1] What recipe did you use? And are you consuming the prescribed gallon per day with approximate 8 TBSP of PHS?
2] Can you tell me how you are sure your cabbage or kale juice has fermented properly as salinity is a very important factor?
A higher salinity makes the fermentation slower, while an insufficient salinity makes it unsafe. Higher temperatures require a higher salinity.[To prevent mold] The fermentation should be done at 16-22 C [60-71 F]. The best temperature is 18-20 C [64-68 F]. A cabbage fermented at a lower temperature has a better fragrance. The best known microorganisms involved in the process include Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactobacterium brevis, Streptococcus faecalis, Pediococcus cerevisiae and Lactobacterium plantarum. (Internal URLs removed.)3] What strains of lactobacillus are present in your drink and what are the resultant CFUs?
In order to claim the alleged benefits of being a probiotic, there are a few steps that must be accomplished. Two specific points standout.
must have undergone controlled evaluation to document health benefits
in the target host.
IOWs testimonials dont cut it. Point blank, only products that
contain live organisms shown in reproducible
human studies to
confer a health benefit can actually claim to be probiotic.
to Jillian's ill-informed opinion it does matter as to strain and species.
The probiotic
candidate must be a taxonomically defined microbe or combination of
microbes (genus, species, and strain).
It is consensous that most
effects of probiotics are strain-specific and cannot
be extended to other probiotics of the same genus or species.
5] Why would anyone even consider ingesting that amount of salt when Jillian can not provide one piece of evidence suggesting efficacy? I suggest you read about prior probability as an explanation as to why critics of JJ will not consider "trying it".
"Prior Probability is basically just the plausibility of a result, given everything else we know about the universe. In other words, when evaluating a hypothesis or a study, you should weight your confidence in the result not only on the characteristics of the study in question, but also on how likely it is that a given result is true given our prior knowledge."
IOWs according to every major medical organization and the RDA, the consumption of more than 2300mgs of NaCl is consider dangerous if not deadly.
6] Please enlighten me and my readers as to what is so difficult to understand about a salt purge
and the ensuing explosive diarrhea it causes.
You see Jillian suffers from what I call the Kerri Rivera Effect. Like Rivera she ignores the significance of the Herxheimer effect. The symptoms of salt poisoning are consider healing, ie Herxheimer. IOWs ridding the body of parasites and candida (which there is no evidence of) and “mutations” (kiss your gay goodbye).
7] Please explain the bio-medical pathways that JJ utilizes to offer "reversal" of divergent ailments with differing etiologies and prognoses. How does it work?
8] "Western medicine" is not based in case studies. You are confusing "case reports" (the anecdotes you refer to) with "case controlled studies,"
Case-control studies are also observational, and they work somewhat backwards from how we typically think of experiments. They start with the outcome, then try to figure out what caused it. Typically, this is done by having two groups: a group with the outcome of interest, and a group without the outcome of interest (i.e., the control group). Then, they look at the frequency of some potential cause within each group.Please explain how what is self-reported (testimonials) is not from placebo effects, total coincidences, regression to the mean, other medications, etc..
You can convince me (and my readers) of anything if you have sufficient evidence - multiple independent studies that used large sample sizes, adequate controls, and rigorous analyses. If you can show me a consistent body of scientific evidence demonstrating that drinking JJ is safe and effective, I’ll accept it.
NOTE:: To be clear, I am not arguing that the existence of anecdotes is evidence that something doesn’t work (that would be a fallacy fallacy) .
Yes anecdotes do have value because they indicate that something may be worth studying.
I do hope to receive your response soon. You may utilize my comment section or if you prefer you can ping me on FB for my email. I will post un-edited your responses.
Beth A Hambridge
So this is how Jillian and her minion(s) respond ,
And FYI,,, I am not a troll,
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.I am not trying to "distract and sow discord" or trying to "provok[e] readers into displaying emotional responses." My queries are serious and in an attempt at discourse. Something you both I see are refusing.
UPDATE #2:: So how does it feel to be reprimanded by your fearless leader? Called out by name, and and chastised for having your own thoughts and beliefs. This is classic cultic manipulation (from Steve Hassan's BITE Model):
- Promote dependence and obedience
- Modify behavior with rewards and punishments
- Deliberately withhold and distort information
- Forbid you from speaking with ex-members and critics
- Discourage access to non-cult sources of information
- Divide information into Insider vs. Outsider doctrine
- Generate and use propaganda extensively
- Use information gained in confession sessions against you
- Gaslight to make you doubt your own memory
- Encourage you to spy and report on others’ “misconduct”
She admits to deleting your comment, because she doesnt want to "misinform people" or as she has said in the past (2018), "it's my way or the highway." Does that sound like your're allowed to have your own thoughts?
She has been plain as day that she allows no debate and is attempting to mold your thoughts to conform to her own. Do you really want some one else telling you what you need to believe?
Part 1 of Jillian's rant here
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