Monday, October 7, 2019

So again Jillian lies

Before we get to the nitty-gritty, I want you to consider this post from 2016.  Just prior to revealing
JJ, which follows the next month or so.
What has got my ire,
This is the OP, it links to this video which cites Natural News (ie fraudster and con nut extraordinaire Mike Adams)

What follows is both sad and sickening.  First the sad,,,
The sickening, is Jillian's responses,,,

1]  Debating personal anecdotes is difficult without cross-examination.  I will not dispute that the minions of Jillian believe the JJ reversed their cancer.  This isn't about them anyways, this is about Jillian's responses.

2] Basically get the book,,, so let's see what it say about cancer; a few examples.

3] Again I am not going to directly dispute a testimonial.

4] Do the JJ and get the book.  Jillian offers no evidence that her JJ works.  Not even one paper as a suggestion to hint at her claim being correct.

As I have noted numerous times, the one paper she states as proof, does not support her claim. (And yes, there will be much redundancy on my part.)
5]  JJ either works as claimed or it does not.  Understanding has nothing to do with efficacy.  The "power of intention" does not exist.  That does not mean having a good attitude will not help in treatment, but you can not will something to work when there is no bio-mechanical means for it to do so.

1] AM received "allopathic" treatment and all we have is a self reported cancer free diagnosis, as well as correction of some brain issue.
As has K, another minion,,, Notice K states nothing in regards to actual cancer reduction, K only mentions, at this point, the effects of chemo.  It wasn't until P inquired, that K stated she would not follow doctor recommendations because,,, I'm not sure why

2] Notice she put the onus on the JJ drinker,  If JJ doesn't do what Jillian claims it will, it is the JJ drinker's fault not hers.

As much as I loathe to include this screengrab, consider her response to a RipOff Report that was filled.  Notice how she blames everything but the JJ/

3] Salt poisoning
,,,typically results in a feeling of confusion and jitteriness; more severe degrees of intoxication can cause seizures and coma. Death can result if medical intervention is not forthcoming. These symptoms are generally a consequence of hypernatremia—an abnormally high sodium level in the blood. (There are myriad causes of hypernatremia, which is frequently encountered in medical practice; salt poisoning is not a common cause.)

Early on, the intoxicant will experience a strong feeling of thirst, followed by weakness, nausea, and loss of appetite. More severe symptoms ensue, including confusion, muscle twitching, and bleeding in or around the brain. Death results by the swelling of the brain against the skull. (Normal serum sodium levels are 135 – 145 mEq/liter (135 – 145 mmol/L). Severe symptoms typically only occur when levels are above 160 mEq/L.) The human renal system actively regulates sodium chloride in the blood within a very narrow range around 9 g/L (0.9% by weight).
 Salt poisoning can cause Hypernatremia,

also spelled hypernatremia, is a high concentration of sodium in the blood. Early symptoms may include a strong feeling of thirst, weakness, nausea, and loss of appetite. Severe symptoms include confusion, muscle twitching, and bleeding in or around the brain. Normal serum sodium levels are 135 – 145 mmol/L (135 – 145 mEq/L). Hypernatremia is generally defined as a serum sodium level of more than 145 mmol/L. Severe symptoms typically only occur when levels are above 160 mmol/L.
The cornerstone of treatment is administration of water to correct the relative water deficit,,, However, overly rapid correction of hypernatremia is potentially very dangerous,,, Therefore, significant hypernatremia should be treated carefully by a physician or other medical professional with experience in treatment of electrolyte imbalance.
 Here is her "healing" list, with the symptoms of salt poisoning and hypernatremia highlighted
4] One redacted lab result from one sample of unknown origin does NOT substantiate your slop

And finally, buy the book!!

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