Thursday, November 22, 2018

So you say you make no claims in your book,,, I beg to differ (Pt 7)

Chapter nine is Epperly stating that an individual will not have to be on the protocol forever and the rationale for that. What is interesting, this statement, “You may very well go vegetarian or vegan because meat products will not agree with you anymore, not even fish. I have since abandoned red meat, chicken, as well as fish, 99% of the time, because it is hard to digest for one.”

As I have mentioned prior, Epperly has gone absolutely ballistic on people advocating vegan or vegetarian diets in recent weeks.

 “You will never be perfectly healed 100% because your immune system is always going to be under attack 24/7. However, when you flood your system in the beginning with my recipe and you adhere closely to the protocol, you will see a possibility of reversing your current issues indefinitely.”

In prior statements concerning the “possibility” of reversal, you speak in absolutes, but here in chapter 10 you are attaching a qualifier of “indefinitely”. So these reversals you speak of aren't permanent?
  • Every symptom you have can be reversed…because we are using a different context other than the Matrix. It’s time to step out of the Matrix” (prologue, p6)
  • In my first book, I talked about all the diseases from A-Z being possibly reversed by my protocol because all the diseases we hear about are all bacteria based upon a virus microbe or a type of fungus or even a parasite. (p10)
  • That is why it is optimal to have waterfalls until your immune system reverses all of your cancer disease and chronic illness. (p19)
  • Keep increasing the dosages to get the Waterfalls until you completely reverse
  • your prominent issues that brought you to this protocol in the first place. (p19)
In chapter 11 we have Epperly admitting all her minions are her marks for death. “Ever since I wrote my first book, I decided to create a Facebook group of participants willing to test out my theories using my experience and info along with a few others who joined me in testing.” While her minions may be doing said protocol under their own volition, they are doing so based on Epperly's promise to possibly – maybe - heal all conditions.

Most of these individuals are desperate, having eschewed modern medicine for woo. Seeking out NDs, chiropractics and other woo-meisters looking for cures for non-existent maladies. Epperly has taken advantage of this desperation and is profiting financially.

So this brings to the end of the initial section of book 2. While its not overly long, it is terrible to read, ignoring the actual content for the moment. Some chapters are only a paragraph in length with run-on sentence structure. Grammar is weak, and in some points confusing. I know Epperly likes to use talk-to-text, and it is apparent it has been used in dictating her book with no obvious editing.
While I have a tendency to write as I speak, I do make an effort to tidy my text; trust me I ain't perfect. BUT my premise is to keep my writing relevant to a lay-person. Epperly's book IMO, while readable for a lay person, is one big jumbled word salad based in free association and no real theme other than to buy her book and drink her shit.

Maybe this will change in the second section, but source material is lacking both in the genesis of an idea or support of said idea. For example, auto-intoxication is not “new”, a mention of even a brief history of the concept would be relevant but is ignored. Concerning source, Epperly has no grasp of even basic science and cites sources that contradict what she implies.

Up next,a look at her so called science!!

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