"So, telling me to go to the WHO, and talk about the JJ, to them is laughable. Because they want a vaccine."
Who is "they"?
"They're giving everyone a vaccine out there for it, and they should."
Uhm,,,the vaccine was literally just approved.
"But those people probably don't have as many predispositions as the Americans do. America and the West have a lot more predispositions because they have been exposed to a lot more."
Not quite sure how to take that statement. DRC is not a backwater country. It has a population of 91 million+. While DRC's level of human development is not great, it is a country rife with military conflict; fighting has displaced 4.5 million people.
There are many issues concerning DRC, but they are not a country completely devoid of modernization. Besides Ebola, DRC is also dealing with HIV/AIDS, malaria, and yellow fever.
"Because we have been allowing people to live who shouldn't be as far as mother nature is concerned."
Holy fucking shit, did you really just say that. Where is your compassion? We have the knowledge and ability to wipe diseases of all kind off the map. Mother nature be damned.
"They have pure Darwinism in Africa. Africa is not suffering as many disease as America is suffering."
Yet again Jillian your ignorance is shining bright. "Survival of the fittest" refers to heritable genetic traits. SotF doesn't mean who is physically stronger, it refers to who has the best genetics. In fact, as I have mentioned on numerous recent occasions, the phrase "survival of the fittest" wasn't even coined by Darwin.
And, BTW Jillian, if you want to be taken seriously,, drop the term "Darwinism." To many of us based in science, "Darwinism" is seen as a pejorative. It is an inappropriate term for modern evolutionary theory. For example, Darwin was unfamiliar with the work of the Gregor Mendel, and as a result had only a vague notion of heredity. He knew nothing of genetic drift as well. Both key components of modern evolutionary theory.
"Because we keep curing death with disease. And when you have so much disease on this planet or in an area you have so many weak people who are sitting ducks, People in Africa are totally strong. They'll be able to handle the vaccine and anything else we can offer them as far as protection for potential deadly virus."
First off, Africa is a continent, the DRC is a country within Africa. There is no cure for death, so quit using that phrase - you sound like an idiot.
And no Jillian, this does not support your point/
First, the study is from 1984 - 35 yrs ago; I can not find the original paper as this is just the abstract Second, it had an n=34. Third, the subjects consisted of "19 white and 15 black male college students." The abstract says nothing as to nation of origin for either group.
This is a perfect example of you not understanding what you read. Or, intentionally twisting information to suit your purpose, as you know your minions do not fact check you
"They still have the pandemic or epidemic out there from when it was first discovered."
Learn to use a fucking dictionary. An epidemic occurs when a disease affects a greater number people than is usual for the locality or one that spreads to areas not usually associated with the disease. A pandemic is an epidemic of world-wide proportions.
"They had to quarantine the village. But they get the vaccine it's going to save them. But who knows what other diseases are going to off-shoot from being cured from death. Because that's what the vaccine [does] it cures death."
Curious, have you been dumpster diving in VAERS?
Broken record time. No vaccines are not curative. They are preventative. While therapeutic vaccines are a potential, they are not a reality.
"But they don't have as many predispositions in Africa but America does.America has a lot of predispositions, you can not afford to not get the vaccine, you can not afford not do the JJ. You have no idea how your bio-chemistry, is it going to be able to handle the ingredients in the vaccines and will you be able to handle the actual virus in your environment - when someone's shedding."
"If a person is exposed to the Ebola and has it and your around it,,, that's a really strong version,,, you'll see that in Africa. The pandemics and all that. But when someone is shredding the virus,,," [Interrupt]
At the end of the interruption, Jillian states "sickness is a weakness, it's your personal weakness. It's not mine."
Well Jillian I beg to differ. While the actual illness is not your weakness, your failure to communicate a clear message concerning JJ is. While you claim to be no longer anti-vaxx
your words belie you. Case in point, "shedding" is not an issue. Or how bout when you announced to the world that the Amish don't get vaccines then back tracked after my publishing a rebuttal.
As I stated in my last post, there are a few shedding cases And unless you live outside the US and play in someones poop, shedding has been documented in less than 0.5% of cases world wide. OPV has not been used in the US since 2000. As for chicken pox, only 11 cases have been noted, followed by 1 case involving the flu.
You have also, in this very video, alluded to the toxin gambit, "You have no idea how your bio-chemistry, is it going to be able to handle the ingredients in the vaccines,,," The toxin gambit basically consists of listing all sorts of scary-sounding ingredients that are found in vaccines and then trying to argue that vaccines are horrific cesspits of toxins because they contain trace amounts of said ingredient(s).
Talk about confusing your minions, not that I think they fact any statement you make. Here while discussing kimchi, you elaborate on how terrible kimchi is, but ignore the discussion on how excessive salt in and of it self can cause gastric cancer, as your wn source states (since deleted).
You see, if your message was clear concerning JJ, there would be no question among those who follow you. The choice or option to vaccinate would be a no brainer. But instead, you confuse your minions when you side with AVers on topics such as above. There is no question concerning shedding. There is no question concerning the toxin gambit. But you waffle, confusing your minions. It's no wonder the question arose concerning the flu vaccine.
"If they make the Ebola vaccine mandatory, I'd do it. It's more data for me, my body will actually utilize that data to its benefit. It wont be a detriment."
You're not a fucking computer Jillian
"Because viruses on a weak body will recycle that body back into to the universe and start systematically shut, you actually become more smarter, ,,?,, your down if your that weak. Viruses on a strong body, you wont even know. Look at Steve Jobs until his weaknesses then succumbed to the virus, the pancreatic cancer viruses."
While I personally have never had cancer, some of my friends and family have. Some survived like my mom until her passing at 94, my cousin survived ovarian in her 50s; she just turned 71 BUT I have had many more family and friends succumb to the disease.
Maybe I am being a bit over sensitive, but fuck you Jillian. You have no understanding of cancer. The tenacity of those that suffer, some painfully, to overcome their diagnosis. I have seen desperation, I lost two friends due to woo-fuckery like yours. To borrow a phrase, your "joke juice" is no match for combating cancer.
"So you can do amazing things on a strong body exposed to viruses, cuz they were already in his body, the reason why he dies of pancreatic cancer - because his body weakened. He didn't keep his body up, so the viruses recycled his body back into the universe. That's called cancer. "
As I said no clue about cancer!!
"So you got to strengthen your body no matter what. So anyone slamming the JJ, has then taken off the table a third possibility. That some people need that third possibility, they need to have that opportunity, that option. And DrPhil just slammed that third possibility off the table for everybody, that his audience needs the most."
Frost you have no evidence the JJ will do anything you claim. Second, individuals combating illness or disease do not need opportunities, they need fucking answers. They need preventative measures or treatments that are proven to work.
"Most of his audience are people who stay at home watching TV who have predispositions."
As compared to you who sits in her basement 8-12 per day on the computer.
"They could be retired, they could be on disability, they could be on SSI, Stay at home moms."
And exactly how are these predispositions?
"And he completely took that off the table. So he has blood on his hands."
How? How did DrPhil take your information completely of the table? How did he prevent you from approaching WHO? You are still able to blabber on FB and YT. You are still able to post garbage. Why haven't you approached WHO? DrPhil, does not have influence over WHO and their mission.
You wont approach WHO because you know your JokeJuice doesn't do anything you claim. You know, based on the reaction from the DrPhil show, you would become even more of a laughing stock. No DrPhil, myself or any other critic, didn't hamper your efforts of approaching WHO. Your ego did. You can make all the excuses you want, but your information is not being suppressed.
"And the Carol Flacks** out there in the world, who are famous for slamming me on Amazon, LuLu,,, on all of that. They have blood on their hands."
You know what your problem is Jillian, you can't handle critique of your information. You claim your all about science, well part of science, the scientific method, is critique. Part of critique is to consider prior plausibility. As I mentioned to one of your minions,
I suggest you read about prior probability as an explanation as to why critics of JJ will not consider "trying it".But that is beyond you, because you consider yourself god and get to decide who lives or dies via JJ.
"Prior Probability is basically just the plausibility of a result, given everything else we know about the universe. In other words, when evaluating a hypothesis or a study, you should weight your confidence in the result not only on the characteristics of the study in question, but also on how likely it is that a given result is true given our prior knowledge."
IOWs according to every major medical organization and the RDA, the consumption of more than 2300mgs of NaCl is consider dangerous if not deadly.
"Because of their campaigns, that are now biting them in the ass, I bet ya their probably doing the JJ as we speak."
Yes I do ferment (I can't speak for Carol or others), have for almost 18 yrs now, no I don't do JJ. I make cabbage juice (1 1/2 TBSP sea salt per gallon). I also ferment tomatoes, carrots, red onion, green beans (dilly beans), celery, cauliflower, garlic. The brines are used to make a tomato drink, gravy, or other sauces. As I have stated before, I do so for flavor profile as my income is low and it's a fun way to stretch the food budget.
Whether there is any health benefits, who knows. Who cares. It has nothing to do with a desire to live indefinitely. Hell I'm outta here at 62, maybe 67 if I'm feeling good. You on the other hand may or may not be fermenting as you do not understand the process.
[Emphatically repeats] "I bet you there doing the JJ as we speak. I bet you there doing the JJ as we speak because how many antibiotics is CF going to take to try and stop the virus."
"She better know that antibiotics don't kill viruses. And you know she or he has a weak body. So their going to be a sitting duck for any crazy ass virus that;s out there."
Knowing CF, I can safely state she is not taking any antibiotics to stop "the virus." She knows better. She knows antibiotics don't work against a virus.
"Let me read this so you understand what I mean by antibiotic, synthetic or not."
Skipping her reading and interpretation about viruses and antibiotics as she is triggered once again by a comment. Wile I don't want to get into her tirade. as a whole, but notice her public shaming of a minion. There is no need for what she does here (about the 23 minute mark). This her controlling the narrative, which she admits to doing. But she is telling her minions, "what I say is gospel, your thoughts don't matter. I will tell you what to think." Sadly this minion capitulated and apologized.
Wile I don't want to get into her tirade. as a whole, notice her public shaming of a minion. There is no need for what she does here (about the 23 minute mark. This her controlling the narrative, which she admits to doing. But she is telling her minions, "what I say is gospel, your thoughts dont matter. I will tell you what to think." Sadly this minion capitulated and apologized.
The last 15 minutes or so is just her rambling about how DrPhil made it impossible for her to go to WHO. Wondering how CF and others sleep at night while slamming JJ. But remember how I have spoken to Jillian's use of language? Specifically, her want or need to re-define words to suit her purpose. Here is a perfect example of her doing just that.
"An epidemic occurs when a disease affects a greater number people than is usual for the locality or one that spreads to areas not usually associated with the disease."So you can have people getting the disease but then you have a greater number of deaths because people have predispositions. And so uhm,,, So and epidemic can be something locally and a pandemic is where it is world wide."
"A pandemic is an epidemic of world-wide proportions."
(About the 35 minute mark) Notice how she inserted her notion of predisposition(s) into the definitions. Not a slip of the tongue. It was intentional, to muddy the water in the minds of her minions. Instead of an accurate definition of what an epidemic or pandemic entails, her minions now associate Jillian's notion of predispositions causing the deaths (not the virus) and therefore those predispositions can be reverse by drinking JJ. Jillian in a subtle way just equated her moldy slop to a vaccine!
(35:40) Listened to her further elaboration. If you watch her facial features, you can tell she is making this up on the fly
"Vaccines are the only way to stop - when you think about it - the deaths from,,, your going to have the epidemic no matter what because people are weak. So at least the vaccine can give people who have half a chance,,, ya know give them a half a chance to survive the exposure. That all the vaccine,,, it's not to make you healthy, it's not to make you wonderful {WTF]. It's supposed to cure you from death <chuckling> OK,,,so you don't die. That's the whole point of the vaccine."
Notice her willful ignorance of herd immunity** (another AV trope she holds even though she claims she is not anti-vaxx). As well as "People are weak" but not god Jillian. To borrow from Stephanie Pappas writing for Live Science,
Vaccines are like a training course for the immune system. They prepare the body to fight disease without exposing it to disease symptoms.Uh,,,no vaccines are not a "cure" unless speaking to therapeutic vaccines currently being developed. Vaccines are prophylactic. IOWs they prevent or ameliorate the effects of a pathogen
When foreign invaders such as bacteria or viruses enter the body, immune cells called lymphocytes respond by producing antibodies, which are protein molecules. These antibodies fight the invader known as an antigen and protect against further infection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a healthy individual can produce millions of antibodies a day, fighting infection so efficiently that people never even know they were exposed to an antigen.
Unfortunately, the first time the body faces a particular invader, it can take several days to ramp up this antibody response. For really nasty antigens like the measles virus or whooping cough bacteria, a few days is too long. The infection can spread and kill the person before the immune system can fight back.
She alludes once again to the comment that triggered her then goes off on allergies being a weakness. Get's a dig on DrPhil stating the JJ is biting him in the ass. " He definitely did not do himself any favors by slamming me at all."
"He didnt anticipate what I had. He didn't know enough. He thought he did. He was told by all these people that it was all about the salt and it bit him in the ass."
She goes on,,
"I just find it laughable that somebody was saying go to the WHO and tell them about Ebola virus and JJ.
"Ya know I thought I was doing the world a favor bt going to DrPhil. But them I'm watching DrPhil and he did the same thing he did to them as he did to me. He didn't tell me who exactly he was bringing on, so I had no idea who I was facing. I had know idea how they where going to construct the show. We were told one thing, the other people,,,they knew what was going on,,, but I didnt know what was going on - really. So I was surprised to see who it is I was facing.
"He made a mockery of something that could potentially save a lot of people but it looks like a lot of people are going to pass away no matter what."
What does it matter who you were facing? Whether a Joe Shmoe off the street (sorry Jeff) or a PhD, your information is shit. The only potential JokeJuice has is to kill people by salt.
She needs to STFU,,she just compared Ebola and drinking her slop to Passover
**There would be no herd immunity in regards to Ebola as the vaccine just reached approval stage.
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