No you dont know the distinction between a cult leader and a teacher of fact. If you did you should know that one of the first statements made by a cult or cult leader is "we are not a cult."
- Excess salt is not good for you
- You have no evidence that your slop is fermented or a probiotic
- You believe salt re-hydrates
- You claim not to be an AVer but tout AV talking points as if they're facts
- You claim to have had a series of mini-stroke but then changed your tune. How would you know you dont utilize medical care
I could continue, but will save you, the reader, the boredom of doing such. Havoc N Chaos if filled with Jillian's erroneous claims if interested.
So, Jillian, what is the salinity recommendations for a standard ferment? What is the salinity of your brine? How is that determined?*
Please explain what this represents::
Those two overall points are THE basics of fermenting. If you dont understand, you should not be telling your minions to drink your swill.
You dont answer questions because you cant. A simple fact-check on your numerous claims demonstrate you have no understanding of the information you read.
Both books are filled with faulty and misleading information While they book have concepts, neither have facts or substantiation. A few example from just the first two chapters of her most recent book.
- Misrepresents the first law of thermodynamics
- Proteins are not part of the microbiome
Claims proteins are single celled organisms; they are not - She claims viruses are "misunderstood proteins" - they are not
- Jillian doesnt understand agglutination
- A fungus in the human body does not play the same role as a fungus in an earth based ecosystem
What are the laws of life and death? Who observed these laws?
Who are these teacher that claim to be a deity? How about some names!
Haha!! I'll save you my diatribe concerning brainwashing but leave you with this,
[Brainwashing] is a story that we tell to explain something we can’t otherwise explain,,, scientists who actually studied the American POWs once they returned from Korea, brainwashing was altogether less mysterious than the readily apparent outcome: The men had been tortured.
See also::
What is wrong with having an informed opinion?
While we may get a mental image of an issue being presented, it is also important to employ critical thinking and not accept what is presented at face value. Kinda like not accepting what you state via FB, YT, and your books as fact without comparison to what is known to be true.
Are you sure you werent looking in a mirror when you composed this dribble? Why is change so scary for you?
You again speak of the "laws of life" and "the laws of death" but fail to explain what they are. How are we to understand them if you dont explain what they are?
I have already explained the "definition" of an antibody, but it bears repeating.
The role of antibodies is to neutralize an infectious agent. It is a part of our immune system. From the German anti-toxischer Körper "anti-toxic body.” With “body” referring to the physical structure and material substance of an infectious or disease causing agent.
Not as Jillian states, "they're anti body."
Prostogladins are more than part of the "healing hormones" as they are also involved in regulating the contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the gut and the airways. As well as, regulating the female reproductive system - involved in the control of ovulation, the menstrual cycle and the induction of labor.
They are a group of lipids (IOWs not one entity) made at sites of tissue damage or infection that are involved in dealing with injury and illness. They control processes such as inflammation, blood flow, and the formation of blood clots. IOWs they're the little bastards that are responsible for the inflammation, pain and fever we experience as part of the healing process.
What is interesting to note, excess and chronic production of prostaglandins may contribute to several diseases by causing unwanted inflammation. This would explain the use of anti-inflammatories. So like Jillian's lack of understanding probiotics, she demonstrate her same lack of understanding in regards to prostaglandins. She over-generalizes. Like probiotics, they are not the panacea she thinks they are. Yes, they have a specific function in the body at specific levels; above and beyond that range they can become problematic.
Also, prostaglandins are not your immune system. Only prostaglandin E (PGE) has been shown to have a clear role in the regulation of cellular and humoral immune responses.
As I have noted before, Jillian's understanding of antibodies is just wrong. So wrong it will take a post, or five, to unpack. You, the reader, can add postaglandin(s) to that list.
What does acceptance of one's medical condition(s) have to do with social activism?
I find it ironic that you flap at the camera about how bad university is, but when you need alleged "substantiation" for a claim, you have no issue citing those same academics. You remind of a doom and gloom, end-times preacher preaching about the evils of the world and only JJ can save.
Not cultish at all,,, lol.
You do realise that prostaglagins are horemones?
So,,you are stating that ~ 7.8 billion people not doing JJ are imblanced? That the 20 people consuming your slop are the only ones safe from society?
* To make a 2.3% brine solutions:: 2.3 grams NaCl combine with 100 ml H2O (% w/v = g of solute/100 mL of solution). A 2.3% brine is suggested for softer veggies like cabbage; 2.5% for something like carrots.
** The chemical reaction of lactic acid fermentation. Notice the by-product of CO2. That is what gives the ferment the fizzies. No fizzies no ferment.
Recently I suffered a third stroke, and while over-all I feel good, physically not so much. Regretfully my partial paralysis is making life difficult - hence why no posts for 4-5 weeks. I can no longer type comfortably nor at a speed that coincides with my brain. Utilizing the mouse is damn near impossible.
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