Friday, November 2, 2018

Unlimited means caveats apply


In other words, according to Jillian, she can and will limit what questions she will answer,

"I do reserve the right to pick and choose who I think should continue and that means the support because lifetime support means that you have to support me in this too it's not just about you."

That's not quite how it works, especially if one has to purchase a product or pay a fee ($30) to gain access to being able to "ask unlimited questions and get support."  If you can't take the heat of being a cult leader, of being accessible to your minions, get the fuck off Facebook

You see when one publishes a book making the claims you do, and you do make claims and assertions in your book as well as during you FB Live videos (coming soon). Then you publicize said information (via your website and Facebook), people are going to have questions.  All kinds of questions, it comes with the territory.  You do not get to change the rules of engagement mid-stream, with no notice of said policy update, before implementation.  Not unless your attempting to manipulate and alienate your minions intentionally.

Do you think JK Rowling or Stephen King would be where they are today if they ignored their fans?

I would also ask Jillian,,,

If your protocol and "knowledge" is so special and life altering, "the answer for humanity" (TJJP, p5), why do you not welcome dialogue?  Why limit access to yourself? To be clear, having personal time away from your business, is not what I am referring to.  As much as I loathe offering a suggestions, maybe set up specific times you are available.  Or maybe separate your personal life from "professional" and set up a  business page.

Oh that's right you loathe to support "the man" and would rather play the martyr bitching that people are pestering you and your lieutenants.

To use a very worn out phrase, if you can't stand the heat get the fuck outta the kitchen!

You ask your readers to have an open mind, ",,,leave everything that you’ve learned so far behind you for now. Put that info that you think is real in a box somewhere because most of it is false and you will soon realize this: 'Every symptom you have can be reversed…because we are using a different context other than the Matrix. It’s time to step out of the Matrix.'"  But yet, you tolerate no criticism.

Nowhere in your book The Jilly Juice Protocol, do you state you want to help humanity.  You want people to adopt your ways, based on your say so.  You offer no compromise or acknowledgement that you may be in err,,, that's not how things work!

If you don't want the attention of leading a poop cult, why are you on Facebook?  Why did you publish your garbage advice?

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