clarification, I've done a wee bit of information gathering
concerning the Grand Gateway Hotel in South Dakota. If y'all
remember, it was the story concerning Connie Uhre.
Since final publication of said episode, Tribal leader have since filed a Notice To Trespass.
Meanwhile, tribal leaders issued a Notice To Trespass order to the hotel over the weekend, citing the hotel for being in violation of provisions of the “Treaty with the Sioux, April 29, 1868.”
The treaty states that “no white person or persons shall be permitted to settle upon or occupy any portion of the [land north of the North Platte River or east of the summits of the Big Horn Mountains]; or without the consent of the Indians first had and obtained, to pass through the same.”
The Great Sioux Nation is instructing the Grand Gateway Hotel to evacuate immediately.
This is in conjunction with the lawsuit and other actions.
As I stated prior, I will be interested in how this is resolved.
In my years of battling Darwin Deniers, I have heard (seen) many outlandish notions. This has got to be a first.
First of all, Darwin was not employed in the manner Logan is implying. Second, it took Darwin about 10 years to conceptualize and then write Origins. And third, “Darwinism” is an inappropriate term generally used by creationists.
As for the Rothschild based conspiracy, I borrow from ADL via Media Matters.
A longstanding anti-Semitic conspiracy theory posits that a cabal of Jews led by members of the Rothschild banking family have been manipulating currency and exerting influence on regional and national events since the early 19th century for the purposes of personal enrichment and/or world domination. Anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists claim that the Rothschilds interfered with the American Revolution, financed Nazism and/or the Bolshevik Revolution, perpetrated the 9/11 attacks, and created the state of Israel. They also allege that the Rothschilds are some of the chief architects of an impending “New World Order” which will abolish nationalities and enslave humanity.
So did you catch the point where Logan let her true colors shine? Conflating origins with evolution calling it a “chicken or egg” debate. Based on what I am aware of,
Her statements, criticizing Darwinism and contrasting it with what sounds like Creationism, seem off-topic and like a brand-new antisemitic belief, or at least a new project to ascribe to the imaginary Jewish cabal that is so beloved by conspiracy theorists. But Logan is, in fact, drawing from a well-known antisemitic belief that Jews oppose God and Christianity — ironic, of course, given that the Jewish bible is the source of the creation story used by fundamentalist Christians.
What is sad, Logan used to be a respected journalist. She was a correspondent on 60 Minutes but comparing Dr. Anthony Fauci to Nazi doctor Josef Mengele was beyond the pale.
This Clay Clark again . I have no words for this senseless drivel, but as one comment states, “I can't imagine the amount of yarn and thumbtacks on this guy's wall.”
Just to give an idea, generally I can find the flaws in an argument and present an alternative view. But this guy is a mess. And you know he is speaking to the choir as he provides no clarification on any of his claims thus making refutation almost impossible.
“White advocacy” WTH is that? To borrow in part a comment, “Its [sic] absolutely insane to me that we are at a point where people are this comfortable with being white nationalists to the point that it is a campaign platform.“
Comet Ping Pong doesn't have a basement. Enough said!!
Sherri Tenpenny is an AVer extraordinaire. How do I know, she uses incorrect information knowing it has been corrected. Case in point,
Data to the end of December 2021 originally stated that only 186 unvaccinated Germans had been infected by the Omicron variant, a figure The Exposé used in its article. However, this was corrected on 3 January 2022 from 186 unvaccinated Omicron cases to 1,097.
Instead of correcting her information, she doubles down on her baseless claims.
Remember, this is a woman invited as an expert witness to a hearing in the Ohio House, had a warning for legislators about coronavirus vaccines. Tenpenny told legislators that the drugs could leave people “magnetized.” Also, her initial prediction was for 2021, it now stands at end of 2022.
Last but not least, my favorite person, Mr David Barton. For as much as this man lies you would think he is an AVer, but nope he's just a Christian Nationalists. As Kyle Mantyla notes, “,,, he unveiled a couple of new deceptive claims regarding the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.”
Barton’s claim that the Constitution was “sent to churches” for ratification is outright false. What actually happened was that the Confederation Congress sent a resolution to all 13 state legislatures instructing them to establish conventions that would then vote whether to ratify the Constitution. While most such ratifying conventions were held in the states’ legislative chambers, some were held in churches but purely for practical, not religious, reasons.
As historian Pauline Maier explained her in book, “Ratification: The People Debate the Constitution,” the ratifying convention in Massachusetts, for example, was held in a church simply to accommodate the large number of delegates and spectators,,,
As for Barton giving so much significance to his assertion that 44 of the delegates elected to the various state ratifying conventions “were ministers of the gospel,” he has left out some important context: There were more than 1,750 delegates who cast votes either for or against ratification, meaning that the people he identifies as “ministers of the gospel” represented less than 3 percent of the total number of delegates.
Hardly proof that “preachers were highly, highly involved.”
bring us to the end and with that I present Dr Joel Duff blogger
and YT creator.
Duff is a professor of biology and a Christian in the reformed
tradition who writes, speaks and discusses issues of science and
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