Monday, August 24, 2020

Chapter 2:: What Is Balancing Life? - A Review (4)


 Sorry for the repetition, but a topic page is not proper citation for a claim. Her source – which states, “[m]ycoviruses are intracellular within the fungus, are transmitted between hosts by cell-to-cell contact/fusion, and can be disseminated within spores.”

Which Jillian interprets as.

 Notice what she states, “from their single stranded RNA.” While not a proper source, I direct your attention to this entry (it's the first abstract).

 So tell me, do you honestly think this lying con artist reads the material she cites?

Jillian states it herself, mycoviruses attack fungus, not the human body.


Fungus do not have organs. Instead, a typical fungus is made up of a reproductive body and network of cells that form threadlike structures called hyphae. Jillian is once again making an unsubstantiated leap.

There is no intention; mother nature is fantasy. Evolution is an intellectually unguided process perpetuated by reproductive success. Which is ironic, her reference to the Darwinian concept of survival of the fittest, since she is against reproduction. (Unguided reproduction that is.)

And FYI – it was Herbert Spencer who coined the phrase “survival of the fittest” after reading On the Origin of Species, in his Principles of Biology (1864). He drew parallels between his own economic theories and Darwin's biological ones.  

Spencer's thought led to the now debunked notion of social Darwinism which was used to justify unregulated economics, war and racism. However, these ideas contradict Darwin's ideas The term "social Darwinism" referring to capitalist ideologies was introduced as a term of abuse by Richard Hofstadter (Social Darwinism in American Thought -1944).

Darwin adopted the phrase in The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication published in 1868. In On the Origin of Species, he introduced the phrase in the fifth edition published in 1869.

To cite or notate a concept that is contrary to one of her primary theses of living indefinitely demonstrates how intellectually dishonest Jillian is. Evolution is based on reproductive success of a species not the individual. Considering she is childless,,,

 Anywho,,, up next is bacteria according to Jillian.

First, I'm not going to quibble too much concerning the distinction between “good” and “bad” bacteria. I will quibble with her continual lumping together of science based medicine with pseudo medicine.

There is no comparison so stop!! It is also laughable considering you base your entire thesis on debunked pseudo-medical claims:: systemic
candida (as you call it), auto-intoxication, leaky gut syndrome, as well as being anti vaccine.

No,,, this is NOT wht Jillian's source states. What Jillian conveniently left out,,, highlighted. 


That is lying by omission!! The article is clearly speaking to the external global ecosystem and the cycling of nutrients.

The ecosystem, both on land and in the water, depends heavily upon the activity of bacteria. The cycling of nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur is completed by their ceaseless labor.”

Her source in no way supports this statement. She is literally making shit up!!

Again Jillian lies. She out claims that “it is impossible to kill all bacteria.”


Her source states otherwise.


It's called sterilization!! Where Jillian got the idea that bacteria can not be killed is beyond comprehension.

In this article we have seen the different methods of killing bacteria. We must remember that there are many factors that can influence the killing of bacteria. We need to consider the time of exposure, temperature, concentration and pH of the disinfectants and number of bacteria present before we start any method to kill bacteria.

Again, at this point I do not know whether Jillian addresses bacteria later in her book. What she presents so far are a bunch of lies. As I have stated, I can no longer accept that Jillian is misunderstanding what she allegedly reads as her sources are very clear in what they state.

We are almost finished with chapter 2, three more pages to go,,,lol.

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