Friday, May 20, 2022

A Few More Stories,,, 5/15/22


Had a few stragglers from last week. Sadly it has taken me a bit longer than usual to script things out as I was feeling a bit meh.


While MTGs reaction is bad, Wendy Rogers' is worse. Actually they're both bad. First I'll deal with MTG then tackle Rogers.

According to the RollingStone,

Nearly two dozen food processing plants have gone up in flames this year. This isn’t out of the ordinary — there are thousands of fires at manufacturing facilities every year, according to the National Fire Protection Association — but the blazes have drawn extra attention because of the food shortage. Greene is among several conspiracy theorists to suggest foul play may be afoot, writing in a tweet earlier this week that the fires are “supposedly” random while making a point about how “our food supplies are in trouble.”


Greene elaborated during an appearance on Infowars earlier this week, suggesting to Alex Jones that Democrats are starting the fires on purpose in order to deprive the nation of food, which would be advantageous for them because they’re playing some sort of globalist long game and don’t want anything to be manufactured in America … or something like that. It’s not totally clear. “The Biden administration and the Democrats … are destroying the very important, most critical part of the fabric of America, and that is our farmers,” Greene ranted. “They’re doing it on purpose. They want to be the global economy. They want to be completely involved. And here we have these ‘random,’ supposedly accidental fires at food processing plants.”

Now Rogers' claim, specifically “Bill Gates bought LOTS of farmland.”

Gates owns approximately 242,000 acres of farmland. While this is certainly a lot of acreage, it represents less than 1% of all the farmland in the United States. While conspiracy theories claim that Gates is buying up farmland in order to starve Americans for some unknown reason, there’s likely a simpler explanation: Gates makes money off this land.


So Susan Collins filed a police report. Complaining that an unknown individual wrote a message on the sidewalk in front of her home, in chalk, urging her to support legislation to protect women’s reproductive rights. There is one issue,

Historian Angus Johnston notes: “Chalking public sidewalks is legal in Bangor, where Collins lives.” He points to a 2020 WABI article that reports “Bangor has no ordinance against chalk writing on public property, something the Mansion Church has done for years.” 


You would think that an individual in her position would know better or at least have the resources to know what the law states instead of wasting the time of the police.

Roe v Wade was NEVER about the fetus, “You have no choice. Not your choice, not your body, your body is mine.”

To borrow from Amy Siskand, “This is where we are headed folks.”

So that does it for last week

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