Friday, October 18, 2019

Reaction to "Reaction vs Intention"

So I wasn't planning on another response to a video done by Jillian; at least not so soon after my last response.  But her derp has been strong of late and it was requested.  It also gives me an excuse as to why I spend time dealing with her verbal and written diarrhea. 

Due to the length of the video, over and hour, this is going to be a very long post (2-parts). And FYI I have not watched the video prior to writing my response.  You are getting true blue reactions (minus some colorful language) to what she states in her incoherent and rambling manner.  So please excuse the jumps from topic to topic.

Conspiracy stuff aside (the forest fires in CA and she implies America 2050 has some nefarious purpose), she entitled this FBLive session Reaction vs Intention and that JJ will help one survive the next phase in society's progression.  She doesn't explain or hint how some "cabbage salt and water" will exactly do such.  Previous verbiage and videos have hinted at dealing with "past, present, and future triggers" and "pain is healing."  Not quite sure how that works..

While I am not a con-nutter nor have I ever leaned in that direction (I did hold some weird beliefs about AIDS till I learned better), I am not naive enough to think everything is all love and roses.  BUT,,, big whatever is not out to get us.  And I have no fecking clue as to how JJ is supposed to help as George Soros and his minions take over the world.

And I'll just throw this out there earthquakes vs tornadoes.

So from this weirdness Jillian then leads into "health and wellness".   Well I thought she was heading that direction, but I will note this.  I find it odd, that a woman who has, what appears to be, a limited social life - panders a moldy rotted cabbage drink to vulnerable people, basically talks to herself while on camera for hours a day - is speaking to the quality of life. Maybe she is happy and fulfilled, I cant answer that.

More prattling about the state of the world,  And BTW, Planned Parenthood is way more than giving a woman a choice.  May want to learn exactly what they do.  I'd also be curious as to what she thinks 1984 is about.

So we are about 11 minutes into the video.  At this point of her spiel she states, "Change is going to happen. Luckily the JJ is there to help manage these changes." [Paraphrased]  She states one must understand reaction vs intention but doesn't really define what she means. Reactions is, according to Jillian "lack of pro-activity or planning" and likens the health and wellness industry to a reactionary trend.  I'm not sure what she means as she drop off into other topics.

Yes, health and wellness is reactionary to a point, as is the medical field as a whole.  But it is not for "lack of planning".  As our knowledge base grows so to does our preventive (or reactionary) medicine. Whereas alt-med reacts to trends only; what is popular ATM.  The issue with the alt-med faction (the competitors she demonizes) is that their reactions are not based in science, but in woo.

It's called Prior Probability" basically just the plausibility of a result, given everything else we know about the universe. In other words, when evaluating a hypothesis or a study, you should weight your confidence in the result not only on the characteristics of the study in question, but also on how likely it is that a given result is true given our prior knowledge."

For example, tumor shrinkage we can measure the results of treatment.  Minimizing regression to the mean and placebo effect based in prior knowledge of what works and what doesn't before actual clinical trial.  Researchers have an idea of what to expect

JJ, on the other hand, relies solely on self-reported testimonials, while using her slop, which include the results of traditional care received.  There is no previous knowledge base to place expectations on.  The minions assign the positive effects of standard treatment to their use of JJ.  Or in this case "recovery: from chemo  four years after the fact.
Other examples can be found here, instead of repeating myself.  Something I have been doing much of lately. 

As for "intention", Jillian doesn't even state what it is or is not in a coherent manner. It's obvious she didn't get enough sleep. 

If you listen closely, Jillian is still anti-vaxx, she just couches it in gobbledygook.  IOWs, her new buzzword,  "weak people."  But she was very clear as to what she thought of vaccines in this conversation from Sept 13.
Does that sound like she is pro-vaxx?  Consider this, she insinuates a common anti-vaxx trope - autism epidemic.

But anyway, attempting to parse out her point, beyond buy my book and drink JJ, is impossible.  She starts on about the current flu vaccine maybe missing the mark.  To how does one determine if a vaccine is "effective" (not efficacy per se,,, I think) when a child has a reaction (I am assuming she means autism which has been thoroughly debunked).

This graphic really demonstrates how wrong she is in making the statement she does. Most, if not all, of the narratives of children having a "reaction" to vaccines is anecdote. Those that do have a diagnosis of autism fall within the statistical parameters.  There is no autism epidemic.  
Despite the fact that anecdotes can’t demonstrate causation and the fact that multiple studies have shown that the anecdotes are in error, many people continue to insist that the temporal relationship between vaccines and autism simply can’t be a result of chance. So let’s look at that with some simple math. What I want to do is calculate how many times we expect the first signs of autism to closely follow vaccines if vaccines don’t actually cause autism.
It is also important to note concerning the apparent assumption Jillian makes concerning vaccine reactions.
According to the latest report from the NVICP, 5,362 petitions were filed in the vaccine court to compensate for vaccine injuries from 2006-16. Of those, 3,626 were compensated for a total of US$2.225 billion. Seems like a lot, right?

Except that during that time, over 3.1 billion doses of covered vaccines were distributed in the USA. This is why math and statistics are important in understanding this program – just a bit over 0.00011% of vaccine doses are compensated in this program. One of the fairest systems in tort law, one that favors the plaintiffs, pays compensation for vaccine damages 1 in a million times.
IOWs if children where having "reactions" to vaccines as Jillian and other anti-vaxxer like to spout off about, you would think that the vaccine court would have more payouts than it does?  But again I do not know what she means by "reaction".  Is she talking autism?  Or, is she talking localized swelling at he infection point, mild fever, etc.  She does not delineated between adverse event v side effect.

The gist here is Jillian does not understand how vaccines work, nor viruses. She keeps referring to "weak individuals" making viruses stronger.  It's almost as if she has no concept of what germ theory is or how it works. It is not we who adapt to "environmental changes" but the virus.
One point to note,,, when attempting to parse out any meaning from Jillian's word salads, keep in mind she does not utilize standard definitions or word meanings.  She creates her own, and many times her usage is opposed to what is standard.  She does this as a defense and it is a well known cult tactic of creating their own secret language.
It is highlighted well in this recent post.  She states, that in her world waterfall is autophagy. 
Unless one is going to eat their own shit, no it is not.  

The proper descriptor of autophagy is  “self-eating.” (“Auto” means self and “phagy” means eat.)  It’s also referred to as “self-devouring.” This is because autophagy is an evolutionary self-preservation mechanism through which the body can remove the dysfunctional cells and recycle parts of them toward cellular repair and cleaning.

What Jillian does here is state that as a layman (an outsider) I have no place to dispute her.  That I am being biased even though I am referring to the accepted definition of the term.  I am not a doctor/scientist, therefore I have no right in disputing her claim(s)

Any meaning you place on why, is inserting your biases
Only a doctor can insert a scientific meaning, not a lay person
Considering most in the medical/scientific community consider her notions as beyond belief and not worthy of their time, she will get very little push-back.  IOWs the professionals have more important things to do than waste their time on her.

In some regards it is a perfect defense.  but it also has one fatal flaw.  If I cant criticize based on accepted science, Jillian can not cherry-pick accepted science either, "[o]
nly a doctor can insert a scientific meaning, not a lay person."

Consider this from last October, the 19th to be exact but since deleted.

As explained by someone who studies this shit for realz,
There is not a single bit of evidence ANYWHERE to say antibodies cause mutations! 

Autoimmune diseases... of course! But not mutations!

Antibodies cannot even enter a viable cell let alone affect its DNA!

Take SLE (lupus), it’s an autoimmune disease against DNA! But it only tends to target specific places. That’s because it’s loose DNA from dead or damaged cells. 

That on its own is evidence that antibodies don’t cause mutations OR enter host DNA!

And before continuing, Jillian seems to conflate an alleged vaccine reaction (generally autism) to virus symptoms (ie flu).  They are not the same thing.  TBH I am clueless as to what she means I was going to attempt to figure it out till she popped this pile of derp, "When you get a symptom or you dont get a symptom from a vaccine, that means it worked,,, when you get a reaction, it means the body is adapting to it.  If you dont get a reaction, that means you already adapted to it and your body is strong and your not going to suffer." 

That is not how viruses work.  That is not how any of this works.  Whether a vaccine works or does not work, is not based on a whether a person is strong or weak (being immune-compromised is a whole other ball to play with).  "So whether a vaccine works or it doesn't work is based on whether you get a reaction" is the biggest stream of verbal diarrhea I have ever heard. That right there is talking out both sides.  

I mean seriously, this is the pile of stoopid she expects people to accept because she states it as so (July 1, 2018 since deleted)
And BTW, I hope you are noticing the pattern of deletions that Jillian is prone to. Almost every post I or other critics  have responded to have been removed with no explanation.  No corrections, no nothing,,, this is why Jillian can not engage with her critics.  She's got nothing!!

I am fairly certain Jillian knows the above statistics noted by LOS, she is a Google scientist after-all,,, she should be at least aware. She's basically justifying her slop not working by saying it really is working and then laughs about it.  Reminiscent of this post from August.
Going back to the flu example, I find it comical that Jillian recognizes various strains of flu but yet she ignores such in regards to lactobacillus.  What she doesn't seem to grasp, there are four types of influenza viruses: A, B, C and D. Human influenza A and B viruses are the cause of the seasonal epidemics of disease almost every winter. While viruses do mutate, it is generally not when transmitted from person to person as she illustrates using DH, (Caveat, it's hella more complicated then what Jillian or I present, hence why they can find "patient zero" in for example a measles outbreak.)

My point being, it is not, "So whether a vaccine works or it doesn't work is based on whether you get a reaction."   

This from October 2,,, are ya really gonna trust what this woman says when she, again, cant get basic information correct?

Vaccination and immunization are two different beasts, learn the difference little miss Google scientist  Vaccination is when a person is given something (an injection for example) to make the immune system learn to fight an infectious disease. Immunization is when a person's immune system learns to fight an infection. Immunization can happen from vaccination. But immunization can also happen from getting the infection. (She says this as she snort swallows,,, real healthy there Jillian; classy too.)

JJ is not just like a vaccine.  Holy shit I didn't think this could get worse, but it did.  As Jillian likes to remind people JJ is salt (PHS), water, and cabbage,,,nothing more nothing less.  While lactobacillus may be present, it does nothing in regards to strengthening the immune response.  The "trace minerals" have no consequence on the body, if they did than PHS could not be consumed as it contains radioactive elements as well.  To continue to beat a dead issue, the "trace minerals"  are called that for a reason.  And while cabbage is delicious, it's not some super mega food.

There is no means for JJ to have any positive effect on the body except maybe to make defecation a bit more regular and explosive.  JJ is a fancied up salt water purge/laxative.  Vaccines works by training the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens, either viruses or bacteria. To do this,  antigens are presented to the body and the immune system can safely learn to recognize them as hostile invaders, produce antibodies, and remember them for the future. If the bacteria or virus reappears, the immune system will recognize the antigens immediately and attack aggressively well before the pathogen can spread and cause sickness.

Her views are rather bizarre.  One minutes she seems to grasp multiple strains of the flu, the next she doesn't.  As the SA article mentioned above states,
There was great uncertainty around which version of H3N2 to choose for the Northern Hemisphere vaccine when the committee met last February—there was a lot of variation between the strain the U.S. was seeing and the H3N2 viruses sickening people in Canada and Europe. There was so much uncertainty, in fact, that the committee delayed making the choice of the H3N2 strain for a month to try to get a clearer picture.
IOWs deciding what the vaccine should contain is based on, for lack of better, highly educated guess-work.  Not whether a person is weak or strong.  Again ignoring those that have a compromised immune system.

What Jillian almost but not quite brings to bear, another AV trope of changing the "names" of illnesses that have been eradicated - such as small pox or polio (in some countries). And also the adage that getting a vaccines causes sickness.  She is so inexact with her words it is difficult to follow.  No,,, medicine does not induce sickness to bring about adaption to the environment

I think she just admitted the consuming JJ can make one sick.  The symptoms one is experiencing is salt poisoning or hypernatremia you fecking dolt, not "weaknesses".  The "context" is not "nutrition" as cabbage is not the be-all-end-all of food.  And while correct the body is attempting to adapt to a mega-dose of salt, it is not sustainable.  It will cause harm in some form (whether heart attack, stroke, or death being the most extreme).  That is hardly the purpose of a vaccine. 

I should note here that Jillian's line of thought is very difficult to follow. One minute she uses the word "reaction" but then talks of "getting sick" in regards to vaccines; two different concepts.  I believe she does this intentionally to muddy the waters when called out on her BS; it gives her a ready made defense.

Vaccines do not induce sickness, they induce antibodies (see above meme of Oct 2) but Jillian has no concept of what an antibody is or does. To her - Antibodies = Antibiotics (her definition) = Anti life.  Get a load of this from November 16, 2018 (both since deleted)

Human life is not sustainable consuming the amount of salt you recommend coupled with the purging that occurs.  The body is not going to adapt to this "new environment" it is going to shut down because of dehydration due to explosive diarrhea or the amount of salt consumed.

And for her to state that "cancer, disease, and chronic illness" is an insurance policy  - I want some of the shit she is smoking.  How in the fuck can any one make such a statement?  JFC I think I have heard it all, then make the mistake of listening to Jillian.

Oh and BTW,,,we are only 20 minutes into this video out 64(ish)!!

Generational glitches and how some of us shouldn't be alive cause reasons.  Hey Jillian you wouldn't be alive either if mother nature had her way.  We live on a planet that is actively (without consciousness) trying to kill us.  You seem to never include yourself in these scenarios, might that be your god-complex?

Might that be your inflated feelings of personal privilege, or infallibility, to avoid what ails the rest of mankind.  You see, a person with a god complex refuses to admit the possibility of their error.  Even when evidence states otherwise.  Someone with a god-complex also is highly dogmatic in their views; your personal opinions are unquestionably correct. Someone with a god complex may exhibit no regard for the conventions and demands of society, and may request special consideration or privileges.
Why go back to the 1300s, when the 1800s would do.  And yes pregnancy, even today is a risk.

She tries so hard to not be a con-nutter but fails every time.  Her biggest tell is rolling her eyes upward or not looking at the camera.  She also gets wiggly and cant sit still.  Watch as she tries to talk about chem-trails and other nuttery she allegedly no longer believes

And WTF do belief systems have to do with anything.  JJ either works or it doesn't.  Believing it works is not going to change the fact that there is no means for it to do as she claims.  Context means shit. (More on that in another posting, maybe, as it has come to my attention she wasted verbiage on that whole notion.)

The science is either true or false (pseudo-science), there is no context to science other than maybe fields of study.  Cherry-picking data or ideas and mixing bits and pieces together is not science.  She doesn't have a theory, or for that matter a hypothesis.  She has a bunch of misunderstood pieces of information she has thrown together to justify her sadism.
The Dark Ages or Middles Ages began after the fall of the Roman Empire ca. 5th-10th centuries (476-1492 CE). The Renaissance occurred from the 14th-17th centuries (1300-1600 CE).  Much longer than 223 years ago when Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine.

So from there we jump into coping with the so-called New World Order and how JJ has the "intention" to allow you to handle "past. present and future weakness."  My question would be,  how?  By what bio-mechanical mechanism is JJ going to accomplish this?  Excessive salt in and of it self can cause gastric cancer, as her own source states (since deleted, I wonder why),

“We found that if you were a very, very heavy eater of kimchi, you had a 50% higher risk of getting stomach cancer,” said Kim Heon of the department of preventive medicine at Chungbuk National University and one of the authors. “It is not that kimchi is not a healthy food -- it is a healthy food, but in excessive quantities there are risk factors.”
Other studies have suggested that the heavy concentration of salt in some kimchi and the fish sauce used for flavoring could be problematic, but they too have received comparatively little attention.
Sigh,,, all this prattle to again state that JJ is no different than a vaccine and then she,,, christ!  The woman who spends an enormous amount of time (6-12 per day) on FB talking to her computer, in her basement, is going to speak against living in a bubble.   Stating how an individual must be exposed to different people and ideas.  I wish she would explain exactly how that works when she demands to be in control of the narrative and blocks and deletes comments.  She doesn't even allow for comments on her YouTube channel.

Sorry to say you dont have symptoms of salt poisoning or hypernatremia (healing symptoms) because you dont drink the juice per your own recipe if you drink it at all.  The most you do of JJ is for its purgative properties.

So for someone who professes not to be anti-vaxx, she sure spews a lot of AV garbage.  No attempt to debunk said AV information, but carries on as if it is fact.  Learn the difference between fetal tissue and fetal cell line.

In her attempt to explain or clarify, notice the wee bit of con-nutter coming through. I take that back, a lot of con-nutter coming through,

Even if we did ingest foreign DNA through the food supply (and we do), for example, "there is no evidence that genetic material from food is absorbed in the human body,,, "The study shows that genetic material from our food is not absorbed into our bodies. If it were possible to influence the body's functions through microRNA from the food we eat, it would potentially make it possible to develop tablet-based RNA-pharmaceuticals that contain microRNA."

Too much to touch upon without making this post even longer.  She did get in a diatribe about veganism in there though.  Never a week passes without her ranting about such.  Even though she states in her book, on page 25, that her diet was plant based but she added eggs and chicken to placate the meat eaters

Uh,,, the bubonic plague was not eradicated. Current prevention is through public health measures and there is no vaccine.  Without treatment, the plague has a 30%-90% kill rate. So back in the 6th (aka the Plague of Justinian) and 14th (1340-1400 CE) centuries, it mattered not whether one had a "weak" body or strong body; the plague was a death sentence. [There was also a third pandemic in the mid 1800s to early 1900s centering on the Yunnan Province of China; we dont hear much of that one.] Currently there are about 650 documented cases a year, which result in ~120 deaths.]
Boy,,, she really gets gleeful at the thought of the vegans and vegetarians succumbing to all the viruses.

One point I will agree with Jillian on, yes people are afraid of what is occurring in the world,  Hence why conspiracy theories flourish.  They offer some semblance of making sense of the world, creating order where there appears to be disorder.  BUT,,,it has nothing to do with "weak bodies" and JJ will do nothing to change the feeling of lack of control (literally and figuratively).

So did she just admit (~30 minute mark) to having a mental health issue that would have required psychoactive medication if she got treated? (Please note I am not deriding her or lack of want for medication as I am Bipolar I w/ psychotic features.  I am also med free due to health reasons.  BUT,, I also dealt with 8 years of therapy with 5 hospitalizations.  Definitely not a choice I would encourage anyone to embark upon.)

To Be Continued,,,

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