How does leaving Biloxi, Mississippi five years before Katrina (due to lack of suitable employment opportunities) equate to "reading the signs" to make changes? From there Jillian makes the leap to symptoms and "cancer disease and chronic illness" also being an indicator or sign to make changes. Before jumping back to vaccines, "if you get a reaction or a non-reaction that shows it works" instead of covering up the symptoms as the allopathix or holistic world does.
None of this makes any sense. First off, ingesting JJ is not the change one needs to make. You're not going to reverse the aging process, change individual bio-chemstry or "change" your DNA. In fact, as I noted in regards to her claim concerning methylation (page 11 of her book), salt could quite possibly induce that which your trying to change. The added stress the JJ is putting on cells would only hyper-activate genetic coding and turn up the chance of the cells becoming mutated.
Your bio-chemistry is tightly controlled to work within a range of values and anything outside those ranges is problematic. For example, pH.
Jillian has at times alluded to the notion of an acid-alkaline diet, which is pure bunkem. You change your internal pH you die, it's that simple.
It's as if Jillian watches a video or sees a pop sci article then asserts her claims as substantiated. The content of said video or article may only be tangentially related, but that is good enough for her. What Jillian does is pull the application of the research, which may be very specific, and applies it to her slop.
For example, again using pH. Yes one may superficially be able to alter the pH of ones waste based on whether a food produces alkaline or acidic ash. No, that does not effect the overall pH of the body. Jillian, like many others, take the superficial changes as meaning you can change overall body pH, ignoring all research that states otherwise
That is not how science works. You present a hypothesis, your test said hypothesis. You draw conclusion from said testing and present such for review by other qualified scientist. They look at various parameters and in some cases retest or test from another angle. The reviews then record their observations and report the findings. They may or may not agree with yours. And round and round we go till your hypothesis is accepted or rejected.
Jillian has done none of this although she has claimed in the past that her testimonials are like one big clinical trial. No, no its not as it is lacking in any semblance of controls,
You can tell when she has done this as what ever concept she is forcing into her claim(s) becomes a new buzzword. For instance she is currently stuck on the notion that telomeres can change using JJ. )Or she was when I began this essay which is now six days ago,,,lol)
Yes, telomere length may be able to change (lengthen) utilizing diet, exercise, and stress management; nothing her protocol supports. Jillian though states as fact, "Jilly Juice lengthens telomeres." What is her evidence, as she actively discourage exercise, and JJ is not nutritionally complete.
So Jillian cherry-picks one aspect, but ignores anything that disagrees with her.
And now we're back to PGE , power lines not being underground as well as company infrastructure. If PGE doesn't change the infrastructure we are going to have to adapt. I'm not going to dissect this but she makes a comparison of America 2050
to Hunger Games, which I am not familiar with. Something, something about smart cities.
And of course she state, "Just do the JJ and adapt to the changes."
IOWS buy my fucking book. Basically another 45+minutes of useless infomercial.
I am not going to criticize whether she has a fulfilling life and is happy. That is for Jillian to determine. My life when compared to others is pretty boring as I dont socialize much outside of work. I spend much time online as my entertainment is centered around videos, podcast, audio books etc. Long and shotr of it, I am happy doing what I do so who am I to judge whether Jillian is fulfilled.
I am not judging Jillian but Jillian's claims. I am judging her false science and medical claims. The JJ along with her diet does not allow you to take a step back, plain and simple it's going to fuck you up.
It's this type of crap information I fight against. Jillian sits in her basement making shit up because she is a lazy fucking ass. Thinking she is all smart and everything, telling people how they should follow her protocol so they too can look like hell. Meanwhile, she is in her little cave jerking off while people suffer. She gets her jollies from this folks. She is entertained by other peoples suffering; suffering she has instigated.
Oh honey you aint nothing to look at. You show signs of early aging with a receding hairline and sag in you neck. Your hair is dry and brittle looking. The swelling of your hands is obvious from improper hydration and you lips are chapped. While that doesn't make you unattractive, it does make you look your age. Although requiring other to "look like you" is fucking vanity at it best - that is unattractive.
Not all of us are so vain to want to "live indefinitely". Personally I know when I am checking out, and it is dependent on my over-all health (maybe later than planned if I'm feeling well). I sure as hell do not want to be around for 400 years, how fucking dull is that; pretty selfish as well.
So she then gets into what I consider psychic woo garbage. Not super pertinent and maybe a bit of a different perspective on life in general. What it boils down to, cabbage slop is not going to help
how any of us approach life.
What I originally wrote was a lot longer and harsher. The above will suffice.
And back to the conspiracy shit we go and yet again she talks of "upgrading your device." WTF lady we're not a computer. Whether one can or can not handle societal changes has nothing to do with consuming JJ. You are instructing vulnerable people to poison themselves/ There is not another way to look at it/
She is correct in her assessment, you may not be able to tolerated JJ cause you'll be fucking dead. Whether from ingesting mega doses of salt or ceasing to tell your doctors what you are doing to destroy your body.
Individual bio-chemistry has nothing to do with how a conspiracy manifests. They are completely independent of each other. How I perceive something is based on my knowledge, not whether I drink moldy swamp water.
She is correct though, change is going to happen and we need to learn to roll with the punches and be prepared.. Drinking rotted cabbage water isn't going to help in being prepared.
In the end, I think Jillian says it best, JJ is not a cure or remedy. If it is not than WTF is it? If I had an illness or disease such as cancer. I dont want a fucking overhaul of my bio-chemistry, I want something that is going to treat what ails me. I want a reduction in tumor size, whether by surgery, chemo, or radiation. I want results I can measure. Not some slop that has no efficacy in treating anything.
To borrow from a fellow critic, "Everything that is wrong in the world can be sorted if only everyone was on the juice"
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