Saturday, November 24, 2018

No science here (Pt 1)

So we begin our look at Jillian's so called science behind the protocol. Now bear in mind I am approaching this as a layman, therefore I don't want to get to science-y or overly verbose. Topics such as being immune-compromised, leaky gut syndrome, and the like are not summarized in 2-3 paragraphs; they are not understood in 2-3 years of Google research. Hell, she doesn't even have a grasp on basic chemistry let alone specialized subjects.

Jillian's oft used retort is to buy her book, it has all the science. As we will see, she does not.

There is an original design and intent of the human body.”

Should I understand this statement to mean that you (Jillian) do not agree with evolutionary theory and accept the cherry-picked, pseudo-science of intelligent design? Or maybe you think we are products of Annunaki gods, mutated by Nephilim or some such shit.

What methods have you used to determine what the “design and intent” of the human body entails? How does your hypothesis compare to others of the same nature? Why is you hypothesis superior to any others?

The “normal” body is meant to be healthy and complete with all parts: limbs, organs, tissues and body systems intact.

Define “normal”. I can guarantee what you define as normal and what I, and other people, define as normal will not be the same thing. “Normal” is a setting on washing machine, not life.

The body systems working together and cross functionally communicating at a superior level.

Superior level” as compared to what? Humans are not a robots, we are not programmed nor living in a matrix.  Our actions and reaction define life as we experience it, there is not a set blueprint.

The mind should be cognitively aware, clear thinking and free from “disease”.

So, what age would like us to regress too?

Somewhere along the way, we lost sight of our intent and accepted new normal. A normal fraught with cancer, disease, chronic illness, quick fix medications, brain fog and confusion.

You do realize that cancer is not a modern disease? The world's oldest documented case of cancer hails from ancient Egypt in 1500 BC. The details were recorded on papyrus (Edwin SmithPapyrus) documenting eight cases of tumors occurring on the breast.

Now is the time to refuse that future heading toward chaos and death.

So you believe in culling the human population.

We explore the possibility that we are much more powerful than we know.

According to whom?

The power is already inside. We just have to claim it.

You sound like Norman Vincent Peale, Power Of Positive Thinking, or maybe a bit of Tony Robbins, Unlimited Power.

When an individual works in cooperation with the most basic laws of the universe and the human body, life prevails. Choose order and life.

And what are those laws specifically?

This paper provides the basis for understanding the foundational laws and concepts that support the Jillian Mai Thi Protocol.

Ya might want to learn what a “law” entails. Statements, supported by experimentation, that describe or predict a range of natural phenomena. Your word salad does not fulfill that requirement. Furthermore, the available science concerning matters you raise can not be described nor explained in a paragraph or two.

Based in elemental science and supported by reason,

WTF is “elemental science”?

The basis that your slop does what you proclaim is faulty. Ignoring your notion of autointoxication , the US RDA (1500-2300mgs/day) concerning NaCl is well substantiated. You offer no studies or papers supporting your mega dose (up to 55,200 of NaCl if full gallon is consumed) nor any papers or studies in support of “potentialities” you mention – regrowth of limbs, missing organs, etc.)

Even DiNicolantonio,
The Salt Fix, does not support you contention,

Belief that your slop works without corroborating evidence is not sound reasoning. It is opinion only. We'll ignore that you have no understanding of basic science.

the Jillian Mai Thi Protocol provides a natural alternative to health and wellness using the body’s own immune system as it was originally intended; to promote life.

Please I would love for you to explain the immune system and how it functions. You can start by explaining how the amount of salt you suggest in you slop is safe to consume? How does the stress of massive daily salt intake, not force the cells into a hyperactive coding sequence causing them to become mutated?

With a clear understanding of the universe, nature, and the human body, this document will provide an understanding of the theory and concept behind why and how it may be possible to reverse disease, regenerate cells to the point of restoring a complete body and prolonging your life.

Not quite sure what the “universe” or “nature” have to do with anything.
What you have presented at best is opinion. A theory is a well-substantiated explanation through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation. You have none of those qualifiers.

You fail at even presenting a valid hypothesis. For a hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. Scientists generally base scientific hypotheses on previous observations that cannot satisfactorily be explained with the available scientific theories. You admit in chapter 11, of part 1, that your minions are your guinea pigs with no previous observations, other than self, to work from.

So with the preceding in mind, we will together, take a look at Jillian's science!!

Please explain to me, like I am five years old, how one can fuck up the explanation of what the Periodic Table “is”, “the Periodic Table of the Elements began the modern era of the language of chemistry. [True] It has ever since provided a foundation for “building blocks of matter” that science and chemistry still rely on.”

Just NO!! From your own source
The foundation of Mendeleev’s theory was that elements can be grouped by their properties and that the grouping is periodic.  Elements with similar chemical properties have atomic weights either nearly the same value, or which increase in a regular way.  Two years later, he published an improved version of the table which is nearly the same as the one we use today.  However, he noted that, with the essential concept of grouping elements by periodic properties the table could even be shown as a spiral.  With the periodic table, the modern era of the language of chemistry had begun.

IOWs it's a “map” showing how the elements are related based on trends.

The Periodic Table does not “provide a foundation for “building blocks of matter” that science and chemistry still rely on.” It is a chart!! The periodic table arranges all of the known chemical elements in an informative array.

Without going into overkill, I don't know how else to explain it,,, it's a fucking chart that 's it!! Chemistry would still work without it, although explanations of reactions may be a bit more difficult.

What basic science class taught us, and the periodic table outlines is that everything on earth and in our universe can be broken down to this specific list of basic elements. These naturally occurring elements, atoms or cells, can be arranged and combined in specific ways.

Not all elements listed on the PT are naturally occurring, some are synthesized. “Elements, atoms or cells” are different beasts, while related they are not the same thing and have different functions.

All things are made up from of these and there is a specific balance and order to all things, whether that is something intangible or tangible.

This is chemistry of a biological system we are talking about not spiritualism. IOWs homeostasis, which I am sure we will come back to.

While studying the list of minerals from most to least, I recognized that these are
the amounts that the body requires for functioning at optimal levels and began to form my hypothesis on how too much or too little of an element would possibly create an imbalance in the body.

Exactly how did you determine “optimal levels”?

So in chapter three you make this bizarre statement, “It should be noted that “iodized” salt (table salt) is indeed not good for you. The iodine in table salt acts like a detox, essentially poisoning the system by an imbalance of iodine and no minerals in the Salt (sodium chloride).”

Iodine deficiency affects billions and is the leading preventable cause of intellectual and developmental disabilities. Deficiency also causes thyroid gland problems, including goiter. Since iodine is not readily available in the foods we eat, I was curious as to how one should address this issue since your opinion contradicts every health organization world wide.
You do realize that iodine is on your elemental composition list, that you deem important, and also listed as an essential nutrient. An essential nutrient is a nutrient required for normal physiological function that cannot be synthesized in the body,,,and thus must be obtained from a dietary source,,, essential nutrients are indispensable for various cellular metabolic processes and maintaining tissue and organ function,,, The essential nutrient elements for humans,,, are potassium, chlorine, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, chromium, molybdenum, selenium and cobalt 

So while you claim sodium is important, you contradict yourself in regards to iodine.

We know that the body needs energy in order to function or it becomes atrophied and dead. So what element acts as a conductor for energy? Salt! Salt and salt water are widely used around the world as an alternative energy source for mainstream power companies. Salt is high on the list of elements that the human body needs and for good reason. Salt helps create energy. Elements in our bodies like sodium have a specific electrical charge. Almost all of our cells can use these charged elements, called ions, to generate bioelectricity and energy.

Our bodies require NaCl, there is no denying that point. What our bodies do not need is a mega-dose of NaCl everyday, if the recommended amount of JJ is consumed. In the case of salt, more is not better. It will kill you!! Never mind about the so-called nutrition of the cabbage, or the trace minerals in the PHS, salt kills.

Simply put, sodium is as an electrolyte that facilitate muscle contraction and nerve cell transmission. Ions of sodium, potassium and chloride trigger muscle contractions and nerve impulses when they shift places across cell membranes.

Sodium also works in concert with potassium to maintain normal water balance in the body.

Sodium also plays a role in the maintenance of normal fluid levels, as well as controlling the body’s blood volume and thus blood pressure. If either blood volume or sodium levels get too high, the body stimulates the kidneys to excrete excess sodium, returning blood volume to normal levels.

Fuck up that balance, you fuck up the body. We are not a power plant (your source) that generates electricity based in gradient differences of salinity between fresh water and salt water. While a battery can be replaced, we cannot replace parts that breakdown. 

Salt is a compound element that makes up electrolytes. Electrolytes in the human body are chemicals in the body fluids that are parts of salts, including sodium, potassium, magnesium, and chloride. The kidneys control the amount of electrolytes in the body. Salt is also recognized as the main source of healing energy in the human body. It’s a common and long-standing practice in eastern and western medicine to provide ill patients with saline solution (salt water) as a first course of treatment. Salt is also a crystal that is promoted in some holistic circles, as a source of healing energy during the implementation of different crystal energy therapies and chakra manipulation.

Salt is a compound. Anything beyond you stating it is a “compound element” should be ignored as you don't even understand the basics of chemistry.

WTF does this even mean, “Salt is also recognized as the main source of healing energy in the human body”?

Yes, a 0.9% saline solution is used for re-hydration purposes. Your slop comes in at 2.3%-2.8% salinity (just below salt water at 3.0%). A HUGE difference.
Normalsaline or physiological saline is as close to blood serum as one can get without being blood serum. NS is used frequently in intravenous drips (IVs) for
patients who cannot take fluids orally and have developed or are in danger of developing dehydration or hypovolemia. NS is also used for aseptic purpose. NS is typically the first fluid used when hypovolemia is severe enough to threaten the adequacy of blood circulation, and has long been believed to be the safest fluid to give quickly in large volumes. However, it is now known that rapid infusion of NS can cause metabolic acidosis

As I stated, anything past “compound element” should be ignored,,, holistic medicine?  Seriously,,,crystal energy healing chakras? And you want to be taken for a researcher,,, give me a break!!

It has been suggested that most people are already eating high sodium diets and not drinking enough water, not adequately hydrated, or using too many diuretics. Excess dietary sodium is largely excreted in the urine, but too much salt in the diet, compounded by being nutritionally deficient due to leaky gut and not enough water may contribute to high blood pressure. This is due to the energizing force of the salt. Salt tends to amplify current conditions in the body. Increased salt intake will magnify and exacerbate an already immuno-compromised cardiovascular System. This also explains why our bodies are able to function on the high sodium diet that is common in western culture. In my opinion, a high sodium diet coupled with a lack of nutrition creates superficial energy and promotes aging and death. It’s like running a car on high octane gas but no oil running through the engine. Eventually, the engine seizes.

The American diet sucks, no argument there. BUT,,, you suggest consuming up to 55,200mgs/day. Not the 3000-9000mgs/day a typical American diet consists of. One 2C batch of your recipe calls for a tablespoon of PHS which equates to approximately 6900mgs, you want people to drink upward of a gallon or more.

No such thing as a “leaky gut”. If an individual is having issues with the permeability of the intestines, they better be under medical care.

Again, WTF does this even mean? “This is due to the energizing force of the salt. Salt tends to amplify current conditions in the body. Increased salt intake will magnify and exacerbate an already immuno-compromised cardiovascular System.

Salt is not the only electrolyte present in the body, and being immuno-compromised (the immune system's ability to fight infectious disease and cancer is compromised or entirely absent) has no direct bearing on the function of heart health as primary cardiac tumors are rare.

It is as if you chose the biggest fanciest words you could find, threw them in a bowl, and then picked out what you thought sounded intelligent. This is opinion with no substantiation. You have not, so far, provided any scientifically substantiated information.

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