Thursday, November 14, 2019

You do not rock my world!!

Please  excuse formatting Blogger decided to take a dump!!

So I already have an idea of what I am going to respond to specifically. For context, and I am a glutton for punishment, I listened to the entire 35 minutes.

1] No anti-vaxx BS on her wall/group.  She is all pro science now so no conspiracies about vaccines causing pandemics.  But yet you consider vaccines a laughing matter.

 Oh and you're still a con-nutter. One of the oldest tropes in the books,,, fictional movies are not secret documentaries produced by Hollywood to desensitize the population.
2] Deleted a religious, anti-vaxxer for over stepping her boundaries.

Here's the thing Jilly, and I have said this before.  You do not allow debate on either your group or FB wall because you have NOTHING to support your claims. What you say is to be considered gospel.  You don't allow debate because you can't handle debate.

Also, it is you, who placed yourself into the public sphere by publishing your book and appearing on DrPhil.  If you do not like defending your claims, then STFU.  No one forced you into the public eye.

3] I'm sorry you had the death threat, that is unacceptable. While I personally disagree with your claims and much of your rhetoric, I wish you no harm.  That being said, I will attempt to counter your BS every step of the way.

You obviously have much "healing and sealing" to do in regards to that incident if you are still harping on it a year later.  Get past it honey, it goes with the territory of being a quasi-public figure.

4] Here's the thing, can't handle the criticism,,,  then as I said, STFU.  Yes, you are allowed to have ideas, beliefs, etc.  Yes, you are allowed to express those ideas. BUT here's the big elephant you do not understand,  I and many like me have the right to criticize those ideas.
As a countering method you also have a right to rebut our criticisms.  You have the right to demonstrate how what you say is accurate.  But you can't.  End of story.  There is NO science to support any of your claims.

The "current system" is the only system we have.  Cherry-picking data out of context, is not a new system of doing things.  It doesn't make you a maverick.  It isn't even science.

5] No this information is not new.  Your notion of auto-intoxication is from the late 1890s early 1900s.The candida is cancer notion was proposed in the 1980s  You have hijacked other's already debunked ideas and claimed them as your own.

You have had 2 1/2 years to support your claims.  You have nothing but anecdotes to support your thesis (which BTW you have now changed).

6] I can't wait for your "new" book.  I especially look forward to the lab work that will support your claims.  I look forward to reading about your clinical trials in regards to limb regrowth and how the ability of a starfish to regrow a limb translates to the human populace.
I am waiting with baited breath concerning your research on DNA Methylation and the bio-chemical mechanization involved in correcting the mutations.
7] So if your current book is so full of mis-information and does not reflect your current views, why not pull it off the market?  You, as the author, have that resource.

You won't do that though, in fact you still tell people to buy your book knowing that it doesn't currently reflect your views.  The kicker is you actively ban and delete people who have questions concerning your book or information presented.  Not everyone has 3-5 hours/day to listen to your videos or read your run-on, word salads.

And now that you have monetized your YT channel, you tell people to watch your videos - why not tell them a specific title to watch?

8] Uh,,, research into longevity is quite an active field of study and

9] There is no evidence that your slop is fermented.
10] In your book as well as numerous times on FB, you have stated to consume up to a gallon of your slop per day.  What you don't state is that a gallon is equivalent to 47,344 mgs of salt.  The RDA of salt is between 1500-2300 mgs.  IOWs you are suggesting that vulnerable people ingest a potentially lethal dose.
BTW, when one consumes sauerkraut, which you vehemently deny your slop is sauerkraut, one does not consume up to a gallon of the brine.
11] You laugh about it, but it is not funny.  You are actively convincing vulnerable people to poison themselves with salt.

12] So you say you have changed your stance concerning LGBTQI+ issues.  Are you sure about that?
13] There is no connection between science, spirituality, and religion.  They answer two different questions.  Science answers how, religion/spirituality answers why?  Or as Peter Kreeft has put it,

(Side::  worth a look-see if you have time -

Life and death are natural progressions.  There is no mystery surrounding such - you're born, you live, you die - that's it.

14] There are no systems to be woke.  If some system in your body isn't working properly, you're either very sick or you're dead.

15] What does drinking JJ on you period have to do with anything?  Whether you know it or not, you just admitted that you cannot have a normal bowel movement or any bowel movement without drinking your slop.  Congratulations, you have fucked-up you bowels.

16] Short of regrowing brain tissue, nothing will "fix" the hemiparesis I experience due to my strokes.  Now my brain may re-route around the damaged tissue, I still do not function 100% because that part of my brain is dead.  Same goes with ALS although in some cases the progression is much slower.

17] Even though cabbage is very low in calories, it has an impressive nutrient profile, I wont deny that.  BUT it is not some super-food.  Your swill destroys ANY and all benefits associated with cabbage or kale with the amount of salt in your recipe.

18]  Do you even know what a pro-hormone is?  Edumacate me,,,

You see from my research a pro-hormone is a steroid precursor chemically and pharmacologically related to testosterone .  IOWs they are not necessarily good thing. 

19] You have no proof your slop is fermented or contains probiotics.  In fact, you do not even understand the basics of fermentation.
20] Trace minerals in PHS are called trace for a reason. They are of no benefit to the body at the amounts present in PHS.  As I have pointed out before, the same chemical elements in garlic, that you demonize, are also present in PHS. (These are the trace minerals present in garlic:: Al, As, B, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Se, Sr and Zn. All are present in PHS.)

21] You fail to mention that the amount of salt present in a two cup serving of your slop, is ~4000 mgs beyond the RDA.  Then again you dont like the RDA much.
Your substantiation for salt as an energizing force is a pop-sci article concerning the use of the salinity differential between salt water and fresh water generating electricity in a commercial power plant.

22] Again no evidence your slop is fermented.

23] What bio-mechanical mechanism(s) are active in converting your ingested slop into the required hormones

25]  Pain is not healing

26]  Biological sins of the father,,, oh this should be good :)

Oh and BTW Miss Jilly, before you steal a concept or idea without attribution, might want to make sure no one is familiar with the original work.

Matthew Stanford, a professor of psychology, neuroscience, and biomedical studies at Baylor University takes this perspective to heart in his book, The Biology of Sin: Grace, Hope, and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped.

He begins in chapter one by defining sin and discussing its origins in the fall. He contends that we
inherited from Adam, our biological father a physical aspect of sin, what I like to call “sinful DNA.” As a result of our sinful biology at birth, our physical and mental inclinations are only for self . . . . In relation to God, there is simply no good in us, neither spiritually nor physically. . . . It is out of a mind and body corrupted by original sin that actual sins come forth. (p. 8)
This view of sin undergirds his project to examine the biological basis of sinful behavior while maintaining a scriptural view of these same behaviors as sin for which we are held accountable before God.

So she starts correctly, with the RCC version of original sin.  A man-made doctrine that was first alluded to by Irenaeus, and then Augustine (354-430 CE).

The forbidden fruit wasn't an apple, that bit of mythos can be blamed on Pope Damasus and his leading scholar of scripture, Jerome, ie the Latin Vulgate.  As it turned out, the Latin words for evil and apple are the same: malus.  (In Hebrew peri, is used for the fruit hanging from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Peri could be any fruit.)

To complicate matters further, the apple began to dominate Fall artworks in Europe after the German artist Albrecht DĆ¼rer's famous 1504 engraving depicted the First Couple counterpoised beside an apple tree.

You are making a huge claim that the narrative as presented in Genesis is true and correct.  You are ignoring ~4000 other religions, some with their own creation myths.

Where in Genesis or in the OT  is Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden described as the cause of universal human sinfulness and guilt? Or, in your parlance, imbalance(s).

If you can't answer this, how can you make the claim that because of eating the forbidden fruit Adam's disobedience caused an imbalance of some sort?  An imbalance that was never fixed.

Are you sure it was never dealt with; never, as you say, fixed?

You see, all three parties are cursed by God for this act of disobedience, and those curses have lasting consequences for man. BUT note the consequences for Adam: from now (1) growing food will be hard work, and (2) death will be a fact of life.

Note what is not said: "From now on all humanity will be stained by your act of disobedience, born in a hopeless and helpless state of sin (imbalance), objects of my displeasure and wrath.”

IOWs god dealt with the issue then and there.  Nowhere in the OT do we read that humanity is under God’s condemnation simply by being born.  In fact Adam is so inconsequential, that after Genesis 5 he doesn't appear again in the OT until 1 Chronicles 1:1, a name in a list of many names.

(Please not the above was condensed. from  There are numerous interpretations of the original sin narrative.  There is no definitive interpretation and therefore no universiality.)

Furthermore, the Bible says that man is guilty for his own sins and for his own sins alone. He is not guilty, and cannot be guilty, for the sin of Adam or any other man:

"The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father; neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him." Ezekiel 18:20

So right from the start, your attempted synthesis of religion and science fails.

To take this point a bit further, Jewish theology simply says that humans are “inclined” toward “evil” which is the language taken from the Flood story in Genesis 6:5, “The LORD saw that the wickedness of humankind was great in the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually.” Sin is seen as a fact, but no attempt is made to explain where this “evil inclination” came from. It does not have a cause. It is, rather, a fact of existence.
And for shits and giggles, what good are rules, when one is without knowledge or experience?  As you demonstrate every day,  knowing the recipe is not enough – “buy my book!”

And I am sorry to say, your knowledge of the Bible is a bad as your science.  God's command to “be fruitful and multiply” came before the fall. (Gen 1:27-28)  Reproduction was not a result of the fall, some curse to shorten life.  It was a dictate from God, a rule or command.

Again your synthesis fails as you cant even get the basic narrative correct concerning the Fall.

The rest of video is a bunch of gobbledygook,  Ten minutes of her making asinine associations based in a flawed understanding of science.

One point, she does recognize that most everyone does not believe the Fall of Man narrative.  Which is good.

I dont, I am an atheist.

Her mistake is not understanding that her little “revelation” then cannot be relevant to anyone lacking that belief.  She does not have a universal hypothesis that applies to all.

While she thinks science is talking the same, different jargon, ie predispositions, she is coming from a flawed understanding of where the command for reproduction fits into the picture – before the fall.

If you listen closely she just elevated JJ (herself by proxy) to the status of a god by stating JJ gives you the option of fixing the “sins of the father”.  That be Ancient Alien shit right there.

While she claims she is not playing god. She has placed herself in the role of the Annunaki and their so-called ability to manipulate human DNA.  Jillian states, “it's just chemistry.”

No, the Bible is not a book of chemistry or bio-chemistry.  It is a flawed book of history of the Jewish people with various myths to help explain moral precepts and the why of existence.  It's a book of rules, 613 to be exact, that tell me what a bad person I am.

You are not simplifying anything.  You're creating your own science-y sounding jargon and language steeping it in religious BS to make it more palatable.  You are creating your own death-cult with a fascinating for purging and poop.

One last point, the Gaia hypothesis, as proposed by chemist James Lovelock, is supported neither by evolutionary theory nor by the empirical evidence of the geological record.

Your information doesn't “rock my world, ” it doesn't “upset my homeostasis,” it is junk information with no plausibility.  What upsets me is you're convincing vulnerable people to drink this shit and feed it to their pets and children.

You get your rocks off reading about other people's pooping habits.  You're a sadist who likes to read about your minions suffering or hijacking the suffering of others to promote your garbage.

No your not giving me a different perspective or possibility.  I would have to be an idiot for following

what you propose.

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