Saturday, December 21, 2019

A reaction and response to:: Ebola and Jilly Juice

And unplanned response to her video,,, no heavy duty information gathering, just a simple fact check.

Ervebo, protects against Zaire ebolaviruse (EZ), the current long-running outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The FDA’s decision follows similar action taken earlier by the European Commission, which licensed the vaccine on Nov. 11.

Actually EZ targets the immune system and organs. Ultimately, it causes levels of blood-clotting cells to drop. This leads to severe, uncontrollable bleeding.

Ebola is not new. It was first described in 1976 (43 years ago) near the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since then, the virus has emerged periodically . Ebola therefore was not started by the vaccine.

It kills 90% of those who contract the virus. There have been NO cases of EZ in the US since 2014 since Dr. Spencer was released from a New York City hospital on November 11, 2014.

One key to treatment, using medication to support blood pressure, reduce vomiting and diarrhea and to manage fever and pain.

"Outbreak" with Morgan Freeman was a fictional movie. And while the DRC is a recommended "no travel zone" there is no mass quarantine beyond individual cases - - ie 15 in South Kivu in July.

And yes there are reports of "escapes" from or eluding quarantines, "Convincing residents in the Central African nation to seek treatment and utilize safe practices to prevent the spread of the deadly disease is a challenge. Many of them follow religious and traditional practices, especially during funerals, which are not necessarily aligned with health recommendations."

The only way you are going to protect yourself from whatever's out there,,,you gotta do the JJ" [Paraphrased)

She seems focused on the holistic world of detoxes and colloidal silver, for the moment. Stating it will cause more imbalance.

Antibiotics are not used for any virus. While she is correct that no antibiotic will stop EZ, she is correct, for the wrong reason.

JJ will do jack shit, as maintaining hydration via IV is a focal point of treatment. As is supporting blood pressure, reduce vomiting and diarrhea; things JJ causes issues with. JJ would be contraindicated based on the need for pain reduction alone.

No EZ is not specifically targeting the cardio system. It targets the immune system and other organs. The :"exploding blood vessels" is the end result of a total system failure.

No side effects are based on what is reported during trials. A predisposition to whatever, is not a guarantee.

Side effects and adverse reaction are 2 different things. Adverse events are unintended pharmacologic effects that occur when a medication is administered correctly while a side effect is a secondary unwanted effect that occurs due to drug therapy.

ROFL,,,I'd love to see her go to the DRC and walk through a crowd of those afflicted with Ebola. She would be dead within 28-32 days. I dont know if she is being a pompous ass or delusional thinking JJ would "protect" her. JJ will not mitigate anything.

She laughs saying that while JJ will protect from Ebola, you then also have to deal with all the predisposition/imbalances/trauma JJ brings up from the healing process.

"Do the JJ or roll the dice"

Something something Bill Gates (not the usual quote) but again with "that would be the weak*,,, children, elderly, immuno-compromized etc,,,"got to get them on the JJ." Then again, why are you citing a computer nerd,,,,eh! Still stuck in the con-nutter world I see.

HA!! she almost said the lactic acid would kill the virus but caught herself and said "strengthen the body."

What would "natural bacteria" do against a virus? Just as humans are susceptible to viruses, bacteria have their own viruses to contend with. Phages – attach to the surface of bacterial cells, inject their genetic material, and use the cells' enzymes to multiply while destroying their hosts

The only adverse reaction from Ebola is death.

"Some times it's good, sometimes it's not,,, just depends".  (After chugging her pink JJ). Yea that's real reassuring.

"Even if a person is shedding from a vaccine. Sigh,,, vaccines dont shed!

Now I think she is making shit up on the fly,,, OMFG she says weak people AGAIN,,, vaccines dont shed you idiot (Caveat, the oral polio vaccine (OPV) in the 1950s. And unless your play with other peoples poop,,,never mind,,, that be right up your alley)

{There are 11 cases of chickenpox which may have been transmitted by vaccinated individuals out of approximately 50 million doses), and only a single case of transmission of influenza virus has been documented,

 "Get on the JJ,,,get on it."


HaHa!! Leaky gut and again, I'm not anti-vaxx, but SHEDDING

Bubonic plague was a bacteria, not a virus. They would have needed an antibiotic.

Weak people again,,,

How would JJ strengthen the cardio system or lungs? It's swamp water,

Weak, weak, weak weak,,,

She really has herself convinced she has found the elixir of life. that JJ will fix every single issue.

Sell JJ?? Does she think she could actually sell her slop as is?? May explain the so-called "out with old, in with the new" (EVEN THOUGH ALL SHE

"Vaccines had to be explained through JJ." I dont know how as you have offered no bio-mechanical mechanism for JJ to even elicit one of your claims.

Ha!! Another tell,,, she laughs when she knows she is feeding BS to her minions

Predisposition, triggers, and weaknesses are NOT synonymous,,,learn to dictionary?

Just promote JJ!! <Eye roll>

 Ah,,, she admitted there is a lot of salt, "if your thirsty just drink water" (Laughing as she says this)

"This fear of the salt is asinine."

"It's all science and chemistry." (Again laughing as she states this)

"INERTIA"  Salt is an energizing force.

Wouldn't volunteer to get Ebola vaccine "because I dont like feeling pain."

But but,,, I thought pain was healing

She states she would get a MANDATORY Ebola vaccine,,, reaction to this story.

",,,and deal with the pain" says the woman who wont get an injection because "I dont like feeling pain"

You cant live in a bubble"

Uhm,,, ok she admits she is close to that,,, prolly the only accurate thing she stated the entire video.

The End!!

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