Monday, February 10, 2020

It's a good thing salt doesn't get old

A note before we begin:: Please do not take my attitude toward Jillian's fear-mongering as not being concerned about developments in regards to the coronavirus.

Personally, ATM, I have no concerns for myself, although I do have abit f concern for my friends who do travel.  New information would of course change that view.. That does not mean I do not have overall concerns in our current ability to combat what is occurring. I will let science dictate my actions; the global politics will have to work themselves out.

I will not fear-monger!!

So I have no plans of re-hashing what I have already stated in regards to salt (NaCl) or Pink Himalayan Salt (PHS). I believe what I have already covered is suffice, although a few points will be redundant in order to set the stage.

Her book (p14),,,
All throughout her book she refers to PHS.
Salt snobbery,,,
While in her book Jillian refers primarily to PHS, Celtic Salt was also a favorite until March-April of 2018.
 As I noted, it appears she could not get an affiliate marketing or company endorsement deal to her liking. Black Tai Salt Co, went so far as asking her to remove any association to their brand. Whatever the reason, it became PHS only
Jillian didn't seem brand specific,,,
She had stated to using Sherpa brand purchased via Amazon.

So for two years we have listened to Jillian convince her minions that PHS is special, it's not, it's just salt!
That salt won't harm you - it can.
 So why the mini history lesson?
In July of 2018, Jillian posted this video. Her descriptor, “why no table salt but yes to pink himalayan mineral salt and LOTS of good vibing and info and a little more personal info about me and whatever and I'm being a little immature but I don't care
Over time , Jillian's rhetoric has been based upon two points the additives in table salt and the “trace elements” in PHS.

As I noted back in 2018 concerning both,
This is an oft-cited spectral analysis of the 84 trace minerals claimed as a panacea by many a woo-meisters. As noted by McVean, the trace elements are too minuscule to make any difference; we already get plenty of the same trace minerals from other foods. There are no such studies published in peer-reviewed journals stating that replacing white salt with pink salt makes a shred of difference or leads to any improvement in health. 

Harriet Hall,
If you read down the list of minerals, you will notice that it includes a number of radioactive substances like radium, uranium, and polonium. It also includes substances that act as poisons, like thallium. I wouldn’t be worried, since the amounts are so small; but if anyone believes the trace amounts of “good” minerals in Himalayan sea salt are good for you, why not believe the trace amounts of poisons and radioactive elements are bad for you?
As for the additives Jillian like to rail about.
  • Iodized salt has been used to correct these conditions since 1924 and consists of table salt mixed with a minute amount of potassium iodide, sodium iodide or sodium iodate. A small amount of dextrose may also be added to stabilize the iodine.
  • Sodium ferrocyanide is sometimes added to salt as an anticaking agent. The additive is considered safe for human consumption. Such anticaking agents have been added since at least 1911 when magnesium carbonate was first added to salt to make it flow more freely. 
  • Sodium hexacyanoferrate,,, was last evaluated by the Committee on the Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT) as an anti-caking agent in salt in 1988. The COT confirmed that sodium hexacyanoferrate was provisionally acceptable for use in food,,, 
  • Other anticaking agents sometimes used include tricalcium phosphate, calcium or magnesium carbonates, fatty acid salts (acid salts), magnesium oxide, silicon dioxide, calcium silicate, sodium aluminosilicate and calcium aluminosilicate. 
  • In developing nations, there is what is called "doubly fortified salt". Both iodide and iron salts are added. The iodine for prevention of goiter, the iron for prevention of Neural Tube Defects (NTD), for example spina bifida.
  • Over in the UK, parts of Europe and Mid/South America, fluoride salts are added to table salt with the goal of reducing tooth decay. 
As per usual with woo-meisters, the use of safe chemistry, that is highly regulated, is questioned. The use of untested, non peer reviewed bullshit must be accepted at all cost as to safety and efficacy.
Well, ignore all that!!

As of February 8, 2020 Jillian has broken her long term faith in PHS. Now you can or should buy white salt. Out with the pink in with the cheapest. (Remember, Jillian considers JJ a "religious belief," hence the term "faith.")
What precipitated this drastic change?
While many of us critics have varying hypotheses, in my mind it boils down to one thing – MONEY!!

Either DH has tightened the purse strings or Jillian is cashing in on global fear thinking she can make a buck or two by selling to her minions. She has already targeted a brand due to happenstance.

1] Jillian has been posting non-stop for weeks concerning the coronavirus. Not just posting but fear-mongering by posting very questionable source material.  IOWs conspiracy theories!!

2] Jillian is trying to create a panic for Pink Himalayan Salt. The headline reads, Why Pakistan Is Resuming Flights to and From China.” No mention specifically to PHS but Pakistan and China do have strong economic ties.
 Quoted in the article
they don't have proper testing facilities for the CORONA VIRUS and they stand in solidarity with China.
This is where all the pink salt comes from
It's mined in Pakistan.
If there's an interruption in the supply chain, as far as pink Himalayan salt, what would you do and how much would you spend?
Please remember sodium chloride is the most needed mineral in your body
Not only did she post to her business page, dropping hints of of something big,
but also to her personal page.
IOWs she already had something in mind.
Now dont take me wrong.  Jillian may have a straight up motive of saving money, which is kewl - although it presents its own problems.  But bear in mind Jillian needs money to publish her alleged forthcoming "second" book.  I highly doubt the DH is going to fork over the approximate $1200 she needs.  So I dont think Jillian  motives are pure. 
3] Her announcement followed the next day.
Are you worth your weight in salt? Now I'm going to be introducing a very New Concept. All pure SODIUM chloride is perfectly fine to use with the Jilly juice protocol recipe
Not a “new concept” and iodized salt is not recommended for ferments. I have been harping on her exclusive use of PHS for 2 yearsas canning salt is just fine.
Now I know that we've been focusing on pink Himalayan salt because of the marketing. ancient knowledge and all the different trace minerals. But remember, you get trace minerals in your environment. You get in your food supply in the air in the tap water in the pesticides the genetically modified the pollution. Even the Wi-Fi
You, yourself fostered this is idea with no qualms. (See above re:: "ancient coding.")
 WTF - how do you get trace elements from WiFi?
 What your body truly needs is the salt.
Not in the amount you recommended.
Whether it has an anti-caking agent in it or not. Whether it's iodized or not. Remember your body needs all the different trace minerals. Which means that there is nothing poisonous in this world, however you need to be able to Release the excess with an energizing Force. Which right now most of you do not have
Still doesn't understand that dose makes the poison.

This cost me $7.25 for every 50 lb bag of salt
This is the manufacturer. They get the salt and they process it and then I don't know who they partner up to distribute it, but see if they have a distributor in your area.
So you know nothing about this company. Considering the stance you presented concerning the labor practices in the PHS salt mine in Pakistan, this does not surprise me.
Do not get caught up in the trendy salt where there's more minerals than sodium chloride and they actually advertise that. 
If there where more “minerals” it wouldn't be salt. You really do fail at basic chemistry!
Her posts are generating confusion.
 She then followed with this video (FB) at 10:03AM (YT) Basically it is 40 minutes of her justifying the flip-flop on her part. IMO the verbiage she spews demonstrate to me that money is involved in some way.
Followed shortly after by this article,
which discusses a brief history of salt in regards to the phrase “worth its salt.”

So there ya have it folks! Whether Jillian tries monetize or is just saving a few bucks, who knows. I do care if she attempts to monetize as she has unsafe sanitary practices concerning JJ. Based on her skimming mold and Kahm yeast from her ferments,
I wouldn't touch any product she was in charge of, especially if it has been in her home for a year.
There are approximately 26.58 TBSP per pound of table salt; 1329 TBSP per 50 lbs table salt.
There are 8 TBSP of table salt per gallon of JJ for approximately 166 gallons of JJ. So in essence, Jillian purchased a years worth of salt
Remember 1 TBSP of granulated table salt is greater, by volume, than 1 TBSP of course grind PHS.

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