I had planned on a different topic
about Epperly; although information gathering is going a bit slow at
the moment. So onward and upward till inspiration hits!
If you remember from my screed the other day,
Epperly views Himalayan Pink Salt in a unusual way. (Note::
When Epperly refers to “salt” I am assuming she means Pink
Himalayan Salt (PHS) which is NaCl plus minimal trace elements.)
So we are going to take a look at Pink
Himalayan Salt and the ramifications of the protocol Jillian
can be a bit snobby when it comes to various salts when I cook and
bake. They don't impart some magic vibe or have juju properties, I
like the flavor depending. Guess what I don't buy, as I am going
through a rough patch in the finance department? I also have a rock
salt lamp that is now a night light. Needless to say, I fell for the woo when purchased.
Before we get into the nitty-gritty, I
am going to get this ethical issue out of the way. It is the primary
reason I no longer use PHS in cooking; I would toss my lamp but it
cost me $58 at the time of purchase. I use it as a reminder to speak
out for those who can't.
The salt comes
from the Khewar Salt Mine, in the Punjab province of Pakistan, not
THE Himalayas. Khewar Salt Mine is approximately 190 miles from the Himalayas. Conditions at the mine are terrible taking advantage of child labor.
Jillian doesn't care!! She expects the
exploited people in Pakistan to "stick up for themselves".
First world privilege at its finest. Fuck the suffering in the rest
of the world as long as I get my magic salt, right Jillian?
See also::
Please note the following 2 URLs have been hijacked and pose a threat to computer security,,, they have been removed
- Mine Workers in Pakistan
- Khewra miners need to dig deeper for rights
- The Story of the Khewra Salt Mine
As I have mentioned prior, Epperly is recommending 55,200mg NaCl/day, if one drinks the full gallon as called for in her protocol. I have seen claims that prior to her “gaining” popularity she suggested 2 TBSP of PHS (or Celtic salt).
I believe Epperly drops the Celtic Salt due to not garnering a suitable affiliate marketing deal. But note,
The actual percentages in Himalayan salt depend on what article you read. This article claims 85.62% sodium chloride and 14.38% other trace minerals, where as this article claims 87% sodium chloride and 13% other trade minerals. In truth, the number is closer to to the high end, with sodium chloride content being 95-97%, leaving 3-5% composition for other minerals.Table salt is 97%-99% pure NaCl. Pure sodium chloride is white. The color of PHS is due to impurities. It is ironic that pink Himalayan sea salt is advertised as “The purest salt available today.” Its very color belies that claim.
Anyways I digress,,,
I personally have seen screen shots from that time period that show 1TBSP. So, what to believe. Anything over the oft cited The Salt Fix, that some of her minions use as apologia for the 1 TBSP is dangerously high. The Salt Fix only suggest 6000mg/day, JJ is at 55,200mg/days if you do a full gallon.
Qazi Muhammad Sharif; Mumtaz Hussain; Muhammad
Tahir Hussain (December 2007). Viqar Uddin Ahmad; Muhammad Raza Shah,
eds. "Chemical
Evaluation of Major Salt Deposits of Pakistan"
It's a point the Epperly fails to mention in her rebuttal a to RipOffReport filed by a family member of Bruce Wilmot.
No matter how one looks at it (whether she should be held accountable for Wilmot's death), there is no justification for that amount of salt. She tries to say drinking water as a balancing force, which is false as water does not replace the electrolytes lost by "waterfalls". The trace minerals in the PHS are too small to make a different.
I’m actually going to let Dr. Mercola debunk himself in this article. We’ll simply present the ingredients he claims are in his salt, along with his own “research” on those same elements. The truth of the matter is, Mercola unequivocally states that his own product is full of poisonous elements,,,I mention this only because her minions extol the virtues of the “84-trace minerals”:
So there you have it. Ten elements Dr. Mercola purports to be highly toxic, even in minute doses, but all found in his “healthy” Himalayan salt. There are far more examples, but let’s not beat a dead horse. If the trace elements are there in sufficient quantities to provide the claimed benefits, then they certainly exist in amounts sufficient to be the poisons Mercola warns about. Especially when he’s making risible claims such as evacuating entire buildings because of a mercury spill the size of a tooth filling. (Internal citations removed)
See also:: The Toxic 'Chemical Hypocrisy' OfFood Babe, Joseph Mercola And Mark Hyman
Epperly fails in consideration of research counter to her trope as a study by McMaster University released in 2011, suggests that milk is a better hydrating source than plain water. The study, which was funded by the Dairy Farmers of Canada, found,
Children become dehydrated during exercise, and it’s important they get enough fluids, particularly before going into a second round of a game. Milk is better than either a sports drink or water because it is a source of high quality protein, carbohydrates, calcium and electrolytes.Following that, in 2016, a BHI (beverage hydration index) was created to provide evidence-based suggestions for how to most efficiently hydrate.
The identification of beverages that promote longer-term fluid retention and maintenance of fluid balance is of real clinical and practical benefit in situations in which free access to fluids is limited or when frequent breaks for urination are not desirable. The postingestion diuretic response is likely to be influenced by several beverage characteristics, including the volume ingested, energy density, electrolyte content, and the presence of diuretic agents.What is not included in Jillian's highly restrictive diet, MILK!!
The hydration index is modeled after the well-known glycemic index, which measures how the body responds to the carbohydrate content of different foods. (The glycemic index is used to help individuals keep their glucose-insulin response under control.) The guiding principle behind the new hydration index is that some fluids last longer in your body than others, providing more hydration. After all, if you drink a cup of water and then immediately excrete half that amount in your urine, you haven’t added eight ounces to your water supply, but only four.Also if interest to note from the Times article,
The results showed that four beverages — oral rehydration solution, like Pedialyte; fat-free milk; whole milk and orange juice — had a significantly higher hydration index than water. The first three had hydration index scores around 1.5, with orange juice doing slightly better than water at 1.1. Oral rehydration solutions are specifically formulated to combat serious dehydration such as that resulting from chronic diarrhea.
Scott Gavura sums it up well,
There is reasonable population-level data linking higher levels of salt consumption with higher blood pressure. From a population perspective, interventions that dramatically lower salt intake result in lower blood pressure. Not everyone responds in the same way — many people with normal blood pressure can regularly consume a high salt load without any apparent change in blood pressure. But not everyone, and not forever. Salt sensitivity seems to increase with age and is more pronounced in some ethnic groups, as well as in those with salt-sensitive conditions such as kidney disease. And chronic high levels of salt consumption may be associated with the subsequent emergence of hypertension. There may be additional effects, unrelated to blood pressure, too. However, the causality between salt consumption, and all of these negative effects, is less clear.
But the above is a point that needsconsideration and the individual care of a primary physician, something Epperly is not, nor has the training in regards to,
When it comes to clinical practice guidelines, low salt diets are the mainstays of pretty much every set of guidelines on the management of high blood pressure. The evidence supporting the relationship with hard outcomes is robust, but not rock-solid. We don’t have causal data, but we do have considerable epidemiologic evidence to suggest that reducing dietary salt consumption is likely to offer net benefits in the management of hypertension.
Jillian, in her want for god-like status ignores all that. She doesn't care the ramifications of what she suggests. As noted before just listen to what she says concern Bruce Wilmot around the 13:49 mark (12:25-15:34 for context).FYI:: Gavura provides a nice overview of the study in question (Reduceddietary salt for the prevention of cardiovascular disease) concerning the effects of dietary interventions that restricted/reduce salt consumption.
At this juncture I have no plans of delving into whether PHS is good or bad due to the trace elements allegedly present. The whole “84 trace minerals” shtick is used as a marketing ploy. Suffice it to say, the trace levels are low enough not to warrant concern beyond the hypocrisy of AVers. However - the concerns related to it being spiked with other salt or plastic, explosives being used in the mining process and the dangers and potential contaminants from that process, the use of metal grinders where small particles can come off, versus the use of traditional stone grinders, and the list goes on – while troublesome are also beyond my purview. These are claims made by woo-woo peddlers and would need to be explored individually making this post very long.
The issue surrounding salt (in a nut shell)
High blood pressure is a known risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Numerous studies have shown a correlation between salt intake and blood pressure, but the correlation between salt intake and cardiovascular outcomes like stroke and death has not been so clearly established. The large INTERSALT study found a modest association between higher levels of sodium intake and higher blood pressure. Some systematic reviews of the literature have confirmed that association, others have not. A 2013 review in the British Medical Journal found that lower sodium intake was correlated not only with a lower risk of hypertension but also with a lower risk of stroke and fatal coronary heart disease. Prospective cohort studies have shown inconsistent associations between sodium intake and cardiac risk.As Hall notes, “[l]arger studies were needed to settle the issue.” Which she discusses three and concludes:
None of this really sheds any light on what we should do as individuals. Should we continue asking “pass the salt?” Should we abstain from adding salt at the table? Should we read labels and monitor the total amount of salt in our diet? Should we aim for 3–5 g a day?
These studies found associations, but they couldn’t determine causes, and they did not even attempt to measure what would happen if people changed the amount of sodium and potassium in their diets. If anything, they suggest that existing guidelines for salt restriction for the general population may be too extreme.They also suggest that “moderation in all things” and “eat your vegetables” are still good advice.
So what is Himalayan Pink Salt?
According to Jillian – No discussion
in either book although she does say this,
Fer realz -
The use of salt has been around for avery long time, since ca. 5400 BCE. A salt production center called
Solnitsata in Provadia, Bulgaria dates to this time.
Concerning "Jurassic Sea Salt" better known as Pink
Himalayan Salt, it is mined the at the Khewra Salt Mine in Khewra,
Jhelum District, Punjab province of the Pakistan. First records of
mining are from the Janjua people in the 1200s, although salt has
probably been mined and traded here since the time of Alexander the
Great (356-323 BCE).
As far as PHS, the salt beds were
deposited from ancient oceans 250 million years ago and the ocean
layers were uplifted when the Himalayas formed. They were covered by
lava and were enveloped in ice and snow for millennia.
Qazi Muhammad
Sharif; Mumtaz Hussain; Muhammad Tahir Hussain (December 2007). Viqar
Uddin Ahmad; Muhammad Raza Shah, eds. "Chemical
Evaluation of Major Salt Deposits of Pakistan"
Chemical properties – Salt is Salt,
it all comes from the sea
Jillian – As noted above, there is no
discussion in either book. What should, isn't even mentioned:
Over time Celtic Salt, an initial favorite, is no longer
considered adequate. My guess is she could not get an affiliate
marketing or company endorsement deal to her liking. Recently, the
Black Tai Salt Co, asked her to remove any association to their
Jillian's “response”,
For realz -
The chemical analysis then goes on
discussing the trace elements (various impurities present in the salt
including the heavy metals), “the presence of heavy metals beyond
the allowed upper and lower limits can cause metabolic disturbance.
Thus both the deficiency and excess of heavy metals may produce
undesirable effects.” Concluding,
All salts are all basically the same chemical, sodium chloride. Only the trace amounts of other substances vary. Table salt is
fortified with iodine and is a highly effective way to prevent iodine
deficiency and goiter.
Salt is mostly sodium chloride, the ionic compound with the formula NaCl, representing equal proportions of sodium and chlorine. Sea salt and freshly mined salt (much of which is sea salt from prehistoric seas) also contain small amounts of trace elements (which in these small amounts are generally good for plant and animal health). Mined salt is often refined in the production of table salt; it is dissolved in water, purified via precipitation of other minerals out of solution, and re-evaporated. During this same refining process it is often also iodized.
This is an oft-cited spectral analysis of the 84 trace minerals claimed as a panacea by many a woo-meisters.
As noted by McVean, the trace elements are too minuscule to make
any difference; we already get plenty of the same trace minerals from
other foods. There are no such studies published in peer-reviewed
journals stating that replacing white salt with pink salt makes a
shred of difference or leads to any improvement in health.
If you read down the list of minerals, you will notice that it includes a number of radioactive substances like radium, uranium, and polonium. It also includes substances that act as poisons, like thallium. I wouldn’t be worried, since the amounts are so small; but if anyone believes the trace amounts of “good” minerals in Himalayan sea salt are good for you, why not believe the trace amounts of poisons and radioactive elements are bad for you?
As for the additives Jillian like to
rail about.
- Iodized salt has been used to correct these conditions since 1924 and consists of table salt mixed with a minute amount of potassium iodide, sodium iodide or sodium iodate. A small amount of dextrose may also be added to stabilize the iodine.
- Sodium ferrocyanide is sometimes added to salt as an anticaking agent. The additive is considered safe for human consumption. Such anticaking agents have been added since at least 1911 when magnesium carbonate was first added to salt to make it flow more freely.
- Sodium hexacyanoferrate,,, was last evaluated by the Committee on the Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT) as an anti-caking agent in salt in 1988. The COT confirmed that sodium hexacyanoferrate was provisionally acceptable for use in food,,,
- Other anticaking agents sometimes used include tricalcium phosphate, calcium or magnesium carbonates, fatty acid salts (acid salts), magnesium oxide, silicon dioxide, calcium silicate, sodium aluminosilicate and calcium aluminosilicate.
- In developing nations, there is what is called "doubly fortified salt". Both iodide and iron salts are added. The iodine for prevention of goiter, the iron for prevention of Neural Tube Defects (NTD), for example spina bifida.
- Over in the UK, parts of Europe and Mid/South America, fluoride salts are added to table salt with the goal of reducing tooth decay.
As per usual with woo-meisters, the use of safe chemistry, that is
highly regulated, is questioned. The use of untested, non peer
reviewed bullshit must be accepted at all cost as to safety and
An interesting tid-bit discovered while
information gathering,
Iodine is a natural element needed by the body to make thyroid hormones and is essential for normal growth and development of our nervous system (brain), sexual development, to maintain fertility, regulate our metabolism and maintain our body temperature. Adults with insufficient iodine in their diet show signs of hypothyroidism and women have higher rates of miscarriage; infant mortality is higher in babies; and children are at risk for reduced intelligence and can suffer permanent mental retardation, neurological defects and growth abnormalities.
The U.S. Institute of Medicine’s recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for iodine is 150 mcg for adults and adolescents, 220 mcg for pregnant women, 290 mcg/d for lactating women, and 90-120 mcg for children aged 1-11 years.
Remember Epperly is anti-procreation
and is childless herself, by choice. She has even gone so far as to
try and prevent menstruation.
Taken together, this may explain Epperly's anti-table salt stance,
she doesnt want kids, therefore no one else should have them. Epperly
has created a fanciful justification for that stance. As Katy Paulson notes,
Ultimately, the amount of salt required for good health is based
on individual needs, health status, and genetic predisposition to
salt sensitivity. The evidence for salt restriction, even for those
with cardiovascular or renal disease, is mixed and often times
inconclusive. It’s important to remember that the data regarding
sodium intake has been from populations typically eating a standard
American diet, so drawing any universal conclusions may be in
What it boils down to (pun intended), what you and you doctor(s) determine is best for you. Not the claims of some delusion yahoo on the internet, me included. As you can see attempting to determine exactly what Epperly proposes leads one down many a rabbit hole and taking the time to discern what she is proposing is a daunting task.
Ignoring the woo and magical claims, or as she is now stressing – potentials, Epperly is asking her minions to ingest a mega dose of NaCl based in her flawed understanding science,
and basic chemistry.
She redefines terms to suit her agenda assigning properties to her
slop that are impossible.
If I were to play arm-chair shrink I would say she suffers from an eating disorder and is projecting her need for personal control out on to others. Hence why I consider her a cult leader. But hey, I dont paid get the big bucks and that is just my opinion based upon what she presents. (PS.I dont get paid at all other than my wages as a prep-cook/dishwasher).
She doubles down though and adds in anyone that has a lot of children. Jillian reminds them that having children doesn’t mean a person is healthy. In fact, she believes they are on a death trajectory. Jillian believes people on her protocol will live forever and won’t need to procreate.For anyone who is childless for, legitimate reasons (ie. finances, lifestyle, inability to conceive, age, etc), what this loon proposes is an insult and pure fantasy. Her justification is rooted in the belief we can live to be 400-years old, but are infested by mutations passed along via the Nephilim of Genesis 6:4. Interwoven in her delusion, is the Georgia Guidestone mandate of population control.
Now I don't want to get to deep into
the physiological need for salt or its over-consumption, but salt is
needed. There is an enormous range in the daily dietary sodium
intake of various cultures around the world, ranging from quite low
(1150 mg) to fairly high (5175 mg). Additionally, we know that the
healthy kidney is capable of adjusting to fluctuating levels of
sodium in the diet in order to maintain fluid homeostasis. (Another
concept that Jillian slaughters.)
What it boils down to (pun intended), what you and you doctor(s) determine is best for you. Not the claims of some delusion yahoo on the internet, me included. As you can see attempting to determine exactly what Epperly proposes leads one down many a rabbit hole and taking the time to discern what she is proposing is a daunting task.
Ignoring the woo and magical claims, or as she is now stressing – potentials, Epperly is asking her minions to ingest a mega dose of NaCl based in her flawed understanding science,
If I were to play arm-chair shrink I would say she suffers from an eating disorder and is projecting her need for personal control out on to others. Hence why I consider her a cult leader. But hey, I dont paid get the big bucks and that is just my opinion based upon what she presents. (PS.I dont get paid at all other than my wages as a prep-cook/dishwasher).
In closing, two points I want to be
clear on, I am in no way saying PHS is poisonous or harmful, beyond
the RDA. Most natural mineral supplements and food contain a small
amount of heavy metals (for example),
but in a healthy state, we are well-equipped to handle them.
Point two, I am in not advocating for a
low salt no salt diet unless medically warranted. I am advocating
for common sense and moderation. Ingesting 55,200mg of NaCl is not
moderate nor common sense. It is bullshit!! Attaching other woo to
it as Epperly does, should be red flags.
Andrew Weil sums it up well in speaking
to TIME,
“All salts vary somewhat with respect to trace mineral content and texture,” says Weil. Proponents claim that pink salt has more minerals than typical salt—but you aren’t likely to get any extra health perks from eating it, Weil says. Pink Himalayan salt is nutritionally very similar to regular salt. It’s just prettier and more expensive.
Telling people
“you can drop
your critical illness policy or Rider because you're not going to get
critically ill unless you stop drinking the juice,” is not a
potentiality but a claim. You are claiming your Juice will prevent
people from getting “critically” ill. You have no evidence that
claim is true.
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