premise that Candida causes or is cancer. (Keep in mind during this discussion that “cancer” is not one encompassing diagnosis, but over 100 differing types with different etiologies.)
As Steve Novella notes,
Savvy consumers have learned over the years that the primary goal of marketing is to create demand for a product or service. This has risen to the point of inventing problems that do not really exist just to sell a product that addresses the fake problem. Who knew that my social status could be destroyed by spotty glassware?
This is exactly what Epperly and others are doing, creating a nonexistent problem (Candida overgrowth) and offering the solution – Jilly Juice+her restrictive diet.
Better yet, if you can make people worry about a nonexistent problem, something that they were not previously aware of and don’t understand, they might buy your solution just to relieve their worry.
In general, chronic candidiasis (Candida albicans) is a fungus that lives on and around the human body. They're usually harmless, but if your immune system is compromised, such as by cancer or cancer-treatments, the fungus can invade the body. There are many papers that show higher rates of Candida infections in cancer patients; the fungal infection is correlated with cancer, but is not the cause. But note that pretty much all humans have Candida on them! The most common manifestations are thrush (a superficial Candida infection in the mouth) and vaginitis, also commonly referred to as a yeast infection.
Fake candidiasis is the idea that some people have a chronic yeast infection through large parts of the body. Not in a skin fold, or the inside of the mouth, or the genitals, but actually inside the body, like sepsis. This can't happen unless your immune system is nearly comatose, and if your immune system is that bad, wandering around in public for a few hours would probably kill you.
To borrow again from Novella,
Candida became the focus of a fake illness beginning in 1986 with the publication of The Yeast Connection by Dr. William Crook. In this book Crook proposed the idea that systemic candidiasis, or Candida hypersensitivity, was responsible for a host of common conditions and non-specific symptoms, such as fatigue, sexual dysfunction, asthma, and psoriasis.
Over 25 years later Candida hypersensitivity remains an unproven claim, but popular among “alternative” practitioners.
While there is precious little in the published literature about Candida hypersensitivity, the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology did review the claims and evidence and concluded:
1. The concept is speculative and unproven.I could only find a single double-blind placebo controlled trial of treatment for Candida hypersensitivity, which found:
2. Elements of the proposed treatment program are potentially dangerous.
In women with presumed candidiasis hypersensitivity syndrome, nystatin does not reduce systemic or psychological symptoms significantly more than placebo. Consequently, the empirical recommendation of long-term nystatin therapy for such women appears to be unwarranted.
Dr. Crook himself conducted no research to demonstrate the claims he made in his popular book. He essentially bypassed research, peer review, and scientific consensus and went straight to public promotion. (Sound familiar!!)Note:: Crook got his ideas from an earlier book The Missing Diagnosis (83) by C. Orian Truss.
Just to be clear, this notion of Candida causing cancer, or is cancer, is not ”new”. The premise of Epperly's thesis is NOT original. What is delusion, “Candida has been weaponized with virus microbes fostering an immunocompromised body allowing parasites and other bacteria to foster.” What is delusional, stating that Candida is cancer.
WTF does that even mean? A virus is a microbe,,,fostering,,,huh?
I asked some friends their opinion. The first works or is studying (can't remember) in the bio-medical field. The second friend, tracks conspiracy theories and their proponents. (Both responses edited for clarity.)
Epperly is a con-nutter extraordinaire.Fungi can be infected by what is called mycophages (literally Latin for fungi virus). But can they be weaponized... nope! Simply put, they are adapted to live within fungi and not mammalian cell types. Also “parasites and other bacteria”?? Umm parasites are not bacteria. They are far more complex and well just different.
If someone has a fungal infection, you would know!
The reality is it would be FAR more easier to weaponize the flu virus but her devolved mind thinks that Candida has been weaponized to weaken the immune system. I don’t think you would need to have a deep scientific understand to say HIV would be the virus of choice.
She’s crazy and honestly has no clue what she’s talking about.
Anyways, back to Candidis,,,She believes in conspiracy theories, so the "weaponized" might means an intentional GMO-type of deal. Get everyone sick so you make money trying to get them healed, which is why the allopathic and alt-healers are paying trolls to cause her trouble.
She will put them out of business, because only she, in all the ages of man, has figured out the salt-cabbage swill cures 100% of everything. Except fixing eyeball musculature, and stopping the formation of milia.
If you look into some of her videos (I admit to getting so frustrated I can hardly make it through) she talks about chem-trails, which is something I have debunked for over 10 years. The theory behind those is that the Dread and Unknowable Them™ have been using airplanes to seed our sky with just about anything you can imagine for just about every reason. None of it makes a lick of sense, and it's easily shown to be nonsense, yet the believers continue to believe.
For JMTE, it would be a short hop to believing that somehow, some time, some one, spread viruses to make people sick. Because she believes candida is the major contributor to everything wrong with the human body; somehow contaminating it with malice fits her model of human illness/disease/malady.
From a more cynical view, it also opens up a new market for her swill. There are already many detoxes available for "chem-trail flu." They are expensive, her swill is cheap, which means more money for tin foil for hats. It's always been a mystery just WHAT she means by the title. It makes no sense. But no one questions her or the question is removed and the questioner banned. (Edited for flow of reading.)
Vaginal candidiasis is very real. So is oral thrush, thrush on the nipples of nursing women, and thrush in various skin folds or in the stomachs of very young babies. The symptoms are quite distinctive, and there are visible signs and lab tests to confirm it. Most of the time, it resolves with treatment, but some women develop recurring infections. (As a diabetic, I am prone to infection if my sugar is out of control.)
What is not real, cancer cells are fungal in origin (cancer cells are not fungal, cancer isn’t always white, the color of fungus is not all white – go look at some mushrooms in a forest.)
Proponents of this theory say that cancer is caused by infection by Candida, and that tumors are actually the body’s attempt at protecting itself from this infection. But there’s no evidence to show that this is true and plenty of evidence that it starts from in our own cells. (One, assumption I am making, Epperly believes the same or similar, which is dangerous considering how she bastardizes everything she touches.)
Speaking of bastardizing, I really liked this explanation from a Metabunk forum that gives a general understanding of cancer.
There is no easy why to describe what cancer is as; as I noted, there are 100+ types. In general, DNA becomes damaged through mistakes made during replication or exposure to carcinogens or mutagens. Some damage persists and if the gene is a tumor suppressor gene, that cell takes a step closer to becoming cancerous. When enough of the right damage accumulates over time, we get cancer.IOWs, the idea that “cancer is a fungus” is incompatible with a large body of scientific knowledge about the causes of cancer and the molecular changes that distinguish cancer cells from normal ones. Believing this myth not only implies an ignorance of biology and medical science, but even more troubling, rejection all information from reputable sources.
Much of the complexity of cancer can be described from the simple fact that this genetic damage that accumulates over time is random. This randomness makes every cancer different. Most of the time, getting cancer is not as simple as damaging one or two tumor suppressor genes and it does not happen overnight. Cancers have many mutations in many genes gathered over many years. The nature of these mutations can influence the aggressiveness of cancer and its susceptibility to treatment.
To make things even more difficult, mutations continue to arise at a faster rate in cancer cells, so a single tumor could harbor cells with many different combinations of mutations. This is one major reason why so many patients relapse into cancer after what looked like a successful remission.
Considering how cancer develops, it is easy to see how many alternative treatments won't work. Even cancer treatments that do work won't yield the same results on every kind of cancer or even every case of one particular cancer. In fact, designing a treatment that works has arguably been the biggest challenge ever in medicine, even back to the first medical records we have of cancer ever written in ancient Egypt. The complexities of cancer and difficulties involved in treating it makes it reasonable to say we may never cure every cancer. The knowledge accumulated in the past century, however, has led to incredible progress in treating and preventing cancer. (Internal URLs removed)
As mentioned on BTTP, that rejection of information is what makes Jillian and her minions a cult. Only Jillian has the truth (#1 on Boze Herrington's scale) and that truth is gospel. Relying on Epperly's ideas and slop to treat both alleged Candida overgrowth or cancer at best will lead to further discomfort (Candida) or death (cancer). Why risk it!
As I stated in the beginning, I wasn't going to get too overly science-y. Makes for a very long posts and this series is going to be long enough. Embedded in her first claim is the notion that lactobacillus is Candida’s mortal enemy We will take a look at that next post but first I have an addendum to previous information to address concerning the dangers of the high salt intake she suggests.
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