The first story is actually from last week. Somehow I missed it.
An update concerning Greg Abbott's BS in regards to transgender kids.
The Texas Supreme Court on Friday overturned a lower state court’s ruling, declaring Governor Greg Abbott’s order to investigate parents of transgender children for possible child abuse can go back into effect. A lower court ruled the investigations had to cease temporarily. Abbott had filed an emergency appeal.
But, the court also ruled that state officials could not continue investigating the family whose lawsuit prompted the initial injunction.
According to BuzzFeed,
Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the ACLU of Texas, which are representing Jane Doe, said that while the order only partially upheld the injunction, the court's decision was "a win" for their clients and for "the rule of law."
“The Texas Supreme Court made clear that the attorney general and governor do not have the authority to order DFPS to take any action against families that support their children by providing them with the highest standards of medical care," the organizations said.
The statement added that given the court's order it "would be unconscionable" for the agency to resume pursuing investigations into parents of children receiving gender-affirming care while their lawsuit is still pending.
Keep in mind that the woman who tweeted this,
is also the moron that stated this 8 months ago.
Taken together, all Boebert managed to do with her bloviating is demonstrate she really does not give a shit about the welfare of babies once they’re real sentient beings. Her positions expressed are opposed to each other.
If Boebert actually cared about parental leave she’d, vote for more federal money for parental leave. And I call it parental leave for a reason, fathers should also receive time from work regardless of family dynamics.
But she hasn’t done that.
In fact, Boebert, along with fellow GQP, has voted against a bill that would send $28 million to the FDA to increase the supply of baby formula. Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act would fund additional FDA still passed by a 231-192 margin almost entirely along party lines.
So do not tell me how you hatched a gremlin in your truck in order to save the world. Don't tell me how pro-life you are when are willing to vote against baby formula.
See also:: What’s Behind America’s Shocking Baby-Formula Shortage?
In an interview with Church Militant, Jacky Eubanks, a Trump-endorsed candidate vying for a Michigan State Senate seat, said that she is coming for birth control and same sex marriage.
I do not know if Eubanks believes her bullshit. Or if she spouts it to get heard among the insanity that is the GQP. The loonies on the right have a passion for inserting themselves into other people's bedrooms and uterus's. They use Christianity as a club all the while picking their pockets of their loyal sycophants.
As much as I don't want to say this, mom sounds like a karen. Doesn't help she has FOX news egging her on with ADF providing immoral support. Simply, Riley insisted her son was a nice young man before being exposed to “critical race theory,” and now he’s sullen and difficult. Perhaps she’s never met a teenager before, but it’s possible that puberty is the true culprit here.
Without knowing the full story, besides what is presented, I am hazarding a guess that Riley et al have no clue what CRT is. I can tell you, a anti-racism policy is not CRT.
Critics charge that the theory leads to negative dynamics, such as a focus on group identity over universal, shared traits; divides people into “oppressed” and “oppressor” groups; and urges intolerance.
Thus, there is a good deal of confusion over what CRT means, as well as its relationship to other terms, like “anti-racism” and “social justice,” with which it is often conflated.
To an extent, the term “critical race theory” is now cited as the basis of all diversity and inclusion efforts regardless of how much it’s actually informed those programs.
As I have mentioned before, the charge of treason is very specific; It is the only crime defined in the U.S. Constitution. (Article III, Section 3)
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Simply, treason is defined as intentionally betraying one's allegiance by levying war against the government or giving aid or comfort to its enemies. And yes, it is punishable BUT death by firing squad is not stipulated in the Constitution. However, the Crimes Act, passed by Congress in 1790, said treason is punishable by death. Treason prosecutions are rare in U.S. history.
So even if this yahoo were elected Governor, she would not be able to levy the charge of treason against a sheriff. We are not at war. What is more amazing is Taylor is seriously out stumping on executing sheriffs and saying out loud that if she wins, her governorship will be an outright theocracy.
This dude has some fucked-up thinking. I mean seriously, does he listen to the shit he spouts. He employs some incredible mental gymnastics to defend his incel identity.
What I would like to know, if MTG had the wealth of Bill Gates what would she do with it? Would she help people in the manner Gates has over the years? Or, would she sit back and caress her gold doing nothing but bitch?
Without Greene and the conspiracies she peddles, she would have nothing to say.
And last but not least, 100% what Swalwell says!! If you remember, 3 yrs ago Carlson was one of the first to lambaste SNLs Pete Davidson for his ridicule of Crenshaw's eye patch. Hypocrisy is an understatement.
that I bring the episode to a close with Nick Barksdale's YT offering
of the, Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
“The focus of this channel is history plain and simple and all of
the facts and theories that come with it. From documentaries,
academic lectures and video commentaries.” ,,, highly recommend.
SAMA is one of my late night listens when I am having trouble
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