Thursday, November 21, 2019

It makes me feel uncomfortable [Reaction]

I know I am going to regret listening,,, but some random thoughts as I do,,,

When you place yourself and your protocol at the top of the pyramid, as the be-all-end-all of all other treatments, protocols/remedies or whatever the fuck you consider JJ to be, you're going to face questions.  Whether from critics, possible followers, or minions.  People are going to want to know if the money they spend on your book is worth it.

Telling individuals to buy an outdated  book, or watch your monetized videos is a money grift and nothing else.
You are targeting vulnerable, and in some cases, desperate people.  They have real (eg cancer or diabetes) and imaginary diagnoses (eg. parasites or  morgellons); some life threatening.
You call your critics trolls.  You do not engage (no comments allowed on your YT videos) and actively block individuals in your group, those that have questions.
So this entire diatribe boils down to this,,, if your are using any other type of treatment, science based and/or alt-med, other than JJ, get the fuck outta her group. 

You're confusing people Jillian.  Just last March you where telling people that they could do the JJ simultaneously with whatever regiment they where on.
So which is it?

“If you actually drink the protocol it's not going to ply you with love or hate.  It is going to make you feel pain which is the absence of love or hate.”

“If you have cancer, why would you fuck around with Eastern or Western medicine?”

So far what I have listened too is very disturbing,,, you are getting desperate for financial success and it shows. You have  "promised" a third book that most likely you will not be able to produce, as you lack the funds, unless you go the route of PDF. If you do that route you know there will be no stopping the pirating of your mis-information.

By “Eastern medicine” I am assuming you are referring to TCM which has not been demonstrated to work.  So I do agree it is a waste of time and money.   “Western medicine” has been demonstrated to work.  Unlike JJ which has no evidence of any of the claims you have made in regards to its efficacy or safety.

OK ,,,wow,,, you have some flipped-out notions but the bottom line is you want no competition even from tantric sex people.  Color me purple, but if memory serves, TS makes no health claims concerning longevity.

Here's the thing Jillian, regretfully you are going to die.  There is no escaping it.  You can tell yourself all sorts of stories, but you are going to die.  Your slop is not going to change things, it may even hasten your death.  The sooner you come to grips with that fact of life, the better for you and those around you.

I'm not gonna sit here and tell you it will make you happier, it may or it may not.  But you need to quit fooling yourself that you found the key to living forever.  You haven't.

"You only have two choices,,, you mess around with Western or Eastern medicine when you have diagnosed,,,it's put up or shut up.  You keep playing foots y with your disease applying these pain mitigation protocols, then I'm cutting you off. You're not going to be a representation,,,If I know that you're messing around with Western or Eastern medicine and you have cancer and you;re in my group, I'm going to be watching you much more closer than everybody else."                                           

"The reason why is I want to see exactly what it is you are doing.  If I see any inkling you are messing around with anything else,,, I'm just not going to go there.”

As a fellow critic puts it, “So much for people being allowed to take their medications along with Jilly juice. Jillian is now saying if she sees people with cancer etc that are 'messing around' with western medicine they'll be gone from her FB."

What I see Jillian,  is a very jealous lover accusing their partner of something you are already doing or have done.

What makes you the arbitrator of what people choose to do or do not?  As you have often repeated, you are not their doctor, you have no right to make determinations of what treatment these individuals undergo.

Listen very closely, “Someone newly diagnosed with cancer, them doing the protocol is slim to none.  And I know it because I know what they expect.  So when someone wants the protocol for free,,, which is fine but when they want to get into the group and don't want to buy the book and all this other stuff AND they've been diagnosed <chuckling sardonic laugh>,,, No.”

That is the definition of a sadist Jillian, a person who derives pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain or humiliation on others. 

Of course after traditional treatment has eradicated or minimized the cancer is the best time to do the protocol.  Then you can claim your JJ works.  You have various testimonies attesting to that. (Two examples included here.) 

“That's the whole point of JJ to get away from the cult of pain mitigation, the cult of love,  the cult of hate.  Where it's just life.”

How fucking boring can you be?  

Being compared to Data and Spock, BTW, is not a complement.  Trust me I know,,,lol.  It demonstrates your loss of compassion, your loss of empathy.  Your loss of what makes you human.  It sucks donkey dick to recover from that loss.  Even more so than losing one to death.

If you remember both Spock and Data where both searching for what makes a person human or not.  They where seeking to understand.  In the end Spock came to understand his humanity and all the crazy mixed up emotions that come with it.  He chose to embrace his Vulcan side, but being human slips through on many occasions.  Repression never works.

Data OTOH discovered he was more human than he realized when he had the emotion chip inserted.  In the film Star Trek Generations, Data struggled to master them.  In Star Trek: First Contact, Data has managed to gain complete control of the chip, which includes deactivating it to maintain his performance efficiency.)   He discovered that humans where capable of some very evil things and being emotionally immature.

(The fate of the emotion chip is unknown, but Data did die in Star Trek Nemesis.)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

(And yes I am a bit of a Trekkie!!)

“You are bonded through trauma,,, through marriage,,,”  Notice she then slips in marriage.  

How is pulling poop out your ass, shitting in bed or the shower going to make your relationship better?

Where is the death hormone in this statement,  “Satan to us is a symbol of pride, liberty and individualism, and it serves as an external metaphorical projection of our highest personal potential. We do not believe in Satan as a being or person.”

Again spirits are not viruses. A revelation she had back in October and continues to repeat. (Since deleted)
A virus is a microscopic, physical entity that requires a living host to replicate. Viruses consist of nucleic acid + a protein coat. Usually the nucleic acid is RNA; sometimes it is DNA. 

The flaw in JE "revelation",,, viruses are real entities. While they can't be seen with the naked eye, they have a physical form. 

Spirits (ghosts), whether you believe in them or not, do not have a physical form. So to equate physical with non physical is absurd unless there is some crazy thing in physics I am not aware of. (physics is not my strong suit,,,lol)

In some circles of the paranormal, spirit does not equal ghost. They are considered two separate and differing entities,,,

A spirit is considered more benevolent with almost angelic (if not angelic) qualities - sorta like a guardian/ A ghost, on the other hand, is more benevolent, although not quite a poltergeist. or demon. Generally a ghost is considered by some as the disembodiment that occurs with a sudden unexpected death - car accident, heart attack, etc), IOWs they have unfinished business.

Regardless of what you believe concerning ghosties or spirits, contrary to what Jillian has stated prior, JJ will not “annihilate viruses.”  They would do nothing for ghost or spirit troubles. (June 20, since deleted)
The general consensus is mixed concerning the use of probiotics for stomach or intestinal viruses. As for respiratory viruses there are insufficient studies and data.  There is a need to investigate dose response, comparing probiotic strains/genera, and elucidating the antiviral effect mechanisms.

Where is your evidence that JJ does anything?  Your minions do not have “half a chance,” the have none if they cease traditional treatment or as you call it "Western Medicine" or "Rockefeller Medicine."

Why wouldn't you suggest JJ to the newly diagnosed?  Is it because you know it will do jack shit?

Yes cancer treatment is painful on many levels, I remember what my mom went through.  The 9 months I had very restricted access to her.  I remember what my BFF went through battling vaginal cancer.  Her legs ballooning to 3 times their normal size.  I know the pain of losing ones voice to throat cancer treatments.  Watching my friend struggle to get her voice back.

Death is not always the outcome, my mom lived to 94.  My friend with throat cancer is 7 years removed from treatment at aged 62.  My cousin, 20 years removed from treatment for uterine cancer, is in her late 60s.  Regretfully my BFF didn't make it and I miss her dearly.

Drinking JJ as prescribed in your book, one gallon containing 47,233 mgs of salt, is not going to give you a second chance at life.  It will, at best fuck you up or KILL you!!

“I don't play the love, love, love lynch mob,,, love can be very destructive and I recognize it and it makes me feel uncomfortable.”

1 comment:

  1. That was a lot of work and very accurate. Thanks for posting this. I hope Jilly reads it and understands it.
