follow a healthy diet you get nutrients. When you have explosive
diarrhoea, waterfalls or whatever she likes to call them it is
explosive diarrhoea you lose all nutrients. So basically she
contradicts herself in everything she says and doesn’t even
understand what she says.”
~A friend
WARNING:: Welcome to chapter 6, please make sure you are sitting with your feet firmly planted on the ground. It is suggested that any loose objects that can be thrown are removed from your vicinity for your protection as well as others. It is also very strongly suggested that you DO NOT follow any advice given in this chapter, make that the entire book, if you prefer to see your next birthday!!
“Uniformity creates
consistency”. If your a manufacturing process, that is very true.
Uniformity in diet, what you eat, can be very boring. That does not
mean we should make bad food choices, but variation is good.
“Please do not question
too much about the diet and the protocol because it’s there for a
reason,,,” Typical alleged diet guru speak for only my diet
(protocol) works. As I have stated in regards to the “alkali diet”
BS, balanced plant based diets that eliminate processed
foods, restrict carbs and fatty protein intake, will benefit most
eaters. An overly restrictive diet lacking in protein, such as
Jillian's' are bound to failure.
“We have lived in the
Tower of Babel with all their different ideas of diets for such a
long time. Now, we have just one diet and just one juice.”
Probably the only statement of Jillian's I agree with (minus the TOB
reference). Although we still have many diets and juices.
“Take away the food in
this diet that doesn’t work for you physically, spiritually and
ethically, but please do not add to it.” You also state on page 15
that the inclusion of chicken is optional as well as this statement
on page 16, “I have to factor in all cross sections of people with
religious preferences, diet preferences, food allergies and even
picky eaters. It almost doesn’t matter what a person eats, so as
long as they are taking in massive amounts of my recipe,,,”.
But yet in recent FB postings you castigated a minion and anyone who advocates for a plant based diet. WTF do you think your diet is Jillian? The only animal product on you diet is chicken and eggs. That's it!!
But yet in recent FB postings you castigated a minion and anyone who advocates for a plant based diet. WTF do you think your diet is Jillian? The only animal product on you diet is chicken and eggs. That's it!!
Oh wait, I spoke too soon.
Seems Jillian has made other exceptions in her book as she realizes
not all people desire to be vegan or vegetarian. So what exactly are
you promoting Jillian? It sounds to me as you would prefer those on
your protocol to be vegan or vegetarian. As our above critic states,
“So basically she
contradicts herself in everything she says,,,”.
As Inoted in the last post, Jillian is against the ingestion of sugar. Unless it's fruit. Which
she justifies,
you're purging it all out!!
I am
beginning to think that Jillian has no clue what fermenting is or how
fermenting works.
all fermented foods are created alike. When you ferment fruit as well
as using sugar to ferment you are actually creating more food for the
Candida,,,” Uhm,,, what exactly do you think you are doing when
you make (alleged) fermented cabbage juice?
you are lacto-fermenting or doing alcoholic fermentation both are
converting sugars. Alcoholic or ethanol fermentation is the process
in which the sugars glucose, fructose and sucrose in food is
converted to energy. Lactic fermentation is a similar process in
which sugars are converted to energy. Lactic fermentation, however,
can be more widely used when preserving foods. (FYI:: In total
there are five type of fermentation with lacto-fermenting broken
further down too what some call “wild” or “natural” vs a
“starter ferment”. For our purposes we are only concerned with
next little bit I only include because it highlights how fucking
stupid Epperly is. She states, “The fermentation industry plays
down the dangers of nematodes in your vinegar by not calling them
parasitic, however, they must discard any batches that are infested
with nematodes
Since we know the role that parasites have in the degradation of our
bodies, why would nematodes be safe?”
I traveled to the cited website, this is what is stated,
the difference,:: “vinegar eels” are not parasites, it is only
“raw (unpasteurized) vinegar” that is of concern, the “FDA
says” not the “fermentation industry”, a natural part of
vinegar making process, and only retail product must be discarded.
The exact opposite of what Epperly implies.
Your own source doesn't agree with you!!
Your own source doesn't agree with you!!
of ethanol: Ethanol is dangerous because it is a highly flammable
liquid that can be poisonous with skin contact or ingestion in its
pure forms.
be why the very last line states, “It
is also important to consume alcoholic beverages in a responsible
with Vinegar: Despite its popularity as a holistic cure, vinegar is a
liquid consisting of about 5–20% acetic acid . The acid is produced
by the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria.
the problem is? Vinegar has been in use for at least 6000 yrs, and
its use is mentioned in the Bible.
is again contradicting herself. You cannot consume salt, at the
level she demands, while ignoring the concerns of over-consumption.
But yet criticize the use of ethanol and vinegar, based in the same
rationale. IOWs you reject what science tells us about salt
consumption, but accept science in regards to ethanol and vinegar.
It's as if you have a personal dislike of any product that could be
seen as a competitor to the swill you peddle.
look,,, three sections later Epperly again trashes other alt-med, “I
tell people not to take any other detox programs or supplements,
pills, powders and shakes with my protocol,,, Herbs/Spices used in
trendy detoxes and diets this day and age are reactive measures that
only work from an antibiotic standpoint. Bentonite Clay, Chemotherapy
and Diatomaceous Earth are all known as antibiotics. Cannabis oil and
all other essential oils are also antibiotic and anti-life. Articles
circulating in books and on the internet and television,,,,”
on page 28, we have dangerously stupid health advice, and unsupported
Epinephrineis not a steroid.
With a chemical formula of C9H13NO3, it has the IUPAC nomenclature of
4-[(1R)-1-hydroxy-2 (methylamino)ethyl]benzene-1,2-diol. This gives
it the identity of a catecholamine that refers to a side chain of
amine present in the catechol structure. This
categorises it to a non-steroidal compound. Epinephrine acts as a
hormone as well as a neurotransmitter,,, It
is a catecholamine that is derived from the amino acids phenylalanine
and tyrosine. Apart from acting as a vasoconstrictor and relaxer for
muscles, it also increases the blood sugar level by elevating the
process of hydrolysis of glycogen into glucose in the liver and has a
suppressive effect on the immune system.
A “histamine reaction”, as you call it, is an allergic reaction
you fucking dolt.
Many allergic reactions are mild. They can be confined to a small
area of the body, or they may affect the entire body. Anaphylaxis is
a sudden and severe allergic reaction that occurs within minutes of
exposure. If you have ever had an allergic rash over your entire
body, while not life threatening, it is quite disconcerting.
“When a person has a histamine reaction during the protocol, we’re
now at changing the context of that to a healing symptom, because the
body is going to repair itself and purge out what doesn’t belong.
This in essence will stop the histamine reactions in the future.”
Just fucking NO!! You are not changing the context, it is not a “healing symptom”. It's a fucking allergic reaction. While not as severe as anaphylaxis, you are putting the lives of those that follow your advice at risk!!
Just fucking NO!! You are not changing the context, it is not a “healing symptom”. It's a fucking allergic reaction. While not as severe as anaphylaxis, you are putting the lives of those that follow your advice at risk!!
Epperly doesn't make any outright claims per se but there is much misinformation present in the chapter. Up
next, chapter 7, you to have the “potential” or “eventuality”
of growing a new organ to replace your transplant or missing organ.
“As far as rods, pins, and tooth implants bonded to the bone,
eventually those pieces of metal will either find a way to exit the
system once the bones heal or the tooth starts growing in at the root
gets worse,,, sigh!
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