Or your book also stating, it doesn't matter what a person eats (within limitations set forth) as long as they are consuming "massive" amounts of the slop.
As a friend notes, "Do people have to eat everything she says now? Making vegans promote meat is a bit sadistic." What kind of control freak are you? That is manipulative cultish control,
To give an example how vile and disrespectful this woman is, here is a video clip from Feb 11, 2018 (since deleted) in which Jillian is encouraging those close to retirement or in retirement to start the protocol ASAP.
,,,when you have a lot more issues, you're going to have a lot more healing. That's why I say you should start this protocol now, for those that are wondering or on the fence. Start it now before it becomes harder for you. Because the more that you wait to do the protocol, the harder its going to be to deal the all the healing.
For every year that you wait that's an extra month or 2 months of you healing because of those issues or those years that you waited. Like seriously,,, when you're 60 or 70, you got a lot of healing, you got to stick with it. If you can't then, you know what, you need to pass away in the system.
We need to trigger the autophagy, purge out the mutated cells on earth. That's the thing with my book, the Georgia Guidestones [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones] . It's going to go into some conspiracy stuff, but it's not really conspiracy. The Georgia Guidestones do exist, who put them out there and why, that's where all the conspiracy comes from. We don't know who put then there or why,,,[Autophagy - a normal physiological process in the body that deals with destruction of cells in the body. It maintains homeostasis or normal functioning by protein degradation and turnover of the destroyed cell organelles for new cell formation,,, may provide an alternate source of intracellular building blocks and substrates that may generate energy to enable continuous cell survival,,, Autophagy also kills the cells under certain conditions. These are form of programmed cell death (PCD) and are called autophagic cell death. Programmed cell death is commonly termed apoptosis.]
I'm now looking at, you know what, maybe there is the reason we need to purge the mutations in our bodies as well as on earth. Because autophagy isn't just only for the body. Autophagy is for mother earth.
She then gets into the Noah story,
I heard that not all the bed people left because there's all these giants,,, what you call it, the Nephilim?
That's what's going on, we are dealing with autophagy of the human race. Then you are dealing with autophagy in your body,,, Autophagy happens in every single aspect of in your life, in the world - on the earth, as well as in your body,,, you got purge out and disassemble the mutated cells in you body that was hanging out in homeostasis - killing you; and then you got to regenerate. And pain is healing,,, pain is self regeneration. Some of you will not be able to handle the pain, your so used to anesthetizing yourself.
And you think being a vegetarian is the way to go as your aging. There are no vegetarians in the system that are healthy. They think they are,,, but their aging. They already have organs taken out of their body. They already have other auto immune disorders,,,
There is a boat load of shit to unpack, and I do mean literally, but I don't know how to do it in a condensed manner. You see, there is something nagging at me, and I will readily admit that I may be reading into things a bit too deep. But it is an area of interest and concern I have been tracking for 5 years now.I'll take it one step further to veganism,,, you tell em their not healthy.
Dominick Thompson Mostly raw, proud ethical vegan
Nimai Delgado Vegan IFBB pro Nimai Delgado is proving that you can build a championship physique without eating animal productsSamantha Shorkey A winning vegan bikini competitor and author of 'Jacked on the Beanstalk: Plant-Based Fuel For Vegan Athletes.Patrik Baboumian Vegan strongman.
Your going to have to trust me when I say, that the Genesis 6:4 narrative, or what I call Nephilim Eschatology, is diverse. As diverse as it is, some have taken it to an extreme(s) and use this overall narrative to justifying some pretty horrendous "things". (Note:: TOTO is an old blog of mine that is archived.)
Remember I mentioned Jillian, gets into the Noah story a bit, and then she states, "I heard that not all the bad people left because there's all these giants." That is not biblical. THAT is Nephilim Scripted, minus the Dominionist theology. As I wrote in 2013:
According to the Nephilim Script, the Deluge of Noah did not destroy the unclean, disembodied spirits. Their flesh was destroyed but their spirits still wander the earth looking for flesh and blood hosts. The most oft cited biblical reference to this concept is Mark 5:1-20, Christ delivering the possessed of the legion of devils (verses 7-11 highlight here),,,One of those "things" is what Jillian alludes to, "we are dealing with autophagy of the human race." IOWs separating people based in an "Us v Them" paradigm. In some cases complete "otherizing" based on some perceived fault ("mutations") caused by breeding with the Nephilim using the Georgia Guidestones as rationale for eliminating part of the populace - the 500,000,00 mandate. It's the whole "Us v Them" issue I have problems with.
According to many proponents, these spirits are “serpent seed” (Genesis 3:13 ,,,[t]he serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.) and incarnate into generation after generation of human hosts. In other words, the Nephilim are still walking the earth and they are preparing the world to see the anti-Christ as the messiah. Hence the numerous UFO/ET/alien types of encounters. [What is interesting to note briefly, the stark contrast to the proponents of the Exopolitical worldview, specifically those that believe that ET is here to help.]
What really caught my attention was Benscoter's use of the "Us vs Them" mentality A dichotomy I have noticed in regards to Nephilim Eschatology and the Ancient Alien Hypothesis: ,,,[a]nd the most dangerous part of this is that is creates "us" and "them," "right" and "wrong," "good" and "evil." And it makes anything possible. Makes anything rationalizable."Otherizing" becomes the impetus behind some pretty atrocious stuff, some of which we are experiencing today. (The Christian Identity Movement has as justification to there ideology in the "Serpent Seed Doctrine" which is, depending on narrative, attached to Nephilim Scripted. It is why I have become concerned when Nephilim or Gen 6 giants are referenced in association with
In a blog post Benscoter talks further in regards to memeplexes, groups of memes which have been used to understand the phenomenon of religion,
This concept gives us a means to view, from an evolutionary perspective, how and why we have tended to clump together into groups with highly polarized ideologies. We can start to understand the pull to view the world from a “Us” versus “Them” perspective. To fully understand how memeplexes work we must examine the psychological elements present in the most powerful and dangerous memeplexes currently in our existence – as well as in our history.and cites the work of Robert Lifton and his concept of totalism and by proxy "thought reform."
"otherizing" or eliminating the weak of society.)
For how much she says she wants to heal everyone and wants to live forever, she has absolutely no respect for living beings. She actually dialogues with people in this manner. The absolute gall, the balls she has, to speak like this to other human beings is just disgusting. That is some serious hate speech, I wouldn't be surprised if she started Scrambling about eugenics next. What an awful, awful woman. (Paraphrased a wee bit.)And another more recent example of how vile this woman is. Going after DV victims,
ATM I have no plans of delving into Epperly's, what I am sure are twisted, views on vegetarianism and veganism in relation to her protocol (including diet). I don't give a shit about her preposterous claims ATM. What this post is about, Jillian Epperly demonstrating emotional abuse, manipulation, and I would put possible blackmail on the list. She has utter contempt for her fellow man. This post is about Jillian demonstrating, how to be a good cult leader. Jillian really could give two flying fucks about you or anyone else unless you do things exactly a she demands even if she has stated otherwise.
It is Jillian saying - I won't love you unless you are who I want you to be! Jillian stalks, minions as well as lieutenants, pages to make sure they meet her standards. When they dont, she degrades the individual person’s sense of self, through confession, self-reporting, rebuking, and criticism.
This KVR's Facebook NOT Jillian's,
As a friend noted,
It's quite apparent she has a shit opinion of other people in general. She has such ridiculously high standards that she herself can't even keep up. It really seems she feels everyone is beneath her and needs to be guided or woken up to her truths.For anyone who has read her second book The Jilly Juice Protocol and follows her on FB, you understand what I mean by Sacred Science. The group’s doctrine, Jillian's book, "is seen as the Ultimate Truth. Questions or challenges are not allowed. This reinforces personal closure this inhibits individual thought, creative self-expression, and personal development. Experience can be perceived only through the filter of the dogmatic belief system or ideological trappings."
I'm not going to get into the contradictions of her book versus what she preaches in her live sermons nor posts on her FB. But I would like to show her incessant need to get her way and berate others in the process, the above sermon gives us some ideological background concerning the vegan or vegetarian food choice and the protocol. (this is a bit longish for screen-grabs, but important.)
This is a recent sermon on vegetarianism and veganism. Remember her book states that chicken is optional and her diet is heavily plant base. Chicken and eggs are the ONLY animal based protein source as she does not allow for milk. During her FBLive, comments arose to which a JJer liked some points a listener put fort. After, this is what transpired:
What is annoying about this next grab, Jillian speaks of a "holistic agenda". Excuse me,,,you have an agenda as well the Mrs Epperly.
If you're so concerned, do a debate style FBLive with said competitor(s) having all your information at the ready. You won't though not a big enough stage.
"This is particularly effective due to the way we think a lot though language. The consequence of this is that the person who controls the meaning of words also controls how people think. In this way, black-and-white thinking is embedded in the language, such that wrong-doers are framed as terrible and evil, whilst those who do right (as defined by the group) are perfect and marvellous."
Steven Hassan has an interesting video which I reviewed in 2013. LtL is part of thought reform of which Dr. Robert Jay Lifton highlights eight criteria.
Like Benscoter, Hassan was hooked into the Moonies within days of the initial contact. Through the talk he refers back to his experiences in and out as he outlines his program highlighting the key elements: the use of thought stopping and how to side step it, overcoming "implanted" (my word) phobias - making people believe something is dangerous when it is not, and empowering the pre-cult self. Hassan's method is a goal oriented approach focused on empowerment and providing tools for the individual to think for themselves.Jillian does this well along with control of information going in and out of the group environment.
I have only highlight a few points as this post is getting quite verbose even for me. The more I dig into Epperly the more disgusted I become. Regardless or her outlandish claims, "the emotional and psychological abuse and manipulation reminds me of a narcissistic mother. Only loves you when you fit exactly what they expect. Even then, some slight alteration can send them flying on a rampage. in this case, 'liking' the wrong comment. How condescending is she to type out what her original comment/post was to answer her first."
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