Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The bible is not a science book [Reaction] (Pt 2)

So all the things in religion and spirituality – like all the jargon, all the symbols - is a representation of the biological processes and the desires based upon what hormones are present of a particular person.

So Jillian, how exactly did the “jargon” and “symbols” of religion and spirituality come to represent “biological processes?”  Exactly what “jargon” and “symbols” are you referring to?  Which “biological processes: are you speaking of?

:That's why I am coming from the science platform so people don't get lost in the distraction and jargon of the spiritual world which totally eradicates the material side the world."

"They don't like to look at the physical because the physical doesn't mean to much to them because this is just a stepping stone.  And the religion is more about the super-human not taking into account the bigger picture. Because it's all about the history and potentially the afterlife."

Again you are contradicting yourself.  You stated prior that  religion, spirituality, and science are the same.

"So science has you understand the body, mind, and spirit however they haven't figured out how to keep the body mind and spirit intact, functioning at its optimal capacity maximizing its potential on this earth.  And tso hey still get stuck religion and spirituality world."

What is the body?  What is the mind?  What is the spirit?

"I really see that science intends to merge together the body, mind, and spirit wanting to keep it,,, because their trying to prolong life.  They don't believe people should die.  If that were the case we wouldn't have biotech to kinda string out your death, to give you insurance.  We wouldn't have bio-tech to give out vaccines if they didn't care about life, because they do.”

Who are the nefarious “they”?

“I'm gonna tell ya, if it was left up to mother nature any sign of weakness y'all be dead.  There wouldn't be any prolonging your life or manipulating your hormones to prolong your life”

I want you all to bear in mind, this is one aspect of what Jillian considers weakness.
IOWs what she deems as being weak.  And remember she is a proponent of the Georgia Guidestones' mandate of maintaining the population at 500,000,000.
I have said before, and will say again, Jillian, via JJ, wants to be the arbitrator of who lives or dies.

So speaking of being a disgusting asshole with no empathy for anyone.  Get a load of this garbage she  (just ~610 PM 11/18/2019) posted.

"So science really wants the body mind and spirit on this earth together, they don't like death. They don't believe in death.  It happens because they haven figured out that they are applying the wrong chemistry." [Laughs,,, which by the way is one of her tells that she knows she is full of shit!]

So Jillian, what you are stating is that any idiot, with barely a high school diploma, knows more than thousands of scientists. Who BTW have upper-level degrees and have studied various aspects of the sciences for years.

Got it!!

“Because that really is the outcome of the allopathic and holistic is that even thought they are trying to promote life in some way, prolong it in some way, the outcome is still the same.”

Now I want you to remember this when you hear or see Jillian use the word “allopathic”.  THIS is what she thinks it means. This from a posting from Dec 30, 2018. https://www.facebook.com/JillianEpperly/posts/10158324843082468 
Hmmmm ummmHomeo"pathic"Allo"pathic"Osteo"pathic"Naturo"pathic"Em"pathic"What what what!!??????Uhhh IN PLAIN SIGHTIt's all about suffering in plain sightSubmitting to p3n3tration of all ORIFICES
But yet this dolt had the balls to then say she is COMING FROM THE PLATFORM OF SCIENCE!!

You don't even know what science is.  You make shit up and state it as fact.  Just as you did above.  Were is your substantiation?  Where is the evidence of your claims?  I would like to know what scientist, philosopher, or theologian has made commentary to the above.

You have specifically stated, science be damned!!  In your delusion everything you state is fact!  

Since my original post of September 27, https://interestinghmm.blogspot.com/2019/09/you-wont-answer-your-critics-because.html this video and thread has been removed from Jillian's FB page.

Or better yet, this is from her Lulu book page http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/jillyjuice, where she is describing the updates in her to-be second published book

If you remember, back in June and July she posted all sorts of literature she incorrectly believed substantiated her claim that cancer is a virus or viruses cause cancer. After being called out, she removed said postings. She then began re-publishing the same literature in October.  A few examples:

“And this is where I brought in the word biological sin and there is original sin. So you have to understand what sin is.  Sin is when you violate the laws of god or of life because god equals life.”

As I noted in my last blog post, https://interestinghmm.blogspot.com/2019/11/you-do-not-rock-my-world.html the phrase “biological sin” did not originate with you. http://themelios.thegospelcoalition.org/review/the-biology-of-sin-grace-hope-and-healing-for-those-who-feel-trapped 

While I won't quibble too much with your definition of “sin,” you do understand that “sin" varies according to culture. Each culture has its own interpretation of what it means to commit a sin. “Original sin” was a second century, man-made, religious construct. (Too much baggage to get into at this point.)

“So it makes sense that the whole thing with Adam and Eve, the original humans.  And they were living in the Garden of Eden,,, and Im going to bring in some allegory here, some bib;ical stories,,, but that was the symbol of indefinite life.”

“And then there's this tree that you were told that you do not eat from the Tree of Life because that would then give you knowledge of good and evil.  Then the snake,went and tempted Eve to then tempt Adam."

Again your ignorance is showing.  Gen 2:3 clearly speaks of two trees,
,,,the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 
“And this is where reproduction, the sins of the father get passed down every generation.  So reproduction came from the fact that Adam and Eve violated the law of god, the law of life, in the Garden of Eden.”

“Every child is predicated upon weaknesses of the mother and the father which then caused them to drop seed.  Because of imbalances They violated the laws of life which neans they are on a death trajectory and in order to mitigate against extinction, seeds have to be dropped and the also HAVE TO BE FERTILIZED.” 

No not every child is “predicated,” based, on the weakness of the father and mother. That is contrary to evolution (science)

AND contrary to what you stated, “I'm gonna tell ya, if it was left up to mother nature any sign of weakness y'all be dead,,,”

Which is it Jillian god via Adam and Eve or Mother Nature?

For the sake of argument,,,  If Adam and Eve were on a “death trajectory,” it was one that god created as he was responsible for creating the serpent.  He was also responsible for creating humans without knowledge of good and evil, thereby making any punishment barbaric.

“And this is where the sins of the father, original sin is where Adam and Eve violated the laws of life. Violated the laws of life, violated the laws if the  Garden of Eden and ate from the tree of life.”

No they ate from the Tree of Good and Evil and Adam was told if he did so he would die Gen 2:16-17.
And Jehovah God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. 
The only curse upon the woman mentioned is Gen 3:16.
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy pain and thy conception; in pain thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. 
“And now they know from good and evil because they violated the laws.  It was all good, good, good,,, life, life, life. And what evil is, is when you violate the laws of life and then you go down the whole death trajectory. This is where heaven is like life and hell is like death.”

Part 3

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