Friday, September 27, 2019

UPDATED::You won't answer your critics because you can't

UPDATE::  This is generally not something I do in regards to Jillian posts, I just write another post.  But things are getting very redundant.

So after posting this critique, Jillian did one of her usual morning FBLive segments.  

Hidden in the comments was this gem

IOWs science be damned!!  In your delusion everything you state is fact!

So the other day, Jillian posted this,,,
I am going to hazard a guess this is a response to comments she received when “dropping seeds” (responding) to a Business Insider news article concerning GretaThunberg. (Upcoming soon) 

Here's the issue Jillian,,, and this is directly to you.

I have read your book cover to cover – at least twice. I have read every single post you have made on FB since 2014. I have watched 90% of your videos. There is no science that substantiate the claims you make!

Briefly, you cherry-pick information, only choosing information that when taken completely out of context, could possibly support your contentions. For example, in chapter 3 of your Bonus Section:The Science Behind the Protocol.  (The Jilly Juice Protocol)

You cite a pop-sci article - concerning a power plant that generates electricity based in gradient differences of salinity between fresh water and salt water - as justification for the salt in your slop.

In fact your book, part 1 specifically, you have a total of 22 citations. Of those 22 citations only one could be deemed scholarly or academic. Part two is a bit better relatively speaking.

You make bold assertions with nothing to support you contention.
 Or, how about this from your FB page. Here you claim “[All]strains of lactobacillus will counter cancer strains of all types”. The paper clearly states only 7 strains of lactobacillus where tested, and only two strains showed possibility.
A far cry from your assertion “[All]strains of lactobacillus will counter cancer strains of all types”. One can only assume you intentionally mislead those that read your information.

Or, what about this one,
You claim JJ will “offset any potential new viruses”, when the title of the article clearly states Vibrio vulnificus is a bacteria. And BTW, both those postings made by you on June 18, as noted here, have been deleted by you.

This is but a few preliminary examples of why you will not engage with your critics and can not engage with your critics, you have no justification for any claims you make.

1] You state in your book, “Candida has been weaponized with virus microbes fostering an immunocompromised body allowing parasites and other bacteria to foster.” (7)  Further along you add, “Candida is yeast overfed and when it starts to overcome the body, it’s also known as cancer. Candida is a fungus with virus microbes introduced via vaccines and the environment working together symbiotically to destroy parts of the body it was programmed to obliterate.” (16)

Candida albicans is not cancer. At most CA increases the risk of carcinogenesis and metastasis. For example, at the very least, Candidiasis and certain types of cancer are related to immunocompromised status. IOWs oral thrush in chemo patients 

Fake candidiasis is the idea that some people have a chronic yeast infection through large parts of the body. Not in a skin fold, or the inside of the mouth, or the genitals, but actually inside the body, like sepsis. This can't happen unless your immune system is nearly comatose, and if your immune system is that bad, wandering around in public for a few hours would probably kill you.

To borrow again from my previous post, “,,, the idea that “cancer is a fungus” is incompatible with a large body of scientific knowledge about the causes of cancer and the molecular changes that distinguish cancer cells from normal ones. Believing this myth not only implies an ignorance of biology and medical science, but even more troubling, rejection all information from reputable sources.”

2] On page 20 of your book, you state, “ Reason why, the poop is the parasites food source and the Candida feeds off the heavy metals filtered in your solid waste. People over ridden with Cancer, disease and chronic illness have massive amounts of poop they are harboring in their system and some of their solid waste is impacted stuck to the colon and to the intestinal walls.”

,,,as a surgeon, I can tell you from simple experience operating on the colon that hardened feces do not accumulate on the walls of the colon as the colon cleansers claim. Any gastroenterologist who does a lot of colonoscopies could tell you that too. Even in disease states in which colon motility is impaired, we generally do not see the feces “caking” on the walls. Even in the case of mechanical obstruction by, for instance, a colon or rectal cancer, what we see is lots of fecal matter fairly evenly distributed in the lumen of the colon.

3] PHS is just that, salt! While I hate to beat an obvious point, the “84 trace minerals” are called “trace mineral” for a reason. The concentrations present in PHS are too low to be any concern. 

4] While cabbage is a good food source and fermented properly MAY introduce Lactobacillus to the system, but,,, it is highly questionable as to waht you are creating.

A higher salinity makes the fermentation slower, while an insufficient salinity makes it unsafe. Higher temperatures require a higher salinity.[To prevent mold] The fermentation should be done at 16-22 C [60-71 F]. The best temperature is 18-20 C [64-68 F]. A cabbage fermented at a lower temperature has a better fragrance. The best known microorganisms involved in the process include Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactobacterium brevis, Streptococcus faecalis, Pediococcus cerevisiae and Lactobacterium plantarum. (Internal URLs removed.)

5] You have absolutely no idea what is present in your sludge. The oft cited lab test that you constantly refer to states - 13 million CFUs of LAB are present. 

The test does not state which species or strain of bacteria are present. The standard daily dose of actual probiotic is 10-13 billion CFUs.

As I have mentioned before,  in order to claim the alleged benefits of being a probiotic, there are a few steps that must be accomplished. Two specific points stand out.

Probiotics must have undergone controlled evaluation to document health benefits in the target host.  IOWs testimonials dont cut it. Point blank, only products that contain live organisms shown in reproducible human studies to confer a health benefit can actually claim to be probiotic.

Contrary to your ill-informed opinion it does matter as to strain and species. The probiotic candidate must be a taxonomically defined microbe or combination of microbes (genus, species, and strain). It is consensous that most effects of probiotics are strain-specific and cannot be extended to other probiotics of the same genus or species.

6] Lactobacillus is not the cure-all, especially in regards to cancer or Candida. A point I highlighted in a post from October of 2018
If you remember in that post I utilized a 2008 review, by Jens Walter, Ecological Roleof Lactobacilli in the Gastrointestinal Tract:Implications for Fundamental and Biomedical Research. to demonstrate while certain Lactobacilli may treat Cansdida it is not as slam dunk as you think.

It is now generally recognized that the health benefits of probiotics are conferred mainly though a stimulation or modulation of the immune system. Several animal and human studies have provided unequivocal evidence that specific strains of probiotics are able to stimulate as well as regulate several aspects of natural and acquired immune responses, which opens opportunities to treat or prevent specific diseases that have an immunological etiology.

As I noted, what is not mentioned specifically? Candida or “cancer”! Jillian, in making your all encompassing claim(s) you ignore what science actually has to say on the matter. .

Further along, I note a paper by Matsubara, et al in Probiotics as Antifungals in Mucosal Candidiasis (2016), probiotics may serve in the future as a worthy ally in the battle against chronic mucosal candidal infections.

Candida albicans is the most common Candida species inhabiting the mucosal surfaces both in health and disease, whereas other Candida species such as C. tropicalis, C. guilliermondii, C. krusei, and C. glabrata are less frequently isolated,,, Candida is considered to be an opportunistic pathogen, causing “diseases of the diseased”,,, The limited spectrum and toxicity of available antifungals and the gradual emergence of resistance to these drugs are a concern; thus, alternative therapies are urgently warranted,,, The use of probiotic bacteria against microbial infections has emerged as an alternative therapeutic technique for Candida infections in view of the limitations of the currently available antimicrobials. 
These are but a few of the claims you make in your book Jillian. All of them are factually incorrect as presented by you. But I believe you know you are full of shit and lying through your teeth.  I know you are well aware if the inaccuracy in you work. They have been pointed out by me and others. (Jeff Holiday and Myles Power come to mind)  You dont care and all to advance your sicko agenda.

You are a loop of fruit who believes in culling the population to 500,000,000 per the Georgia Guidestones and your slop is the means to do it. The kicker is you and you alone get to decide who lives or dies.
You despise anyone you deem lesser than yourself (disabled) and you know your minions will not fact-check what you post. They will dutifully poison themselves believing they are getting better . All to please YOU.

You, Jillian, demonize anyone or anything that you perceive as a threat to your ultimate authority. In order to maintain your position(s) you must ignore any and all information that is counter to your own, thereby perpetuating the circle. The denial feeds on itself - ie Big pHARMA, CDC is corrupt, AMA, or your screed against the BBB and why you wouldn't respond.

What I and many others do not understand is why continue?  Your information has been shown to be false, but yet you double down.  I can only conclude that you physically get off on hearing stories about other people's poop habits. You enjoy hearing about people physically suffering and poisoning themselves.

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