Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Holy hell, never shoulda listened to that!! (Reaction)


So recently Jillian put out this dribble.  While the past month or so I needed to take a step back due to health issues, this video as well as another caught my ear.  The entire theme of the video is the Galileo Gambit, a fallacy committed by those theories  that contradict the mainstream scientific consensus. The Galileo gambit is often used to suggest that science is not open to criticism, but nothing could be further from the truth.  The "maverick doctor" or a lay person thinking "outside the box" fall into this descriptor as well.

My thoughts as I listened,,,

You're not a visionary Jillian, not even close. Your ideas are bullshit and have no scientific basis. Your ideas are all in your mind solely based on your notion of reality. You're not a maverick. Show us skeptics ONE peer reviewed paper that support the consumption of JJ. Just one!!
You are not the lone sage who knows better than the establishment. You are rationalizing the lack of acceptance of your ideas.
The idea that you are persecuted is horse pucky. Your notions surrounding JJ are antithetical to accepted models of established science and medicine.  You face stiff opposition because you have NO evidence that supports your claim(s). The scientific community does not easily give up models which have served it well, and some scientists may defend them fiercely. But if new models are supported by evidence, and they bring better explanations, they eventually prevail. Albert Einstein, Georg Ohm, Charles Darwin, Barbara McClintock, among many others, encountered initial opposition to their ideas, but it would be far-fetched to call this persecution. Because they had evidence to back them up, the ideas were eventually accepted.  There is no scientific or medical basis for consuming JJ as you prescribe - 2C water + 1C cabbage or kale + 1TBSP salt.
We are not necessarily making fun of you, although I would be lying if I said we don't make fun of you.  Our (us critics) primary goal is attempting to counter your bullshit medical claims. While your socio-political views are disgusting, they of no real interest. Be a fascists for all I care.
We diminish what you do because it is false science. You either do not understand science or you are purposely lying. You choose, because science does not agree with you.  Are you purposely lying Jillian?  Because to this critic, it looks like you are.
Study after study shows the consumption of excess salt is bad. Study after study has shown that strain and species is relevant to the consumption of probiotics. Study after study show that probiotics, even when used correctly, are not always the panacea you make them out to be. Yet instead of accepting that correction you double down on your false beliefs. You cant even demonstrate your current recipe is a probiotic!!
That's not thinking outside the box, that is,,, not understanding what your read (or lying). Like I said above, show scientific studies, done by you, that demonstrate that you are correct. 

Think about what you just said,,, improving yourself?? Now, bear in mind this is my understanding of your situation. and if you are content so be it.  But it doesnt change the fact that the information you spew is not only dangerous but also flat out wrong. 
I been following you since late 2015 - you were still on the holistic/con-nutter route. Pandering some smoothie slop and then discovered ferments, or more like then concept of. You went from losing weight by purging to JJ can cure the gay, regrow limbs, and indefinite life. You call the holding of those delusions as an improvement??
Now you believe you have, not only been exposed, but had CV-19 numerous times.  That JJ some how diminished the effects.  You have never been tested and a virus is not a biological upgrade to your evolution.
I, like many others, work. I have no problem doing what I enjoy. I work because I want to as I could very easily be on disability - I have hemiparesis and the right side of my body dont work so well. I dont care if I make a mark on humanity, I hope in some way I do.  but I dont need that validation. Not that having such a lofty goal is a bad thing, but your medical ideas are flat out wrong and that is the difference. 

Your information will kill someone or cause harm. You, Jillian, are intentionally trying to hurt people with piss-poor information. You have been told numerous times that your understanding is faulty but yet you persist. How else is one to judge you when you do not take correction.  Actually you refuse any correction hiding behind closed comments, blocking of people on your FB, and deleting members of your group for asking a question.
What you're doing, in regards to JJ, is not important. You're not even a blip on the medical radar. Those of us who are aware of you, laugh at your insane ramblings. What you do outside of promoting JJ is your business. I dont need to know about what you cook or shaking the tree with DH.
I'm utterly thrilled you think shitting your brains out and telling other to do the same is fulfilling. I find it rather repulsive as I am sure others do as well. Not exactly a goal I have for myself. 
I will give credit on "writing" two books though,,, mine are still in the information gathering and writing phase after 10 years,,,lol.
Please studies demonstrating you have changed your biochemistry?  How is flooding the sewer system with your poop going to change the world? 
How is telling your minions that antibodies are evil, going to change the world? Oh,,, that's right, you believe in killing off over 7 billion people that are disabled or weak - or as you call them useless eaters. BTW that would include me, hence why I will battle you till the day I die just as I do with the theocrats who think I should be executed.
While you are a leader off a poop cult, your not somebody to follow or emulate. You're a narcissistic and sadistic old woman who gets their jollies from reading about peoples bathroom habits. I am not going to let your information go unchallenged.
So what exactly are you trying to prove to yourself JE? How many people you can sucker into making themselves sick??

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