Tuesday, May 6, 2014

UPDATE::Pat Robertson tells Christians to ignore ‘atheist swine’ on Facebook

So the other day when I posted concerning Mr. Senility himself, the only come-back I had in me was the "pot calling the kettle black." Not very original I know, as my brain was dealing with the after-effects of the flu. But an hour later, I was directed to the attached posting and a subsequent discussion which basically came down to the following three points:

1] To quote my friend Dave Foda: "However, one of his main points, that Pat Robertson is a Biblical hypocrite, is unquestionable. Apparently, Robertson insists that Christians should keep their faith to themselves, when St. Paul demands the opposite, in I Peter 3:15 ("always be ready to give a defense of your faith")
"As usual, Robertson is a hypocrite. He tells his viewers to keep their Christian “stuff” to themselves, while he has made a career, and a small fortune, slinging that very same “stuff” to a television audience of gullible believers for decades."
2] "The fact that Robertson resorts to a simple minded ad hominem attack against atheists is not surprising. Referring to atheists as “swine” is a poor excuse for an argument, yet Robertson really has no argument. In fact, he openly admits that Christians cannot adequately defend their beliefs."
“You don’t have to do that,” Robertson replied. “The Bible also says you don’t have to cast your pearls before swine because they will turn and rend you.”
Robertson continued: “You talk about the social media, you’ve got everybody known to man out there. But why would you put your pearls out, and why would you argue with those people? I mean, keep your stuff to yourself.”
3] Contradiction was another point brought out during discussion, "Actually, if the Christians want to be Biblically correct, they shouldn't even talk about their religion with anyone but Jews. That's what Jesus is actually quoted as having said in the Bible (Matthew, 10:5-6).

So in essence, a better way of stating, "a pot calling the kettle black."

Pat Robertson tells Christians to ignore ‘atheist swine’ on Facebook

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