So again you have put out incoherent dribble about how you have merged religion and spirituality with science. As my last post demonstrated you don't even understand what is written in the first three chapters of the Bible let alone science. So no, you have not merged anything. Maybe in your salt baked mind you have,,, but no you haven't merged a thing.
JJ doesn't “kill off all the barriers” unless you consider death a barrier. Is that what it is Jillian you wish to die and take your minions with you? Do you have a death wish?
Exactly how and in what “context” have you explained life and death? Please, tell us what life is? How is there anything more beyond death as death is the ceasing to exist? And no there is no evidence for ghosts or spirits.
How one approaches life is a personal matter based upon individual circumstance and experience. There is no one ideology that holds the key. If that were to be the case, we wouldn't have 4000+ religions or systems of beliefs.
The same holds true for death, or I should say the death process. How one approaches end of life is as personal as how one lived life. You can not consolidate the process down to a few sound bites or (not so) pithy memes.
Who or what makes you the determinant factor as to whether someone has an imbalance and deserves institutionalization or some type of punishment? While our current system isn't perfect, it is a system that has developed since man has existed. Sitting in front of your computer screen talking to the void for 2 ½ years is not going to provide the answers.
What is your evidence that “everything on earth is predicated on the life and death of humans?” Planet earth in some form will continue without us unless we meet the fate of Theia (giant-impact hypothesis).
Please explain how life and death work since you have it all figured out.
You do realize communication is different from language and is universal? Yes, specialty fields have their own lingo or jargon one must learn and be proficient at to understand what is being communicated. But, you can not supplant words that already have meaning. Context is important.
For some fun take a gander at this video - How did the First Language Begin? The Mystery of the Pirahã.
Fatty acids, amino acids, prohormones and minerals,,, WTF does chemophobia have to do with anything? Stay on point Jillian!
Uh, no,,, the body is comprised of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Less than 1% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All 11 are necessary for life.
- Fatty acids are made up of carbon and hydrogen molecules. There are three types of fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. So which specific one are you speaking about?
- Amino acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins. With proteins they are the building blocks of life. Of the 21 amino acids, 10 are essential - arginine (required for the young, but not for adults), histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Again which amino acid are you speaking about?
- Prohormones are intended to function as a precursor to testosterone and estrogen through different pathways. They are over-the-counter performance enhancers.
Your inclusion of “prohormones” show how fucking stupid you are. They are supplements that you can buy via Amazon (or any retailer). From my understanding they are a regulated controlled substance and problematic.
What amino acids does ingesting JJ provide? What fatty acids? The minerals in the PHS are trace minerals and are of no use to the body.
Imbalance(s) of what? That is a very vague term!
You do realize that words have standardized meanings? Especially within a field such as chemistry. Your statement, “Chemicals are just minerals and elements” is a perfect example.
Let's take a look:
A chemical is any pure substance consisting of matter. This includes any liquid, solid, or gas.So, your statement is incorrect, not all minerals are chemicals. BUT,,, that is not exactly how you are using the term, is it? You're being more colloquial,,,
An element refers to any substance that consists of the same type of atoms - eg Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Sodium (Na), Chlorine (Cl), Carbon (C), Iron (Fe), copper (Cu), silver (Ag), gold (Au) etc.
Mineral(s), on the other hand, are naturally occurring inorganic solids (chemical compounds - a compound is made of different elements in definite proportions ) usually of crystalline form. These are not elements, because they contain atoms of different types. (Caveat, there are some minerals that are also elements ie aluminum)
Activist world? Activist stance? While I don't agree with anti-GMO, belief in chem-trails, the concern about 5g, I can understand how that fear develops. What I don't understand is what Monsanto, fear of legumes, etc has to do with JJ.
Yes everyone projects, including you. I have never seen anyone try to “legislate” fruit. OK maybe durian fruit, but can you blame them (Thailand, Japan and Hong Kong). That shit stinks to high hell IMO. I'm sorry when something is described as tasting like “diced garlic and caramel poured into whipped cream,” I'll pass.
Speaking of “demonizing”,,,
The only animal protein you allow on your protocol is chicken and/or egg, Milk is not allowed. So are you imbalanced? While you sat the diet isn't forever you and your minions all have disordered eating
Again why are you trying to separate yourself from “the holistic world?” You are by your own words part of that world.
How are bacteria and viruses related to the notion of “chemophobia”. Do you even listened to the garbage you spew?
“Living in a bubble,,,” That is ripe coming from a woman who sits in her basement for 8-12 hours a day; some times longer. You have a minimal social life. No job.
Your idea of being a productive member of society is doing 3-5 hrs a day of gibberish, FBLive (now YouTube since you monetized) videos. Jeff Holiday you are not!
And yes the same criticism can be placed at my feet as well. Although I do work. The difference lies with the fact I am not actively trying to harm people with bullshit.
So your demonetization of the LGBTQI+ community, or your hatred of the disabled,,, is that you projecting your imbalances? Or are you a natural born asshole?
So,,, my so-called “activism” concerning SOCAS or advocating equal rights for LGBTQI+ individuals is an imbalance in my body? Would that be due to my diabetes or bipolar? Maybe it's because I was vegan for 20 years! Oh,,, I know, I ate to much bread!
Uhm,,, I'm confused. Are we imbalanced because of “food politics” or not being selective in what we eat? You can't have it both ways Jillian. You reject the RDA and other guidelines put forth by major medical establishments, what exactly are we to do?
Baffled,,, I am nothing like my parents. OK have to rephrase that. I am nothing like my adoptive parents, I have no clue as to my sperm and egg donor. Guess I cant really comment on that,,,
How exactly is one able to see the future? Based on what? A genetic predisposition or susceptibility is an increased likelihood of developing a particular disease, not a guarantee.
My friends and/or family will tell you nothing about who I am as they know very little about me and we have nothing in common.
No religion, spirituality, and science are not the same.
Religion is not about “the physical,” but IT IS about the “super human”. Or more succinct, it is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power. Especially a personal God or gods.
From Wiki we learn that religion is “a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements.”
Those are two conflicting concepts – the physical and the super-human. Something that is deemed “super human” is above or beyond what is human; having a higher nature or greater powers than humans.
You then say that “spirituality” is “aspects of that super-human.” “It's taking away the physical and focusing on the hormones. The spirit/viruses. What runs a human, which is the viruses and bacteria. The hormones,,, The spiritual is all about playing with your chakras,,, So the spiritual world is all about forgetting the body and the mind and only focusing on the hormones.”
JFC, I would love to see your source material (substantiation) for this load of garbage.
How in the world from those two descriptor can you say that religion and spirituality (let alone science) are the same fucking thing? You refute yourself by stating that “religion is the physical” and then in the next breath state that “spirituality is taking away the physical (focusing on the hormones).” Do you even listen to what you speak?
Do you realize that a hormone (or hormones) is a physical substance?
Spirituality by definition is not concerned with material or physical things. While a relatively a broad concept with room for many perspectives, ti is a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. A search for meaning in life. Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with hormones or playing with non-existent chakras.
JFC,,, I have been sober 27 years, but you make me want whatever it is you are smoking!!
“Science merges religion and spirituality. No different than functional medicine merging the allopathic and the holistic.” (ie bunkem medicine, see::,,, for more information)
“So the whole thing with science is understanding the human as a whole. Then they pick apart aspects of the body, mind, and spirit because a lot of people who are part of organized religion, not everybody,,, It's how people , I guess it's how people interpret their religion and it gets interpret through peoples perception of what life and death is.”
“There are a lot of religions out there that believe in the afterlife. No different than a lot of spiritual people believe in the after life,, tthat hey dont want to be on this earth. The is just a stepping stone to something better and that is when they justify death.”
“So science is the merging of the religion and spirituality And we have to understand the body mind and spirit. That kinda what science does, it has you understand the bigger picture, not just aspects that people cherry-pick to then justify whatever behaviors they have.”
First off, science is not a belief system or world view like religion or spirituality. It is the study of the nature and behavior of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them. That be the simple definition, but science is more than that.
Science is a systematic method that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
So explain to me, Jillian, where in either of those definitions does it say “science is understanding the human as a whole. Then they pick apart aspects of the body, mind, and spirit.”
I ain't seeing it,,,
Second, how does science merging religion and spirituality support your statement that “science, religion and spirituality are the same thing?” You're contradicting yourself in less than 10 minutes of video.
Yes, medicine, psychology, sociology, anthropology etc (all branches of science) do delve into human activities, relationships, and behaviors in some form. Science as a methodology, generally does not directly concern itself with such as it is about the whole of the natural world. not just humans.
Part 2
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