Sunday, October 28, 2018

So you say you make no claims in your book,,, I beg to differ (Pt 2)

So for part two, we will start out with something simple before getting into the deep shit. I mean how hard can it be to be consistent with your own instructions concerning your slop recipe? In Jillian's case, impossible. To dilute, or not to dilute; that is the question.

Before we continue, I need to remind you a single teaspoon of salt contains 2,300mg of sodium. There are 3 teaspoons per tablespoon. A gallon contains 16 cups, recipe contains 8 tablespoons of salt and 55,200mg of sodium. Considering the damaging effect sodium has on the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs, excess sodium consumption can lead to dehydration, high blood pressure, heart failure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, kidney disease, headaches, puffiness, bloating, enlarged heart tissue, stroke, and other medical conditions. 

That brings us to a little blurp of wisdom, one that I am baffled about. “Purging is the constant waterfalls of poop coming out of your behind after you drink my recipe quickly in a short amount of time.” Her claim, that “waterfalls” is not diarrhea.

I want you to think about that. Think about the last time you were sick on the toilet, shitting out your guts. Now imagine intentionally “causing” that to happen multiple times a week.

Since my strokes my GI tract doesn't quite work the way it used to. It's very slow to do its thing. To be blunt I don't poop like most “normal” people. I get backed-up like a clogged pipe (not constipation, just slow digestion, absorption, and defecation) and then every 10-14 days all hell breaks loose – literally. It is not a pleasant feeling; it's not refreshing. It's 4-6 hours of hell and I literally sleep on the ceramic goddess as I have very little control – and yes I have shit my pants, thankfully not in public. (Bear in mind I have a one room efficiency apt.) Depending on when my distress initiates and ends, I may miss work because the loss of fluid is exhausting and all I want to do is sleep.

Now in my capacity of arm-chair psychologist, I'm fairly certain the Epperly and some minions are bulimic. Eat and purge seems to be the norm, even considering her restrictive diet. And to be clear I am not making light of eating disorders, they are a horrible thing to overcome. But Epperly appears to relish in the fact that she can manipulate others by attaching all sorts of woo and encourage this behavior; not overcome. IMO she makes a joke at other's expense.

But back to her claim,,,

The basics:: Epperly thinks (video) that somehow the body retains all the nutrients allegedly in her slop and just flushes out the water laced with all manner of nasties – toxic sludge as she puts it - whereas diarrhea is a reactive mechanism to bacteria. 

In her book, she states on page 19, never to use laxatives and pick the poop out if constipated. “Depending on your situation this may involve increasing the juice to bring on ‘waterfalls’, using the juice for an enema, or even choosing to pick out the poop. You should never resort to laxatives.”

Further along she claims her protocol is not a detox.

OK, we'll call it a salt purge.

Now, consider her list of alleged “healing symptoms.

She then dispenses additional medical advice on how to treat various “healing symptoms” with more JJ.

 “We’ve already established the fact that the “waterfalls” are perfectly healthy because we’re working within a very different context. So, with that said, it is optimal that you get waterfalls at least once, twice or three times a week to clear out your system while getting in the nutrients in the most expeditious way possible. Not only are you going to get the nutrients in your body as fast as possible but you’re also going to be purging out what doesn’t belong as fast as possible and that is going to be all the toxic waste in your body that’s in your colon and intestines. You will be purging out the parasites, the fungus and the virus microbes that are creating your inflammation and you’ll be dealing with healing symptoms relative to how aggressive you are.”

Bear in mind Epperly does not consider “waterfalls” and explosive diarrhea to be the same thing. Like Kerry Rivera of MMS fame, Epperly equates the purging to the Herxheimer effect. The symptoms of salt poisoning are consider healing, ie Herxheimer, IOWs the riding the body of parasites (which there is no evidence of) and “mutations”.
A reaction to endotoxin-like products released by the death of harmful microorganisms within the body during antibiotic treatment. Efficacious antimicrobial therapy results in lysis (destruction) of bacterial cell membranes, and in the consequent release into the bloodstream of bacterial toxins, resulting in a systemic inflammatory response.
A note of caution, the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is a real phenomenon in conventional antimicrobial treatment. It is generally not life threatening whereas Epperly's healing symptoms are. Google Herxheimer and all sorts of woo appears in relation to alt-med.

This next piece of saladese is just packed with bullshit. I am not going address the addition of fluoride to the water supply. As with most con-nutters the genesis of their aversion to fluoride begins here and carries forth into all sorts of medical woo-fuckery

But to unpack Epperly's claim, one most realize she is again re-defining words to suit her needs. “[F]luoride to chlorine to lithium and heavy metals” are not pathogens. “[C]hloramines” and “ammonia” are not pathogens. 

Knowing what a pathogen is, is basic science. This is not some hidden dark secret of BigSci or BigChemistry.

All types of water will be ok if you drink it straight without it being filtered. Even if you used pond water, I would assume all the pathogens and microorganisms in the pond water would die in the recipe, however you can boil the water first, and I would assume that my recipe will kill all the bad bacteria and parasites since the recipe kills human parasites and fungus in the body.”

Two points, 
ONE:: “FFS add salt to pond water? Now why didn't we think of that before? We don't need to build fresh water wells in the third world just send them some Pink Himalayan salt to add to their bacteria infested streams.”

Two:: if Epperly's slop is strong enough to kill the bad bacteria and parasites, what's it doing to the rest of the body. Like JimHumble's claim that MMS is selective,
While CD does kill the bad stuff on surfaces (like animal guts at a slaughter house) or purify water (as in a treatment plant), there is a catch.  CD CAN NOT distinguish between your cells and the bad shit (eg. the parasites "they" so desperately want to get rid of.)  It kills what ever it hits first by grabbing electrons (oxidation) whether it be in the mouth, throat, stomach or intestines.
To round out the similarities in bullshit, this is what Humble states in regards to shitting your brains out, “If you notice diarrhea or even vomiting that is not a bad sign. The body is simply throwing off poisons and cleaning itself out. Everyone says that they feel much better after the diarrhea,,,.  It is not real diarrhea as the body is just cleaning out,,, (The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, 36)

In the grand scheme of things, this point of contradiction is minor. But it is funny how quickly Jillian's tune changes when faced with criticism. In here grand epic of a book, Jillian states,

She has reiterated that notion numerous time on FB UNTIL she faces backlash for some stupid statement, then its kraut or liquefied kraut

So that brings us partly through chapter 5 some of which I have covered else where, like mold vs Kahm yeast. It's in this section that she makes some rather odd claims. My favorite, which we will tackle in the next posting - the origination of this bizarre notion.


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