Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Transcript:: More TWATs for Week Ending 3/27/33


Two wrongs don't make a right! All I'm gonna say.

As I said in the primary TWATs video for this week, I still have a bunch of stories to highlight. So without further ado,,,


So for this first clip, I am not sure as how to approach such. As per usual this segment is full of McKay's fantasies and violent rhetoric. Whether he is advocating for such action or just puffing his chest, I will let you decide. "I'm gonna rain this shitstorm down on all these scumbags until they are dead."

And FYI, this is right wing Christian family values in action. 


The dismissive attitude James spreads is appalling. https:
His overall reaction to the SS report (actual report:: is to blame women.

Just a note before continuing:: the following clip is much longer than I would normally would include but I think it's important.

While James mentions what he considers shortfalls of the ARTICLE he read, he forgets that this SS report is a case study. Essentially a glorified anecdote. Case studies are typically reports of some single event. Hence the lack of examples.

I also should also interject, that I believe it is a thorough case study and worth the read.

In his screed about lack of numerical data, he reads past this statement.

It is further important to note that misogynistic violence is not restricted to high-profile incidents of mass violence. Misogyny frequently appears in more prevalent acts of violence, including stalking and domestic abuse.

IOWs tracking such data may be more difficult.

Like the first clip, it is not sitting well with me. I believe Kyle Mantyla notes quite aptly, “,,, he [James] dismissed the threat of “misogynistic extremism,” blamed women for any hatred directed at them, and defended men who lash out violently, asking, “How can you really blame a guy?””

This next story I get a royal chuckle from as it is a PRATT from ages ago. You would think the QOP would have learned by now.

 To be redundant, “Just one problem: The iconic line appears nowhere in the U.S. Constitution. As most students learn in fifth-grade social studies, it’s in the Declaration of Independence.”

The thought of Sarah Palin as a congress critter is not very appealing; about as appealing as Bachmann making a comeback. Granted it would be a House seat, but that thought is chilling.


So one question I get asked frequently, is why I pay attention to the tripe. Ignoring my bizarre fascination, I am surrounded by people in my every day life who take what the talking heads speak as gospel. To be forewarned, is to be forearmed.


Foster tweet has since been removed by Twitter for a TOS violation, but he wrote.

What is sick and twisted is his sad attempt at clarification. We know what you really meant. We got the message clear the first time. And YES, you did mention the transgender community and allies. WTF do you think “and pretend men are women” are exactly?

I find his words repulsive as it seems like an odd position for a "man of faith". But I have heard this argument before. From men that prefer to behead people. And I should note, before you start complaining about some one house, clean your own.

So, this woman – Connie Uhre – is facing some shit for something she posted on FB.


(This post has since been deleted.)

The issue, this is discrimination; and, why she is facing a federal lawsuit. Allegedly, Uhre denied rooms in the hotel.

As noted by Stunson at the KCStar,

Under Title II of Civil Rights Act of 1964, “a place of public accommodation” cannot discriminate based on race, color, religion or national origin.

And by the Uhres allegedly discriminating against Native Americans, they violated the Civil Rights Act of 1866 that grants all citizens the same “benefits, privileges, terms and conditions,” according to the lawsuit.

Another story to keep tabs on as many con-nutter flags are being waved.

And, last but not least,,,


At best I would like to place Fowler Arthur's comments within the uniformed category. The fact she nor her staff are not returning any contact attempts to clarify, are concerning. There are no two sides to this debate.

What concerns me is her lack of awareness that she is repeating Nazi propaganda. Judaism as a “race” comes straight from Hitler.

Through inbreeding for thousands of years, often in very small circles, the Jew has been able to preserve his race and his racial characteristics much more successfully than most of the numerous people among whom he lives.

Mein Kampf is full of tripe such as this.

With that I bring this episode to a close. Hopefully this week wont be so jam packed with stories I want to cover.

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