“Now, I understand we could walk down the street, something could happen. We could be at church, something can happen. One-hundred percent understand that,” Lori Ferguson told WCSC. “My kids asked me where the police were to protect them. They didn’t want to take a shower, in our own home, because now they’re traumatized by what happened tonight.”
Sadly this “feeling” (for lack of better term) became all to real within 24-hrs of the NCRM's posting of said story. https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2022/04/now-i-understand-parents-outraged-after-shootout-during-kids-baseball-game-leaves-children-traumatized-video/ It is the second time with 6 weeks that I have felt fear for the children of friends.
So I haven't shared much NIFBy (New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist) hate of late, thought I would change that. https://onlysky.media/hemant-mehta/preacher-teachers-grooming-kids-should-be-beheaded-on-live-tv/
What fascinates me, they are so predictable with their hate.
He went from the claim that teachers are showing pornographic images to kids (which is a lie), to saying they must be pedophiles (a lie), to saying they should be executed with a gun to the head (WTF…), to saying we should publicly behead those teachers on live television (WTF²).
So my introduction to “furries” was the 2003 episode of CSI called Fur and Loathing. Love or hate the episode it was a stereotypical presentation according to critics. But I became intrigued and did a bit more digging. For brevity, yes there can be a sexual aspect but generally there is not. It is cos-play costume play.
Flash forward 15ish years and I have about 10 individuals on friends list that would be considered part of the furry culture. Needless to say the reality presented does not reflect the reality that exists. Hence reading about this shit does not surprise me. https://www.rawstory.com/furries-at-school-2657218947/
The Austin Independent School District this week fell victim to a harassment campaign after right-wing activist Chaya Raichik falsely accused them of teaching second-graders about furries.
Shortly after Raichik lobbed false accusations against the Austin Independent School District, it was flooded with angry calls and messages from her followers, who accused the schools of teaching "sexual fetishes" to children.
The school district, for its part, did a review of its curriculum and found no "furry worksheets" created for second-graders.
As Matt Binder from Mashable notes, https://mashable.com/article/libs-of-tiktok-furries-school-troll-fake
Furries are an internet subculture whose members often create an anthropomorphized animal version of themselves and identify and act as that animal character. Furries are not explicitly sexual in nature; however, furry fetish tropes have pigeonholed the community into being identified as such by the mainstream.
Also, according to Binder, Raichik previously spread BS about schools leaving out litter boxes for students that were choosing to "identify as cats."
No one has been held accountable because after 60+ court cases no proof was brought forth. And you can bet that if Dr Fauci, for some odd reason, did jack-shit the Reich would still be calling for his head.
You would think after 2+ yrs that rational thinking would return.
Speaking of rational thought, as one comment notes, “Those who want loyalty and respect, must be worthy of these things first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE4lb0XTuco
Again, I would like pastor Shane Vaughn to demonstrate the claims he makes. How did President Trump make churches better?
Generally, I do not agree with the Catholic League (Bill Donohue) https://www.catholicleague.org/marjorie-taylor-greene-slanders-catholics/ but when they are lied about by a known crank, a defense is required. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/even-catholic-league-denounces-marjorie-211252848.html While I agree with Greene's assessment of the RCCs handling of the pedo scandal (although she forgets that it is not “just” a RCC issue), she is incorrect in regards to illegal immigration and refugee settlement.
While Catholic Charities receives funding, as do MANY non-profits, they undertake tasks that would otherwise fall to the government; they fulfill a need as well as holding a particular area of expertise. Catholic Charities has a long history of assisting migrants and refugees, and in the long run it saves the gov't money.
In the end it boils down to this. Instead of using a FOX “news” talking point (s) Marjorie, try reading your fucking bible.
"When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. The stranger who lives as a foreigner with you shall be to you as the native-born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you lived as foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am Yahweh your God." ~Leviticus 19:33-34
It should be noted that Greene did not specify a specific part of Catholic teaching she believes church leaders are violating by aiding immigrants.
the other day I was asked why I include some of the clips I do. Easy
answer, because of the outrageous nature of what is being said.
Also, an easy answer, because many of these individuals ARE running
for public office. IOWs “we” are responsible for the idiots in
in point “"Trucker Randy" Bishop, who previously chaired
the Antrim County Republican Party filed to run for a seat
representing the 37th state Senate District as a Democrat.
in turn has led to scrutiny of his radio rants, one of which in
particular where he complained about how mixed families in
commercials upset him.“
With that I bring this episode to an end, although I may be adding another installment.
This week I bring to you Mr Mythos. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrMythos An “occult researcher, mythweaver, truth seeker.” What I find interesting, Mr Mythos delves into the Hollow Earth mythos which not many do. For me just something different to watch/listen too.
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