OK so WOW,,,I shouldn't be surprised BUT,,,
In her first video from 7AM Jillian states that too much lactic acid CAUSES stroke;
You CANNOT make a leap from stated correlation,
"The study showed a positive correlation between high concentrations of lactic acid and severe clinical condition of patients." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/11107572/YTo,
"Why too much lactic acid in the brain leads to strokes and why Jilly Juice saved the lady on dr. phil" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/11107572/
You have no fucking clue what the paper states (and neither do I) as it is written in Polish. The abstract clearly states, "correlative effects" NOT "causative"
The second study you cite (abstract) states this, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/1392243/
The inverse relationship between lactate level and cerebral blood flow suggests that lactate plays no substantial role in the vasodilatation underlying the hyperemia that follows reperfusion. The amount of lactate present in the acute phase reflects the severity of ischemia in the affected region. The lactate level was still above normal in the subacute phase with hyperemia, suggesting lactate production through aerobic glycolysis. Thus, the lactate level in the subacute phase probably does not reflect the degree of anaerobic glycolysis in hypoxic neuronal tissue.There is NO causal link between lactic acid and ischemic stroke presented. The abstract notes that presence of LA was observed after the event, not the cause.
Why must you lie about the results presented when they are so easily fact checked? You expect to be taken seriously but you fucking lie. That is not how science works Jillian!!
The rest of your video is worthless and so is everything you have stated before and after this point. No individual should take a word you say seriously as you are a fucking know nothing fraud
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