Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Reaction and response to::An OpenTransmission to Dr Phil and those actively working against JJ

"When they make a vaccine they know its coming to your soil."
No Jillian, that's not quite how it works.  Although in this case there is a kernel of truth.  But, you are ignoring the humanitarian reason as well.
"The road to approval has been long for this vaccine, which will likely be stockpiled by some countries — the United States among them — as a hedge against a possible bioterrorism attack."
"Work on the vaccine stretches back to the 1990s [remember the virus was identified in 1976],,,
"Though the vaccine appeared highly promising in animal testing, it languished for years; the lack of a traditional commercial market for Ebola vaccines meant pharmaceutical companies showed little interest in partnering on its development. That changed with the catastrophic Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014, which reignited interest in the vaccine."
I will agree the holistic industry has done a dis-service to its members,,, but for differing reasons

She forget measles. While primarily not a deadly disease, it can be if left unchecked.

"This new one [referring to Ebola or the vaccine - unclear] they been grooming us to understand and expect,,, it's been around since the 90s"

"Grooming" is an interesting choice of a word.

No,,, Ebola was identified in 1976.  Work on the vaccine began in the 90s

"People still get lost in the idea that antibiotics, whether it is synthetic or whether it is a natural antibiotic, is going to stop a virus from doing something. Viruses do not get killed by antibiotics"

No shit Sherlock.  Then why did you allude to that notion in your video yesterday.

"Viruses have to run  its course A viruses, what it does, it goes in and scans the environment.  It's like a pass or fail,,, Ya fail if ya die from the exposure. You pass if you can handle the symptoms.  That's the whole point of the vaccines,,,They no there is no antibiotic in the world that going to stop a virus."

OMFG she got something half right for once, "vaccines can lessen the severity of the effects on you.  That's the point of the vaccine."

Skipping a short blurp on how she is not AV anymore,,, but yet repeats common AV tropes - ie. shedding.

"There was something,,, But that wasn't covered in the DrPhil show.  What was covered in the DrPhil show was the fear of the salt.  as the fear of the probiotics - oh, this moldy cabbage water.  I mean he was slamming the drink.  He didn't even want to look at the beneficial nutritive properties of the JJ."

As I have stated numerous times,,, the damage of consuming 47,344 mgs of salt per day overshadows any and all benefits.  You have absolutely no evidence that consuming the amount of salt in your recipe is safe or beneficial.

"He wants to capitalize on people who had predispositions that where triggering from the healing process."

Capitalize??  DrPhil has a global audience of millions.  His YT channel alone has 5.05 million subscribers.  His FB subscribers stand at 4.8 million  You barely have 2K.

"All they know is to know how to mitigate pain and to give you an antibiotic but then let s virus run its course or give you a vaccine, And that's fine, vaccines save lives.  Now it's even more pronounced then ever that vaccines do save lives, however if you have predispositions you're not going to escape any adverse reaction especially if you have predispositions." 

I still get the feeling you do not know the difference between adverse reaction and side effect.  "Because of age, health conditions, or other factors, some people should not get certain vaccines or should wait before getting them."

"And that's what's mis-understood in the AV community and now sorta understood in the pro-vax community.  But their buying into some AV as they see their body trigger some of the predispositions."

In regards to the flu shot story about a "little bit of an adverse reaction.".  No nurse in science based medicine is going to state, "this is not going to prevent you from getting sick your gonna get sick but at least you're not going to have so many, irreversible - in their words - complications from the symptoms."

"That's the whole point of vaccines, to lessen the severity of the symptoms so you dont die from a preventable disease."

Two points,,,

I am going to be generous and assume the message was garbled in transmission. While lessening symptoms, if one contracts a VPD will occur, it is not the primary goal of a vaccine.  The whole point of a vaccine is to prevent the disease

I don't think you understand how a vaccine works.  A vaccine works by training the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens, either viruses or bacteria. Antigens from the pathogen are introduced into the body to trigger an immune response.  By injecting these antigens into the body, the immune system can safely learn to recognize them as hostile invaders, produce antibodies, and remember them for the future exposure.

"But now we have the Ebola virus and we have people with weak blood vessels, cardiovascular issues, the elderly, the sick, the children."

Ebola has nothing to do with "weak blood vessels".

And then she jumps to talking her new business page where a question was posed as to why she didn't present her information to WHO. (And as she has done with anyone who challenges her mis-information, she has blocked that individual.)

Her response per the video...

"I already put it out there to DrPhil about JJ, the healing properties, the potential to live to 300 years,,, and I was being laughed off the stage.  I had people actively working against me left and right.  Wanting to suppress this information.  Afraid of the salt. Don't understand the electrolytes.  Don't understand chemistry, bio-chemistry.  I'm dealing with ignorance left and right."

No offense to DrPhil, whom I am not a fan of, but he is a television personality and author. Dr. Phil. holds a doctorate in clinical psychology, but is not licensed to practice.   IOWs he is a nobody in regards to WHO and dealing with Ebola.

As for being laughed off the stage, you NEVER should have been given that platform to begin with.

Yes, I and many others are attempting to counter your bullshit information. Even as laypeople, non scientists, we understand that your information is contrary to consensus science and medicine.  You prey on vulnerable people for kicks. (it ain't for the money as you ain't making any or very little.)  I think Jeff Holliday sums it up well in his last video when he explains his ranking system.  https://youtu.be/3o_nOcl6GiM?t=2300

Do you still have FB??  What about your YT channel?  While you don't use Twitter much, last I looked your account was still considered active. You're not being suppress Jillian, your being asked to demonstrate the efficacy of your slop.  Where are the regrown limbs and organs you promised?

You have no science based evidence showing even the plausibility of what claim is accurate.  And to sound like a scratched record,  if your information can't stand up to scrutiny, it may be time to  discard said information.

While I am not a scientist, I have an understanding of relevant science.  What I don't understand, I have people trained in the relevant fields to explain it to me.  You still don't know the difference between an element and a compound.  You still don't understand the role of salt (sodium) in the body.  That too much of a good thing can reak havoc.

I am not the one who stated that too much lactic acid causes rigor mortis.

"And so I've tried to get this out on the public forum only to have it be mocked and insulted.  If at all the WHO was listening their not listening anymore because of you guys."

That's not how it works my dear.  It is not the responsibility of the WHO to scan social media platforms for relevant information.  While they may scan the scientific literature, you are not published ..  I am confident ns stating that individuals that work with WHO, do not watch DrPhil as part of their job responsibilities.

"So in a lot of ways you alone - DrPhil, as well as PewdiePie, and Jeff Holiday - and all you guys making fun of this information,,, now have literally "blood on your hands" (air quotes)  Literally blood on your hands. And I'll tell you why.   There is no antibiotic that will stop the Ebola virus."

We  no antibiotics don't work on a virus, we learned that in 8th-9th grade bio class.

"As soon as you get the vaccine, your going to get the attenuated virus in the vaccine.  This is were the AVers have a problem because they have predispositions.  And when you have predispositions you're gonna trigger something if you're exposed to the virus in the environment - you might die.  Or you're going to trigger something from the vaccine.  There is going to be offshoots of what your getting the vaccine for and it's going to be a mild case of the symptoms or major based upon your predispositions, but at least your alive. Ya might be maimed a bit, but at least you're alive."

"But you have weaknesses you brought to the table, it's called predispositions, it's called fu."ture triggers.  It's called past triggers, it's called present triggers."

I don't even know where to begin with this mess.  As I stated prior, you have no understanding of what a vaccine is nor how it functions; its purpose.

As for known predispositions, as already stated, there certain contra-indicators.

"And now those that are so afraid of the JJ, and so afraid of the salt and the probiotic and all of that, thy're going to be forced to face the Ebola virus -without any support, because their so afraid of the vaccines, afraid of the JJ.  Their going to die anyways.  Or their going to get the vaccine, they already have predispositions, they're going to suffer complications."

Simplest way to respond, she doesn't understand.  She is so stuck on JJ being the elixir of life, that she has discarded all pertinent supporting information surrounding the use of vaccines.  All the data concerning the reduction  inmthe number of cases, mortality.  The considerations of contra-indicators.  Efficacy,,,all of it  The only things that matters,,, drink the JJ!

"So any which way you turn, if you totally demonize the JJ, your cutting somebody off from the opportunity to strengthen their weaknesses, So that when they are exposed to that virus, it's not going to taken them down.  The body is going to sense there something in the environment, and it's going to go after the most aggressive severe issue in the body. So that you're not taken down by a virus being harbored inside of you.  

"Because those of you that have been around for a while have antibodies.  You know your a blood type A,B or O and AB+ has the surface marker antigen A, which is  made up of so many different minerals and bacteria, and viruses And if you hvae a weak immune system, they will eventually agglutinate and turn into the actual virus at some point if you have enough of them.  And if you have a weaknesses."

I will be honest, I have no fucking clue what Jillian is saying here.  Not going to try and figure it out either.  OK I lied, I spent two days trying to figure this shit out  This is the best I could come up with. Me thinks she watches a bit to much of Ancient Aliens.   Seriously, this is a woman who thinks having AB+ "means you have surface marker antigen that is causing mutations."

I want you to listen (read)  very closely to what she says,,,

"That's what happens when someone is exposed to HIV, BUT THEY ARE HIV-, BUT WHEN THEY BECOME HIV+ THAT MEANS THE ANTIBODIES ARE AGGLUTINATING. That the virus is not too far from giving you symptoms that you cannot recover from"

No Jillian, just no!! You are a fucking idiot.  A status of HIV- means you do NOT have HIV.  It is that simple.  It is not the same thing as two different blood types mixing or rH incompatibility.  You can not go from HIV- to HIV+ without being re-exposed to the virus (risk factors) .  One caveat, "A negative result doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have HIV. This is due to the window period (incubation period),,, If you test again after the window period, have no possible HIV exposure during the window period, and the result comes back negative, you do not have HIV."
As a aside,
An antigen/antibody test looks for both HIV antibodies and antigens. Antibodies are produced by your immune system when you’re exposed to viruses like HIV. Antigens are foreign substances that cause your immune system to activate. If you have HIV, an antigen called p24 is produced even before antibodies develop. 
With any other individual, I may grant a misunderstanding or confusion digesting the literature.  Not in this case.  The CDC quite clearly explains what exposure to HIV may mean and the difference between HIV-/HIV+ status.
"It is important that you start medical care and begin HIV treatment as soon as you are diagnosed with HIV. Antiretroviral therapy or ART (taking medicine to treat HIV infection) is recommended for all people with HIV, regardless of how long they’ve had the virus or how healthy they are. HIV medicine works by lowering the amount of virus in your body to very low levels. HIV medicine can make the viral load so low that a test can’t detect it (called an undetectable viral load). HIV medicine slows the progression of HIV and helps protect your immune system. If you take HIV medicine as prescribed and get and keep an undetectable viral load, you can stay healthy for many years.  Having an undetectable viral load also helps prevent transmitting the virus to others.  For example, if you have an undetectable viral load, you have effectively no risk of transmitting HIV to an HIV-negative partner through sex."
Any body that follows this woman health information is seriously putting their lives at risk!!

"So  those of you who have been slamming JJ, as far as demonizing it, you've killed off alot of people if you think about it.

"Cuz not only are they missing the valuable electrolytes for the cardio-vascular system.  Especially if heart disease and sudden cardiac arrest [unless CPR is started within minutes, if not seconds, there is no surviving SCA] is so prevalent in males and females.  But now you have something like the Ebola virus coming into town and your only option is to get the vaccine or not get the  vaccne, your so afraid of the JJ.  But no matter what, with your predispositions you'll actually die from the exposure to the Ebola virus or you'll suffer complications from the vaccine, that you dont even know what your gonna get.  So you killed off a third option  for the people out there.

"Which is, hey get the vaccine or not get the vaccine but do the JJ but your gonna hafta heal.  It's not only protection from the Ebola virus, from the complication from it,your still going to experience symptoms because you have been exposed to it.  But at least now you'll live through it but you'll heal the rest of your body.

"That's what's missing from those people who don't understand JJ, as well as DrPhil,,,"

I'm sorry Jillian, but JJ is NOT an option for combating Ebola.  It is not an option for anything but possible salt poisoning(depending on how much is actually consumes per your recipe).  You have yet to produce one study showing the health benefits of the mega-dose of salt you recommend.  You have yet to show one study supporting your contentions about "fermented" cabbage or kale.

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