This has yet to reach YT,,,
"Bio-chemistry" is such a broad term. Do you mean homeostasis? That was your go-to word for a while; as was "homeostasis interuptus" - not a real word BTW. IF that is what you are speaking to, then a wildly fluctuating homeostatic range is not a good thing. It should not be changing as if one changes their panties.
So what! Socio-political views are prone to change. Some studies have shown that as we age, we become more conservative. Studies have shown a more liberal bent in current youth thinking as compared to generations off the past. Nothing ground breaking. Ginseng tea had nothing to do with it.
eating of Hostess Donettes (the chocolate covered kind) has no bearing
on my socio-political views. Same for imbibing in RockStars and
Monsters. JJ isnt going to make a difference either - unless you
consume so much you shrivel your brain like Jillian.
has changed some of my views: living in poverty worrying daily if
DayGloMan will eliminate my Medicaid and/or SNAP. What has changed my
view, is being told I should be executed for just existing. Instead of hiding I have written and spoken publicly about my struggles. What I have done is written to and called my State and National Representatives to voice my concern.
What is your evidence that one's biochemistry is directly correlative to their beliefs? What studies have you done? Where are they published. I would love to read them.
Really, funny, I became an atheist after 35 years of being a Pentecostal/Charismatic Christian. What changed my mind? Listening to arguments put forth by other atheists. Studying the two positions and making my own conclusion. People can and do change their beliefs when presented with a sound, rational and logical argument to do so. Asserting false, easily fact-checked information is not the way to go. Just because you say it is true, does not make it so.
And BTW Jillian, you
havent changed your views, you are still an AV con-nutter. You just
attempt to market your bullshit to appeal to more people. One that has changed their views, would not argue the same talking points - for example shedding - if you know longer accepted the AV position. You argue against anti-bodies - stating they are bad. You do realize the importance of an antigen-antibody response in regards to vaccines? And FYI, vaccines are not a matter of "healing" but of prevention. I highly doubt, then, that you understand antigen/antibody response.
If you dont
support Trump, why do you spew the same or similar views he espouses?
You do understand that the current world wide population growth rate is +1.7%-2.2% . Great depopulation agenda!!
How is being anti-academia or anti-science achieving balance?
You dont know what you believe as you change so often you cant keep your lies straight. There is no left wing or right wing in science.
Just because you dont agree with a point science has demonstrated to be true, doesnt make your view correct. As I stated in a previous post, you are not a maverick scientist.
Look in the mirror much, "Anything you respond to is something your dealing with yourself."
Uhm,,, so my socio-political views have not changed in 30 plus years. A few things have, but for the most part my humanism is unchanged; although I will admit. much broader than before. My views do not fluctuate on a daily basis. Stating that such should occur, along with one's biochemistry, demonstrates how shallow your beliefs are. Your trying to fit in with the big boys and girls but your panties are too tight. Do you understand how wishy-washy that makes you sound?
speak of cold hard facts, WTF would you know, you dont leave your
house. Your DH is the sole provider as far as finances. Until he
changed jobs, you barely lifted a finger other than to spew your vomit
on FB 12 hrs a day.
And, yes, facts can be argued, it is done so in every court of law on a daily basis. In fact, Kyle Rittenhouse, the Kenosha shooter, is doing just that in fighting his extradition. Every day scientist are challenging what we accept to be true in the name of advancing science. Whether a word is a noun or adjective is irrelevant as nouns are identifiers; adjectives describe attributes. I noticed you added numerous qualifiers to your statement, why? My 7-8th grade English teacher would have a field day correcting your misuse or misunderstanding of the language.
IOWs your minions haven't destroyed their GI tract as you have done.
wouldnt brag too much about where you're at. Sitting in front of a
camera, on FB vomiting verbal diarrhea to 7-10 people, is not an
accomplishment. Spending $2300 to have two books published. Two books that maybe have sold 150 copies total?
dont let your minions discover their "beliefs" you dictate to them what
they should think. Those that dont agree with you are blocked or deleted only allowed to return after groveling and agreeing not to disagree.
Case in point, MKV is now back in your good graces. That is not balance, you are humiliating people to feed your narcissism. You're so off your rocker you
dont evens see the crazy you spew.
If you like what I do and would willing to assist in acquiring adaptive technologies ,would you please consider a donation.
Recently I suffered a third stroke, and while over-all I feel good, physically not so much. Regretfully my partial paralysis is making life difficult - hence why no posts for 4-5 weeks. I can no longer type comfortably nor at a speed that coincides with my brain.
While a donor is securing talk to text and a mic/headphone, I am looking to purchase an ergonomic keyboard and mouse. While not blog related, I am also looking into purchasing a wheeled walker and other assistance aids to maintain my independence - ie wide grip utensils.
Can you help!!
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