Sunday, November 4, 2018

When woo blends

So back to the video,,,

"I want to see you guys keep pushing it. I wanna see you go through healing symptom. I dont want this to be comfortable for you unless you got to manage a life,,,You gotta be able to feel pain no matter what,,," (7:45)

I know I have harped on this point before, but it bears repeating,,, PAIN IS NOT HEALING!!  Shitting your brains out after consuming overly salted, rotted cabbage water is not healing!

Wrap it up in all the woo-ish mumbo-jumbo you are spewing Jillian, it does not change the fact that you are killing yourself and encouraging your followers to do the same.  Insinuating to your vulnerable audience that if you don't feel "the pain" you aren't doing things right, is utter bullshit and contrary to accepted medicine. IOWs while some (physical) wounds can remain painful at the start of healing, worsening pain or lack of relief over many days indicates a non-healing wound

Experiencing pain after trauma is normal, controlling said pain is even better.  When people begin to feel pain, the body begins to set up an inflammatory process in the central nervous system that doesn't go away.  That inflammation begins to feed on itself.

I know, I live with chronic pain from a destroyed ankle.  I have physical pain as well as nerve pain.  While I can't do much about the nerve pain, I can control the physical pain to a degree via proper footwear and medication; I am not a good candidate for surgical repair, ie. fusion.  (While there are medications for nerve pain, I am reluctant to use them due to my bipolar.)  I do my best at controlling my pain and keeping it in check; no running marathons for me. I don't ingest a brew, with the salt content just below sea-water, with known properties of causing harm thinking I will "heal and seal". (Actual phrase she uses is "heal and seal the gut" based on the faulty notion of Leaky Gut Syndrome.)

While I loathe playing armchair shrink, I'm gonna do it anyways.  You carry pain from a difficult and traumatic experience(s), there are a shit tonne of ways in which it can affect you. You might have a terrible sense something is wrong inside (took me years to except I was a lesbian); fight to suppress or forget the memories (raped at 13); act in self-destructive ways, such as drinking (I am an ex-alcoholic, drug addict, and cutter), overeating, or isolating yourself (agoraphobia); or feel hopeless or angry with yourself and the world (attempted suicide 3 times).  And the list goes on.  I know, I speak from experience,,,

Yea I have issues, I have learned to overcome and hopefully understand my issues (8 years of therapy medication, and hospitalizations).  I never attempted to get vulnerable people to join me in my death quest (jumping off my third floor balcony) thinking I was some grand guru who knows all. (Althhough I did have delusions of grandeur - thought I was clairvoyant.)

In order to get better, you have to face and go through your problems, not avoid them.  Instead of making others feel your pain, help them overcome their own.  While we all believe that we can bury or forget these things that happened to us as children or young adults, in truth they are always with us. We must find a way to accept that which we cannot change and move forward without the past haunting us forever.

If you remember, in part 2 of her claims I posted her claimed "healing symptoms" as well as the signs of salt poisoning and hypernatremia.  Here is her "healing" list, with the symptoms of salt poisoning and hypernatremia highlighted

Funny that,,,

But something, not quite sure what, has been bugging me about Epperly's use of the phrase "healing symptom(s)". I have dealt with a lot of woo, especially in regards to energy healing (such as reiki), TCM, some bullshit yoga stuff (not real yoga), homeopathy, etc. So for shits-n-giggles I googled "healing symptoms".  It's a bit of a side note but something to ponder.

Get a load of this shit... The website I got this from is unimportant, it's quack woo.

Compare to Jillian,



Get my drift?! I know if I dug deeper there is probably more and I could find the originator of this notion,  Not really important.  (I will say I have no clue whether Epperly published her book first or this article was published first.)

Part of my little experiment was posting these screen-grabs to a few groups with no explanation.  The assumption was the woo website was Jillian, based on past conversation.  I loved this response,
So anything negative is just your body realigning elements and minerals? is that what this says? I wish pain was just the body remembering trauma. I wish it was instead of it representing destruction and decay of the body; in spite of what I look like physically. I look well but my body is busted.
It really seems like she feels the general peoples are all suffering from dysautonomia, or the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Thing is some do deal with it, self included, but it is not as common as rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune examples. It is a shit syndrome to get but it really feels like she thinks everyone can't regulate their heart rates, blood pressure, temperature, breathing, digestion, and anything else that the autonomic nervous system regulates. It happens but it is not that common.

I did read that most people will go through a dysautonomic type episode, such as syncope [
temporary loss of consciousness usually related to insufficient blood flow to the brain.]   But most that experience it, do so for only a brief moment of time, not chronic illness levels.

It sucks and feels insulting that she thinks this way of healthy bodied peoples. I believe I have read that laxatives can really fuck one up, especially long term. and she is basically telling everyone to use them daily! Mans... I'm shocked their colons haven't died from it or become a toxic megacolon or something. I know that long term laxative use mimics the dysfunction of the bowels, enough so that one is dependent on meds or manipulation to go.... I cant imagine how shit that would be. (Edited for capitalization)
Now bear in mind that this individual and I (along with many others) follow Epperly closely so there will be a bit of bias in XXX's response.  But I found her reply to me, stating it wasn't Jillian interesting.

Me::  That's not JE XXX ,,,hmmm

XXX:: ah okie, i kinda blended above with some of JE's stuff
Me::  That's the problem XXX,,,you can't tell the difference 
XXX::  true true

As I stated, I have no clue who this notion of "healing symptoms" originated with.  I don't care.  It is dangerous when individuals are told to ignore warnings signs because some fucknut with a messiah complex thinks she knows better than science.  It's fucking rotting cabbage water, with a sit load of salt Jillian.  Not some magical elixir!

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