Sunday, September 22, 2019

I dare you to ask this of Jillian

So the other day I was involved in a discussion with a currently banished  minion of Jillian "the poop cult" Epperly. To say that I wasn't fascinated, would be a lie.  But after some reflection, I realized I was hoping I (and others involved in the discussion), were able to plant some seeds of doubt.

One has to keep in mind, Jillian's targets for manipulation, are victims .  While her minions may be under-educated and, like Jillian, hold some wacky views, they are still victims of her cultic manipulations.  Who this person is and where this discussion took place is not relevant, so I will be hiding both.

Not that I think any of my readers would harass this woman, the fact she ended up where she did, to post her views is a good thing.  Yes, it was one of the anti Jillian pages. And while she may have done what she did to try and get back into Jillian's good graces, it is also possible she has questions forming in her mind that make no sense.  It is the later I want to foster.

For some background, this was in response to a post highlighting the predatory practices many of us feel Jillian utilizes when setting up a mark.

Three points the discussion tried to focus in on:

1] She claims to be doing the protocol for 1 year and 7 months
2] I have bloodwork proving the techniques actually work
3]. it’s unfortunate that she figured it out because if someone more eloquent did it would be much more popular

You are not doing the protocol as prescribed by Jillian
A point I bring to bear in the discussion.
Remember, on numerous occasions, Jillian has stated she wants people consuming a gallon per day.  In her book, page 13, she states, "I would like people to start with 2 cups a day doubling it every 5 days or sooner, relative to how well you manage your healing symptoms, all the way up to a gallon a day, if not more relative to how sick you are, and what you can tolerate. Go slow, if you need to." (PS A gallon of her slop contains 47,344 mgs of salt.)
While not a main point of contention in this discussion, you make this statement, "And I don’t do vitamins or detox’s or antibiotics that much and I do the juice and it works."

Two problems, you state you take no antibiotics.  But yet by Jillian's own statements JJ is an antibiotic. If, as Jillian claims, one needs the "right elements to go after those pathogenic bacteria" (
an organism capable of causing disease in its host) and she consider JJ to be those "right elements", then by definition JJ is an antibiotic.
Second problem, "And I don’t do,,, detox’s,,,".  What exactly do you think JJ is?  It is a a salt water purge with added fiber.  A laxative. In fact Jillian even claims such, it was the draw of lacto-fermentation.
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Which BTW brings us to point two: "I have bloodwork proving the techniques actually work."

Without any context the results of your blood-work is meaningless as was noted by a fellow comment.

Despite your protestations of using the JJ protocol,  

you can not, by your own admission of only consuming 2-4 cups/day and no longer following Jillian's diet, make that claim.  The weight lose alone, and restrictive diet, would effect your cholesterol numbers.  It demonstrates nothing.

I should also note that you mention ceasing to consume onion and garlic.

  Why? Because Jillian states it is bad, that it is a "heavy metal".  

You do realize that the chemical make-up of garlic, specifically, has the EXACT same chemical elements present in Pink Himalayan Salt.
Further along in the discussion you state, "I’d be happy to show you my blood work and also my sodium levels were perfectly normal too,,, no doctor was able to help us with both mainstream and holistic."
Depending on what test is being used, sodium levels in blood doesn't tell us much.  Nor do we know what you mean by "normal".  Depending on the test utilized a low normal sodium reading may not be a good thing and can be indicative of the beginning of kidney failure.

Also, you do realize, that by definition, Jillian is part of the "holistic" world.  Jillian is a holistic practitioner!
So, out of curiosity, I popped this question.

Referring to the blog post I made the other day. I never got an answer. Nor did I get an answer as to why Jillian misrepresents the paper attached the this claim.  Do you not do your own reading?  Or are you like a parishioner that laps at the tit of your guru?

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I really do not know what you were doing by coming to an anti-Jillian page.  Part of me hopes it was because you were  or are questioning some of the claims Jillian makes.  That may be wishful thinking on my part - but I hope!

Anyways, contrary to your claim that I, and others, hate Jillian. Or that we were throwing you under the bus, nothing could be further from the truth.  While I can only speak for myself, it is not a matter of hate.

To put it bluntly, I pity Jillian.  She is obviously mentally ill, has some type of disordered eating, and is a lonely woman who sits in her basement 8-12 hrs a day.  Some days she spends those 8-12 hrs talking to her computer for all the world to see and  hear.

She babbles incessantly about topics she has no understanding of, calling herself a Google scientist.  A Google scientist that doesn't know that viruses are not the same thing as antibodies.

Or, this is a whopper, did you fall for this?  Thinking your great guru knows everything.
While she has some sort of social life, she cant spend the time with friends like typical people.  She makes a FBLive video on August 17th while visiting said friends.  (Video since deleted)
As for you Jillian minion, we are not laughing at you. We are concerned. It matters not who "discovered" JJ as there is no science to back her claims. There is not one paper that states that the consumption of 13800 mgs - 27600 mgs of salt (what you say you consume every other day) is safe.

Jillian states she (or someone) had their JJ tested, containing 13 million CFUs of LAB.. Her test does not state which species or strain of bacteria is present. She has no clue what her JJ contains. The standard daily dose of actual probiotic is 10-13 billion CFUs.

You are taking the word of a know nothing, con woman who gets off on hearing your stories concerning defecation.

If you want the madness to stop, I dare you to ask this of Jillian.


  1. Very good. I hope the right people read it.

    1. Not to nit pick honey, LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! but towards the end you put a "no nothing con woman" it should actually be "know nothing" but this is really freaking great work!! I just found this blog today & can't wait to read more!!!
