If you remember on October 3, she stated this,
",,,remember ancient remedies are ancient remedies they belong in the ancient olden days laugh out loud."
Now let's take a look-see before delving into the video.
1] I have seen no references to JJ in any literature or literature reviews concerning probiotics or fermentation. All references to JJ are since late 2016, early to mid 2017. All references are coming from Jillian herself or other media in regards to her claims. There is no scientific literature concerning JJ - NONE!
So her claim that "Jilly Juice Protocol has been validated for centuries" is false. Fermentation, on the other hand, has been shown an ancient practice going back to at least 5000-6000 BCE.
2] According to her own statement, ",,, ancient remedies are ancient remedies they belong in the ancient olden days laugh out loud." We therefore should not pay fermentation any attention as it is an ancient remedy according to some. Keep in mind how word usage or definitions change to suit her needs. Generally a remedy is thought of as a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury - ie treatment cure medicine medication medicament drug restorative antidote elixir prophylactic nostrum panacea cure-all therapy etc. Just look at her history concerning JJ as she has used the term "cure" in the past (prior to FTC warning) .
Jillian is careful in how she terms things, but she does slip. While her verbiage may change, her thought process has not. She thinks JJ is a cure-all for every ailment or injury on the planet.
While not specifically JJ related, today is a perfect example. She claims she is no longer part of the con-nutter world but yet dispenses con-nutter propaganda. While she may state one thing, her true beliefs do come forth.
BUT,,, fermentation or fermenting food did not gain its place as an alt-med icon until fairly recently (1970 ish). It was over taken as a food preservation technique by canning and freezing. It was never thought of for its possible health benefits until the 20th century and the advent of You Tube; although the gut microbiome has been a research interest dating back to the at least the 1950s. Prior to that if you include the notion of auto-intoxication.
3] You can not remove the context of the how and why fermentation was used. Historically it was a food preservation technique only. Our ancestors did not have the current knowledge to assign any health claims, beyond folklore and anecdote, to consuming ferments.
4] Her so-called recipe is a disaster. Traditional kraut recipes call for 1TBSP of salt for 3-5 pounds of cabbage. There is no historical indication of drinking the brine even at that concentration. It appears to be a more recent phenomenon.
Of those that do drink the brine of standard ferments, (which her slop is not) the recommend consumption is 1/4c to a 1/2c per day or some suggest 1/4 c before a meal; not up to a gallon per day to elicit explosive diarrhea. The standard suggestion is as a digestive aid, not a purgative.
While I have harped on this issue before, I am going to continue to do so. Jillian is, by definition, part of the holistic world.
So before even watching the video there are many problems.
To be clear I am not interested (at this point unless something stands out) in her ramblings other than to what the video "description' alludes to.
No,, her slop has not been validated. Show me one paper or study stating the JJ does what she claims! Just because other woo talks of similar concepts, doesn't make hers any more correct. She is inherently going to dismiss anything she deems competition; which is not necessarily a bad thing. When your trying to "make a name" (or in some cases ,,, money). Eliminating the competition is necessary.
Yes she does have a very interesting way of putting information together. It's called not understanding what she reads and cherry picking information to suit her agenda.
I thought lactic acid was a bad thing and caused rigor mortis?
(And in her defense, I do understand the issue surrounding PMs and emails,,, but it comes with the territory of being a semi-public figure. I deal with it in my own way, she deals with it in her own way.)
"That's what alcohol is, it's fermented sugar." What exactly do you think JJ is? Fermented sugar within the cabbage. The sugar within cabbage or added sugars, in such drinks as kombucha or wine, is the food for the little critters (in the case of fermenting) to do their thing.
Let me explain. Yes there are 2 broad
categories, so to speak: the fermentation that takes place on a
cellular level where the body uses ingested food stuff or our own reserves of sugar (the muscle burn you feel after exercise) and the
fermenting of foods and drink by good bacteria, While different, they are the same process (what is shown above using glucose as an example). And within fermentation there are another two (actually 3)
types: alcohol production and food preservation; food preservation
is what we a interested in.
But to understand one (food preservation), you have to understand the other (cellular), they are both an anaerobic process that yields lactic acid as a by-product. IOWs our body produces its own lactic acid. Going back to the previous point concerning rigor mortis.
So 17 minutes into the video, Jillian has not addressed the attached caption but talked of platforming, triggers, and boundaries. What is interesting, as an aside, is her demand that followers not "pester" for consideration of outside sources of information or other protocols. IOWs as she stated the other day, she controls the narrative. She tells you what you need to know. She wants control of all information a follower takes into consideration, And that my dear readers is cult manipulation.But to understand one (food preservation), you have to understand the other (cellular), they are both an anaerobic process that yields lactic acid as a by-product. IOWs our body produces its own lactic acid. Going back to the previous point concerning rigor mortis.
Now 34 minutes in and still ranting about controlling the narrative. And FYI, also mentioned before, I have read both her books at least twice. I have listened to 90% of her videos, and have read every post (and threads) she has made since 2014. So, I am aware of the garbage information she spews. While I can speculate as to "who" she is, I dont care. I only care about the crap information she is trying to spread to vulnerable individuals.
UPDATE:: So if by chance you took the time to listen to this rant, Jillian's biggest issue was controlling the narrative, mutual platforming, and competition with other alt-med . On the surface nothing that outrageous for a strictly business making venture.__
What may have initiated her recent outburst,
Which makes sense as she rail against breath-work and psycho-therapy.
I am not familiar with Sutton's name, but Berry has been a commentor on various threads. As on fellow anti-JJ crusader but it, "Why Jillian is snapping at her followers again. They're making money from their junk science and woo but Jillian isn't."
Let's hope she never becomes a "therapist" in any context (real or imagined) treating trauma patients considering her track record of victim blaming. From September 19. 2018:
Nov 5, 2018:
Or how about this one, from August 21 of this year, concerning the worth of the disabled. Bear in mind some of her minions are disabled.
A smart "therapist" grounded in science would never ever use JJ. Keep dreaming!!
You can't reverse the aging process period. In any context.
Why is she so stuck on aging? For the life of me I can not figure it out. then again, I am one of a few people who know when they are checking out for good,,, on my own terms hopefully. Could be 7 years or could be a bit longer depending on overall health. I dont want to live i"ndefinitely". In fact I know few people who do.
So basically this video has absolutely nothing to do with ,
"Jilly Juice Protocol has been validated for centuries in different contexts.. in the holistic world, allopathic world, etc.. however, the difference is the actual recipe and the pain sequence." It is her ranting (again) about the want or need to control the "narrative". To control information other people (her minions) have access to.
In some regards that is understandable, all organizations do it to some extent but she takes it a step further by chastising her minions sometimes by name.
If she wants to shut us "trolls" up. She needs to provide evidence of her claims. Not fake or exaggerated testimonials. Not her bullshit understanding of some paper she didn't read, and taken out of context. Provide hardcore science . Science that shows the bio-mechanical means of how JJ works. She can't because she doesn't even understand how fermentation works. (Let alone the fact that a majority of women get their dot every month.)
So IOWs KVR, you're not allowed to have your own thoughts, only what Jillian tells you to think on limited information.
JJ has never been substantiated ever. There is zero evidence to support the consumption of salt she recommend in any context. There is zero evidence her slop is even fermented or a probiotic. There is little evidence that probiotics do anything outside of maybe treating c.diff. and other GI issues. Much of the evidence is speculative or contradictory and needs further study. Something she is unequipped to do.
Candida is not cancer. We do not harbor poop in our bodies and poop does not feed candida. While lactobacillus may help in treating a yeast infection, Jillian has no fucking clue what is even in her slop. Lactobacillus is strain and species specific and is backed by real science. It is also a point she denies ..
Every claim Jillian has made or continues to make are false. JJ can not replace mother's milk for babies. We are not starfish that can regrow missing body parts.
Water is not the balancing force of salt, there are no electrolytes in water. Sodium chloride is not an element, it is a compound. And some of the trace mineral in PHS are contained in garlic. Every single element in garlic is contained in PHS.
These are all claims that have be debunked.
Just to be clear, I have no issue with how Jillian approaches the issue of platforming or dealing with perceived competition. She has a product to "sell" and that is her prerogative. To put JJ above the rest. The issue with all alt med, JJ included, is it is pseudo science.
What I do have issue with, besides JJ being pseudo-science, is the lack of engagement with her critics. Again that is her prerogative. As I have stated before, she cant engage with her critics concerning the "science" because she has none
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